Thursday, May 25, 2023

More Third Level Chambers (Enter the Brain Slayers!)...

Secret Stairs Down (#23/31; #143/365)

"The tunnel ends in an elaborately carved panel of sandstone, depicting a series of hieroglyphs and the image of a robe man with hands outstretched. There appears to be no further way forward."

Contents: The panel is actually a secret door; the image is of T'Lobye, the Djaratian god of doors and portals. If translated, the hieroglyphs read "Greet T'Lobye, Master of Portals, and enter". One must touch each of T'Lobye's carved hands with their own hands, both at the same time, and there will be a faint click. The panel can be slowly pushed backwards, revealing a cramped, circular flight of stairs winding down to level four of the Found Tombs of Arvakaten.

Perimeter Traps (#24/31; #144/365)

"The tunnel enters a large cave with another exit on the far side. The entire cave is covered in piles of ochre-coloured sand, apart from a narrow trail that runs from one side of the cave to the other, connecting the tunnels. Here and there a bone or two protrude from the sand."

Contents: This chamber is a perimeter trap on the edge of Brain Slayer territory. Anyone who is not a Brain Slayer or Flayer (or who appears to be a Brain Slayer or Flayer, or who is in the company of such creatures), will be attacked by four Sand Snappers once they are halfway across the cavern. The Sand Snappers will concentrate their attacks on those attempting to enter Brain Slayer territory, and will subsume under the sand if the intruders retreat back the way they have come.

 If the Sand Snappers are slain and the sand is searched, Heroes will find the remains of previous victims, and among them, 8 Emerald Chips (worth 8GP), 12 GP in Carsepolitan coinage, a set of useable iron Banded Armour, and a clay gourd of slightly rancid Shroomshine Grog.


4 SAND SNAPPERS: SKILL 7 STAMINA 7 per tentacle (of which there are 2 per Sand Snapper), 2 Attacks, Tentacles (as per Small Claw), Heavy Armour, -1 to Damage Roll. If both tentacles win an Attack Round against a single opponent they will be dragged into the creature's mouth and bitter for 4 STAMINA points of damage and the loss of 1 SKILL point.

Rubbish Disposal Room (#25/31; #145/365)

"This is a large cave whose floor forms a natural pit full of ochre-coloured sand. Poking up from the sand are various bits and pieces of junk: old wicker furniture, broken statuary, rotting leather straps, the odd bone or skull."

Contents: This room serves as a refuse tip, into which the Brain Slayers and Flayers toss all their trash and rubbish. Lurking beneath the surface of the sand are three voracious Sand Squids that attack anyone entering the pit.

Searching the rubbish of the pit yields the following: 8GP in Carsepolitan coinage, 4GP of Emerald chips, a bone stiletto, an empty brass pot, a leather pouch with 3 pieces of chalk, and a Bronze Key.


3 SAND SQUIDS: SKILL 8 STAMINA 9, 4 Attacks, Tentacles (as per Large Claw) and Large Bite. Anyone fighting the Sand Squids in the pit must reduce their Attack Strength by 2.

Decontamination Chamber (#26/31; #146/365)

"This chamber has another exit on the far side, and a path leads across the floor to it, between two piles of orange-ochre sand. In the middle of the path is a free-standing bronze portal covered in weird squiggly writing; to get to the other side of the chamber one must walk through the portal."

Contents: This room serves as a decontamination chamber for Brain Slayers venturing back home after a sojourn up here near the surface (the writing on the portal reads: "No entry without cleaner"). The correct sequence of events is to reach into the sand, withdraw a SALTSUCKER (a weird seven-tentacled octopus-like creature), place it upon your head/body, where it will begin grazing on salt and debris present upon your skin, walk through the portal with the Saltsucker attached to you, then remove the Saltsucker and place it back in the sand piles.

Anyone attempting to enter the portal without a Saltsucker will be shocked for 1 STAMINA point of damage (2 if they are wearing metal armour),and hurled 1-6 meters backwards, away from the portal.

Anyone who attempts to go around the portal by wading through one of the sand pits on either side will immediately be attacked by all 6 Saltsuckers present in that pit.



Monday, May 22, 2023

Crossroads Cavern

Crossroads Cavern (#22/31; #142/365)

"The tunnel you have been following opens up into a small roughly squarish cavern with a new tunnel opening in each of the other three walls. Dust and rubble are piled up against the walls, but trails, trod with footprints, criss-cross from one tunnel to the next."

Contents: Most of the footprints are from Skorn, N'yadach, and (rarely) Night Stalkers. One entrance has several bloodstains, leading to the Night Stalkers ambush, the other two to the Skorn and N'yadach lairs are well trod, and the last appears to be worked with stone and inscribed with Djaratian and Vatosian scripts that read "Arvakaten". 

There is nothing in the rubble, but if the Heroes spend time searching it then there is double the regular chance of wandering monsters appearing from one of the entrances.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Demon Portal Room

Demon Portal Room (#21/31; #141/365)

"This is a small cave with a damp sandy floor. There are no other exits, but on the flattish far wall, is a peculiar growth of purplish mould that forms an almost perfect circle. At the base of the wall, on either side of the circle, grow several giant pale violet mushrooms, each about knee-high."

Contents: The circle marks a portal to the Plane of Rust, in the Demonic Pit, through which Demons enter these caverns to collect fungi from the Fungus Gardens. Both the mould and the mushrooms are invasive fungi from the Pit, that have gradually seeped through when the Portal has been open. The mould is harmless (unless eaten; anyone who does loses 1 STAMINA point from retching and coughing), but the mushrooms are LAVENDER DREAM-SHROOMS and will attack any non-Demon that gets too close to them or the portal.

The portal is currently inactive and only operable from the Plane of Rust (unless a Hero has access to the Hellportal Spell). It is scheduled to open soon, to admit a First Incursion Party to collect fungi; they do not know the previous Demonic overseer has been slain by the Skorn.

If the first incursion are all slain, or one of them escapes back through the portal to the Plane of Rust, one day later, the Second Incursion Party will arrive to 'deal with things'. If this party are all slain, or one escapes back through the portal, then the portal will be closed, and these fungus gardens abandoned by the Demons as 'too difficult'.

Anyone venturing through the portal while it is activated will arrive at the Forbidden Garden of Thay, on the Plane of Rust, near the Carnelian Desert.


4 LAVENDER DREAM-SHROOMS: SKILL 6, STAMINA 5, 3 Attacks, Tendrils (as Small Claw), Light Armour, exudes hypnotic spores (as per the Befuddle spell on one victim per Attack Round)

First Demonic Incursion party:

5 BLADE DEMONS, SKILL 5, STAMINA 6, Arm Blade (as Sword)

Blade Demons are five feet tall with cruel, horned, dog-like features, spindly limbs, and arms that end in wicked curved blades of bone. In this incursion they have wicker baskets strapped to their backs and their job is to harvest fungi as directed by the CLONE gardeners.

1 CURSED WARRIOR, SKILL 6, STAMINA 8, Sword, Leather Hauberk

 A Cursed Warrior appears as a skeletal warrior missing its lower jaw and covered with a strange green glow. The soul of an evil warrior serving its time in the Pit, by being placed in charge of unruly lesser demons.

(The BLADE DEMON and the CURSED WARRIOR are taken from Jonathan Hicks' excellent AFF mini-adventure, The Taskmaster's Tower)

Second Demonic Incursion party:

4 SMOKE DEMONS, SKILL 9, STAMINA 12, 2 Attacks, Small Claw. Anyone fighting a Smoke Demon must deduct 1 from their SKILL due to the stench-laden haze that surrounds these creatures.

1 FIRE DEMON, SKILL 10, STAMINA 10, 3 Attacks, Fire Sword, Fire Whip, Fire Breath, Light Armour, +2 to Damage Roll.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Domain of the Skorn

Skorn Guard Post (#14/31; #134/365)

"This small circular cave contains a rock table and several boulders, sitting on which are three short humanoids, similar to Dwarfs in size, but completely hairless, with pale, Orc-like tusked faces and muscular bodies. They wear sandals and loincloths of leather, and are armed with war-picks and shields. A lantern burns brightly in the middle of the table. The creatures rise at your approach, yelling at you in a language that sounds like Dwarfish."

Contents: The creatures are Skorn; subterranean humanoids kept as captives by the N'yadach before freeing themselves centuries ago with Dwarven help. This particular colony have been sent up from the great below to mine a particularly promising deposit of emerald gemstones. The Skorn Guards speak Dwarfish, and will swap any gems the Heroes have in exchange for safe-passage or information on these tunnels and helpful mushrooms and fungi that can be harvested.

If the Heroes are aggressive, one of the Skorn will sound a war-gong, summoning 2-7 Skorn from lair described below.


3 SKORN guards, SKILL 5, STAMINA 5, War Pick, Small Shield

Each guard has 1-6 GP (in the form of emerald chips; 1 emerald chip = 1 GP), and a sharpened bone stiletto tucked into their belt, and one has a war-gong as an alarm.

Skorn follow Kyrile, the Goddess of Gems and Jewels. Each Skorn wears a type of magical crystal around their neck, as a Holy Symbol of their faith for Kyrile. Roll a die on the following table to determine the type:

1. Glowstone

2. Sun Jewel

3-4. Regeneration Crystal

5. Jewel of Light

6. Energy Crystal 

The lantern on the table is a normal item of its type and of good manufacture.

Skorn Lair (#15/31; #135/365)

"This large cavern is a living quarters of some sort, and has a strange, sweet rich earthy odour that is not entirely unpleasant. Half of the room is given over to numerous spongy pallets made from weird white moss, the other half has a rectangular table on which sits a burning lantern, and a couple of benches, all made from boulders."

Roll a die. On a 1-2:

"Sleeping on the moss beds are a bunch of pale-skinned Skorn, snoring their heads off and dead to the world. Their weapons and armour are dumped on the floor next to each pallet."

On a 3-6:

"Seated at the table are a bunch of pale-skinned Skorn, drinking from clay mugs and playing a game of bone dice, with green crystal chips. They look up sharp-eyed at your approach."

Contents: These Skorn are all miners or guards, using their down time to either sleep off a grog-inspired hangover, or gamble on a game of Orc-Eye (see the Tenth Anniversary Yearbook, pp. 111-112). (The Heroes should hopefully be pretty good at this game by now!)

If the Heroes are being escorted to see the Skorn King (see below), they will be jeered on the way there, and invited to play a game of Orc-Eye on the way back. The stake is 1GP (emerald chip or equivalent gemstones) per game.

If the Heroes are obviously hostile intruders, the Skorn will attack, but more polite Heroes, may be able to bargain for passage with a hefty bribe or a game of Orc-Eye or two.

If the Skorn are sleeping, the Heroes may attempt to sneak through the chamber, but attempting to murder the Skorn in their sleep will wake at least one of them up, who will raise the alarm.


2-12 SKORN: SKILL 5, STAMINA 5, War Pick, Small Shield

Each Skorn has 1-6 GP (in the form of emerald chips; 1 emerald chip = 1 GP), and a sharpened bone stiletto tucked into their belt.

Skorn follow Kyrile, the Goddess of Gems and Jewels. Each Skorn wears a type of magical crystal around their neck, as a Holy Symbol of their faith for Kyrile. Roll a die on the following table to determine the type:

1. Glowstone

2. Sun Jewel

3-4. Regeneration Crystal

5. Jewel of Light

6. Energy Crystal

On the table are a lantern, a pile of 19GP in the form of emerald chips, a pair of bone dice, and a clay gourd of Shroomshrine Grog, with 11 clay mugs. Shroomshine Grog is a sickly-sweet syrupy green liquor made from fermented underground fungi. It is potent to surface-dwellers; anyone drinking a shot must reduce their SKILL by 1 but can add 1 to their STAMINA. Skorn traded the recipe from Troglodytes and are largely immune to the stuff; to them it is naught but a pleasant apperitif.

The moss-bed pallets are empty apart from small keepsakes (the tooth of a Mud Dragon, a strange-shaped mushroom, etc.).

Skorn Throneroom (#16/31; #136/365)

"This large cavern is lit by guttering torches, illuminating a rocky dais upon which stands a throne carved from a single giant mushroom. Lounging on the throne is an armoured Skorn warrior with a gleaming golden crown upon his head. Alongside the the throne are several Skorn warriors, and other weird humanoid warriors with pale blue skin and blank eyes, armed with spears. The Skorn king, whose feet rest on a wooden locker, points his battle-axe at you and motions for you to abase yourself at his feet; the warriors around him edge forwards pointing spears and war-picks in your direction. 'Bow to the might of King K'Qar' he intones, in heavily accented Allansian."

Contents: This is throneroom of K'Qar Thungus, 'king' of this delegation of Skorn sent upwards to mine an emerald deposit. Unfortunately, in the same area was a fungus farm tended to and guarded by CLONES, who were in turn controlled by a Fire Demon wearing a golden Nether Crown as punishment.

K'Qar single-handedly slew the Fire Demon in combat, but made the mistake of placing the crown upon his head and become lord of these fungus farms and the new controller of all the Clones. Despite this, he quite enjoys the added responsibility, and has now styled himself king of these caverns. The Skorn are on edge however, as they expect a Demon incursion soon to collect the latest fungal harvest.

K'Qar expects respect from the Heroes and will order his minions to attack if they are rude or aggressive. He is amenable to trading any gems and jewels the Heroes have in exchange for information or useful fungi. If the Heroes look particularly mighty K'Qar will pay them emeralds to destroy the rival band of N'yadach nearby, or help defend against a Demon invasion when it happens.

The treasure-locker is for the whole Skorn operation. It is locked and trapped; K'Qar's key opens the chest but does not disarm the trap, which is a Fear Fungi trap (see Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, p. 36). Inside the chest is:
  • a sack of 36 cut and polished Emeralds (each worth 2-12GP)
  • Emerald chips worth another 77GP
  • 2 Regeneration Crystals
  • a golden torc of Djaratian manufacture (worth 20GP) featuring a lion's head
  • a bronze Lucky Charm
  • a Magical Sack in the form of a worn burlap bag


K'Qar Thungus, SKORN KING: SKILL 10, STAMINA 14, Battleaxe, Dwarven Chainmail Hauberk.

As well as the golden Nether Crown (see Demons of Doom, p. 54) around his head, K'Qar has 4-24GP in emerald chips, a key for the Skorn treasure-locker, nose-plugs, and an Earth Demon Potion (SKILL roll to control it when summoned). Around his neck is a Regeneration Crystal.

2 SKORN bodyguards: SKILL 7, STAMINA 7, War Pick, Small Shield

Each Skorn has 2-12 GP (in the form of emerald chips; 1 emerald chip = 1 GP), and a sharpened bone stiletto tucked into their belt.

Skorn follow Kyrile, the Goddess of Gems and Jewels. Each Skorn wears a type of magical crystal around their neck, as a Holy Symbol of their faith for Kyrile. Roll a die on the following table to determine the type:

1. Glowstone

2. Sun Jewel

3-4. Regeneration Crystal

5. Jewel of Light

6. Energy Crystal 

4 CLONE WARRIORS: SKILL 6, STAMIMA 5, Spear, Light Armour (leather scraps)

Fungus Farm (#17/31; #137/365)

"This damp cavern has a wet, slippery floor and is full of several crops of fungi, being tended to by a small army of pale blue-skinned humanoids with blank eyes. Watching over them are similar creatures, though armed with spears and wearing leather armour, who advance towards you purposefully."

Contents: This is the original fungus farm, as ruled by a now extinct Fire Demon and taken over by the Skorn to produce food and medicine. There are several main crops, being:

  • Yellow Coral-Plumes: 2-12 of these bracket-like fungi - each one restores 1-2 STAMINA points when eaten.
  • Green-Topped Fungi: 3-18 of these giant mushrooms - each one is worth 1 Provision, restoring 4 STAMINA points when eaten.
  • Green Mushrooms: 2-12 of these. Eating one restores 1-6 STAMINA points in healing.


8 CLONE WARRIORS: SKILL 6, STAMINA 5, Spear, Light Armour (leather scraps)

16 CLONE WORKERS: SKILL 0, STAMINA 2, will not attack

Skorn Shrine (#18/31; #138/365)

"This low cavern is a shrine of some sort. Natural rock pillars flank a walkway towards an altar upon which sits a stone idol of a goddess with an enormous blue crystal embedded in its forehead. A lone Skorn is here, sitting in the lotus position while meditating on a white fuzzy moss mat in front of the idol."

Contents: This is a shrine to Kyrile the Gem Goddess, a daughter-aspect of Throff the Earth Goddess, and heavily worshipped by the jewel-seeking Skorn (a variation of her is also worshipped by the surface-dwelling Cult of Light Worshippers).

The priestess is G'Sadua, who is widely reverred by the Skorn in this colony. She is peaceful and prefers negotiating to combat. She will offer blessings in exchange for any strange or unusual gems or jewels that the Heroes may have acquired on their travels through the Found Tombs of Arvakaten.

The blue crystal is actually an Ice Jewel (see Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, p. 100). If anyone actually jemmies it out of the idol, they will be cursed and any gems they possess will instantly turn into lumps of coal.


G'Sadua, SKORN Priestess of Kyrile: SKILL 8, STAMINA 13, Devotion 9, Bone Stiletto.

In her possession is a Potion of Healing, a Scroll of Earth Elemental-Summoning, and a Holy Symbol of Kyrile in the form of a Sun Jewel. She also has 2-12GP in emerald chips.

The Mines (#19/31; #139/365)

"This is a warren of tunnels extending out in all directions, lit by flickering lanterns and alive to the sound of picks striking stone in search of gems and jewels to wrest from the bones of the earth. You see Skorn miners everywhere, digging, sorting and emptying buckets of earth and stone."

Contents: These are the mines of the Skorn, where they tunnel through the rock in search of emeralds. Most will be hard at work digging, but one miner may have found a discovery. On a 1-5 it is a deposit of emeralds worth 1-60GP in its natural stare, but on a 6 it is a glowing green Regeneration Crystal.

The Skorn will fight to the death to defend these mines from hostile intruders.


4-24 SKORN miners: SKILL 5, STAMINA 5, War Pick

Each Skorn has 1-6 GP (in the form of emerald chips; 1 emerald chip = 1 GP), and a bone stiletto tucked into their leather belt.

Skorn follow Kyrile, the Goddess of Gems and Jewels. Each Skorn wears a type of magical crystal around their neck, as a Holy Symbol of their faith for Kyrile. Roll a die on the following table to determine the type:

1. Glowstone

2. Sun Jewel

3-4. Regeneration Crystal

5. Jewel of Light

6. Energy Crystal

The River (#20/31; #140/365)

"And so you come to the river. The river is simply here: a turgid body of black water that slow slides through the cavern, across a bed of gravel and rocks, while on both sides fungus grows in abundance. A natural rock bridge crosses the river in the centre of the cavern, lit by a lone lantern mounted on a wooden pole."

Contents: The river forms a border of disputed territory between the Skorn and N'yadach encampments in this area of the caverns. Roll on the table below to determine who is in this area at any given time. To determine what kinds of fungus are present, use the below tables:

First roll for appearance:

1. Giant Mushroom

2. Giant Puffball

3. Giant Coral Fungus

4. Giant Shelf Fungus

5. Giant Toadstool

6. Special. Roll on the Random Fungi Table below. 

Then roll for colour:

1. Blue

2. Orange

3. Green

4. Purple

5. Red

6. Yellow

Then roll for effect:

1-2. Edible: restore 1-3 STAMINA points

3-4. Poisonous: deduct 1-3 STAMINA points

5-6. No effect!

Random Fungi Table. For special types, roll on this table. All page numbers are taken from The Titan Herbal.

2. Elfbane (p. 31)

3. Giant Puffball (p. 54)

4. Green-Topped Fungus (p. 38)

5. Purple-Topped Fungus (p. 55)

6. Mix-Up Mushroom (p. 49)

7. Yellow Mould (p. 73)

8. Purple Globe Fungus (p. 54)

9. Red-Topped Fungus (p. 56)

10. Green Mushroom (p. 37)

11. Growth Mushroom (p. 38)

12. Green Cap (p. 37)

The river-water is drinkable, though tastes strongly of weird minerals. The lantern is a normal item of its type and of good manufacture.


Who Came to the River? (roll 1d6)

1-2: 2-7 SKORN guards, SKILL 5, STAMINA 5, War Pick, Small Shield

Each guard has 1-6 GP (in the form of emerald chips; 1 emerald chip = 1 GP), and a sharpened bone stiletto tucked into their belt.

Skorn follow Kyrile, the Goddess of Gems and Jewels. Each Skorn wears a type of magical crystal around their neck, as a Holy Symbol of their faith for Kyrile. Roll a die on the following table to determine the type:

1. Glowstone

2. Sun Jewel

3-4. Regeneration Crystal

5. Jewel of Light

6. Energy Crystal

3-4: 1-6 N'YADACH scavengers: SKILL 6, STAMINA 8, Club, Medium Armour (iron bands and scraps)

Each scavenger has 1-6GP and a roasted lizard on a stick. The roasted lizards will restore 2 STAMINA points if eaten.

5: 2-7 CLONE WARRIORS on patrol: SKILL 6, STAMIMA 5, Spear, Light Armour (leather scraps)

6: A TENTACLED THING: SKILL 8, STAMINA 10, 3 Attacks, Tentacles (as per Large Claw plus Grapple attack), Medium Armour. Lurks in the river and attacks anyone who attempts to cross the bridge.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Den of the N'yadachs!

Guardpost (#10/31; #130/365)

"This dusty cavern is full of rocks, rubble and smoke. Two grey-furred bestial humanoids who were grilling lizards over a fire, jump up at your approach, reaching for spiked clubs at their sides. 'Whaddya want?' they snarl, their banded iron armour glinting in the firelight."

Contents: These two N'yadachs guard the approach to the main N'yadach den. If attacked and out-numbered, one will howl like a wolf, summoning 2-7 further warriors from the den described below.

They are both voraciously hungry and can be bribed with provisions.


2 N'YADACH guards: SKILL 6, STAMINA 8, Club, Medium Armour (iron bands and scraps)

Both have 1-6GP each and one has a battered tin mug. The roasted lizards will restore 2 STAMINA points if eaten.

N'yadach Den (#11/31; #131/365)

"This large cavern is a living quarters of some sort, and reeks with the musty stench of large hairy animals. Half of the room is given over to numerous pallets and bundles of dried straw, the other half has several small boulders arranged in a circle around a pile of bones."

Roll a die. On a 1-2:

"Sleeping on the straw pallets are a number of grey-furred bestial humanoids, snoring their heads off through fanged mouths. Their weapons and armour, mainly clubs and banded iron armour, are dumped on the floor next to each pallet."

On a 3-6:

"Seated on the boulders are a number of grey-furred bestial humanoids, clad in iron armour, gnawing on various bones with their fanged mouths. They look up hungrily at your approach."

Contents: This is the main den of a band of N'yadach that have come from further below in the underworld, foraging for food and acting as guards for their leaders, Gor-Thak the Smith and Khosh-Gaduja the Priest.

They are very hungry and will attack immediately unless the Heroes are willing to part with a lot of Provisions, 1 for each warrior, to appease them.


2-12 N'YADACH warriors: SKILL 6, STAMINA 8, Club, Medium Armour (iron bands and scraps). 

All have 1-6GP each. 

Smithy (#12/31; #132/365)

"This smokey chamber contains a red-hot iron-smelting forge, where several grey-furred humanoids are hard at work making what looks like some kind of armour. Smoke from the forge wafts up through a hole in the ceiling and the atmosphere is hot and oppressive. Upon you entrance, the biggest creature turns to face you, and you notice a battleaxe strapped to his belt. 'Oh, 'allo! You here to buy some armour?' he says."

Contents: This is the forge of Gor-Thak the Smith, a N'yadach craftsman famed for the banded iron armour that he makes from iron ore traded up from below in the underworld. Banded Armour has the same armour track as Medium monster armour and sells for 50GP per suit. Gor-Thak currently has 3 sets of Banded Armour available for sale.

Gor-Thak is happy to sell armour to the Heroes if they want to purchase it. He is also keen on purchasing any food if they have some. If attacked, Gor-Thak and his two apprentices will defend themselves, as well as howling like wolves to summon 2-7 more reinforcements from the main den.


Gor-Thak, N'YADACH smith: SKILL 10, STAMINA 12, Battleaxe, Medium Armour (iron bands and scraps).

Gor-Thak has 4-24GP in a pouch on his belt. He also has an exquisitely worked silver dagger with an amethyst in the pommel worth 50GP total, and 3 Runestones, which he will use if attacked.

2 N'YADACH apprentices: SKILL 6, STAMINA 8, Club, Medium Armour (iron bands and scraps).

Both have 1-6GP each. 

Shrine to Trabaten (#13/31; #133/365)

"This dank chamber is cloaked in smokey incense fumes of strange odors. It seems to be a temple of some kind, for gore-encrusted pillars line the walls, and at the far end, a robed figured is offering a stone cup of blood to a wolf-headed statue, in front of which is the horrifically-skinned corpse of some other humanoid creature."

Contents: This is the N'yadach shrine to Trabaten the god of torture, depicted as a wolf-headed stone statue in this case, and the recent unfortunate sacrifice is the body of a Skorn, captured in the Fungus Gardens.

The priest is Khosh-Gaduja, who struggles for control of this group of N'yadach against Gor-Thak the Smith. The creatures have been driven up from the underworld and are nearing starvation; the smith prefers to craft armour and trade his way out of trouble; Khosh-Gaduja believes in bloody conquest and sacrifices to Trabaten as the preferred course of action.

Unless propitiated with appropriate gifts (lots of food, a Skorn captive, etc.) Khosh-Gaduja will attack immediately, summoning her acolytes from several side-chambers to aid her in battling the desecrators of Trabaten's shrine.


Khosh-Gaduja, N'YADACH Priest of Trabaten: SKILL 9, STAMINA 14, Devotion 10, Dagger.

Khosh's dagger is covered in poison and does 4 STAMINA points of damage per hit. In her possession is a Potion of STAMINA, a Scroll of Agonizing Doom, magical Prayer Beads, and a Holy Symbol of Trabaten in the form of a golden dagger on a necklace worth 25GP. She also has 2-12GP.

4 N'YADACH Acolytes of Trabaten: SKILL 7, STAMINA 8, Club, Medium Armour (iron bands and scraps).

Each acolyte has 1-6GP.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Fungus Among Us

Fungus Cavern (#9/31; #129/365)

"This large, damp cavern is full of fungi of all different shapes, sizes and colours. You get the sense things are lurking out there among the fungus, just beyond your range of vision."

Contents: This cave is full of a profusion of naturally growing fungi, many of which are collected, harvested, or eaten by the various inhabitants of this third level of the Found Tombs.

To randomly determine a type of fungus, first roll for appearance:

1. Giant Mushroom

2. Giant Puffball

3. Giant Coral Fungus

4. Giant Shelf Fungus

5. Giant Toadstool

6. Special. Roll on the Random Fungi Table below. 

Then roll for colour:

1. Blue

2. Orange

3. Green

4. Purple

5. Red

6. Yellow

Then roll for effect:

1-2. Edible: restore 1-3 STAMINA points

3-4. Poisonous: deduct 1-3 STAMINA points

5-6. No effect!

Random Fungi Table. For special types, roll on this table. All page numbers are taken from The Titan Herbal.

2. Elfbane (p. 31)

3. Giant Puffball (p. 54)

4. Green-Topped Fungus (p. 38)

5. Purple-Topped Fungus (p. 55)

6. Mix-Up Mushroom (p. 49)

7. Yellow Mould (p. 73)

8. Purple Globe Fungus (p. 54)

9. Red-Topped Fungus (p. 56)

10. Green Mushroom (p. 37)

11. Growth Mushroom (p. 38)

12. Green Cap (p. 37)


Also lurking in the Fungus Cavern will be a group of random creatures conducting variable business here:

Random Fungi Adjacent Creatures Table. 

1. NIGHT STALKERS: 1-3 of these hideous creatures, seeking extra fungi garnishing for a recently killed victim they are about to feast upon. No other weapons beyond their razor sharp claws.

2. SKORN: 2-12 underground miner/gardeners harvesting edible mushrooms to bring back to their underground settlement. Friendly and will trade gems for fungi. Armed with picks and bone stilettos.

3. DECAYERS: 1-6 of these foul undead lurk among the fungus gardens, spreading their diseased spores to any potential victims.

4. FUNGOIDS: 2-12 of these miniature fungi-people hide among the other fungus, seeking victims to spray with spore clouds and then consume.

5. N'YADACH: 2-7 of these bestial humanoids are looking for something to eat. Armed with clubs and wearing scraps of banded iron armour.

6. BRAIN SLAYER: 1 of these horrific creatures has ventured up here and is currently tripping hard, high on psilocybins. Will be convinced the Heroes are a hallucinogenic vision and try to ignore them, muttering "Got to return to the Portal soon!"

Use the Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1 to determine possessions beyond basic weapons and armour.

Monday, May 8, 2023

A Faint Light in the Darkness...

Night Stalker Ambush! (#8/31; #128/365)

"Far, far away, at the end of what looks like a long tunnel, you seem to glimpse a faint light, like a distant lantern. It does not appear to be moving."

Contents: This is an ambush set by a pack of Night Stalkers, that live down here in the dark, feeding on whatever they can catch with their razor-sharp claws. As soon as the Heroes arrive at the end of the unnel in a small circular cave, they will see the lantern sitting on top of a small boulder. The Night Stalkers will then attack, lusting after fresh meat to devour!

The lantern is magical (see below); all Heroes must reduce their Attack Strength by 2 for this battle.


3 NIGHT STALKERS, SKILL 11, STAMINA 8, 2 Attacks, Large Claws

Each Night Stalker has 2-12GP in loose change, and various bits and pieces of bones and teeth secreted about their person in pouches and pockets. One also has a Gretch claw gilded with gold (10GP), one has a large polished chunk of Obsidian (20GP), and one has a Pearl Ear-ring (10GP)

The lantern is an actual Night Stalker Lantern enchanted item (see Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, p. 127).

Sunday, May 7, 2023

More Chambers from Level 3 of the Found Tombs

TRAPPED IDOL (#5/31; #125/365)

"This is a large natural cave, with a pebble floor and a ceiling covered in stalactites. In the center of the chamber is a large rock, upon which rests a crude golden idol of a dog-headed man."

Contents: The ceiling is actually covered in 18 MIMIC STALACTITES, that, if awoken by the noise of people crossing the pebble floor, will rain down on anyone below. Roll three dice to determine how many Mimic Stalactites hit their targets, and split the hits equally among whoever was walking across the pebbles. Each hit causes 2 STAMINA points of damage.

The idol, which is Amweh, the Djaratian equivalent of Slangg, God of Malice, is actually just made from wood and painted gold, and thus worthless.

Careful Heroes will notice several skeletons scattered across the floor, victims of the Mimic Stalactites. Searching these yields 3-18 Gold Pieces.


18 MIMIC STALACTITES, SKILL 1, STAMINA 3, Small Claw, Light Armour

THE MOON POOL (#6/31; #126/365)

"The floor of this damp, muddy chamber slopes downwards and ends in a large pool of opaque milky liquid. It could be your imagination, but there seem to be some ripples in the liquid from time to time."

Contents: The pool is just muddy water, but it is also the home of a Lurking Horror which will attack anyone standing right at the edge of the pool, lashing our with its tentacles and attempting to drag them into the water.


LURKING HORROR, SKILL 9, STAMINA 10, 3 Attacks, Large Claw and Bite, Light Armour. Ten minutes after being slain, will regenerate into a worm-like tentacle and attack at SKILL 7, STAMINA 4. One hour after being slain, will be back to full strength, Can only be slain by being dragged from the pool and burned over a fire.

 At the bottom of the pool (around four metres deep) is a slime-covered stone casket containing 3 Moonstones (worth 25GP each), and a Sapphire (worth 50GP).

FALSE TOMBS (#7/31; #127/365)

"This square chamber contains three Djaratian ceremonial sarcophagi, each carved with hieroglyphs, and depicting a lord of some sort. A heap of grave goods lies moldering in a corner, covered in dust and cobwebs."

Contents: This is a false tomb; the grave goods are sticks of wicker furniture, empty pots and urns, and fraying sacks of containing sand and gravel. Anyone opening any of the three sarcophagi by sliding the lid off the top of the tomb, reveals its occupant, a MUMMY, that will clamber out and attack the looters. In each sarcophagi are two ancient Djaratian gold coins; these may be worth 10GP each to a collector.


3 MUMMIES, SKILL 9, STAMINA 12, Attacks: 2, Small Claw (see Out of the Pit, pp. 85-86). The Mummy is immune to all attacks, and will reanimate 20 minutes after being 'slain' and hunt its attackers down. It can only be permanently killed by fire or magical weapons or spells.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

A Magic Fountain!

The Fountain of Khunam (#4/31; #124/365)

"This dusty circular chamber has four exits spaced evenly around the walls. In the centre of the room is a fountain featuring an idol of a horned ram, from whose mouth spurts a spray of surprisingly crystal-clear water!"

Contents: This is a holy fountain of mineral spring water dedicated to Khunam, the ram-headed Djaratian god of wisdom. Anyone who drinks from the fountain must roll two dice to see what happens to them:

2. Blessed! Drinker gains 4 points in the Ancient Djaratian language.

3. Illiterate. Drinker loses enough points in their strongest language to render them illiterate.

4. Gifted. Drinker may increase any one chosen Language Special Skill by 1.

5. Forgetful. Drinker must reduce any one chosen Knowledge Special Skill by 1.

6-8. Refreshing! Drinker gains 1-3 STAMINA.

9. Learned. Drinker may increase any one chosen Knowledge Special Skill by 1.

10. Impaired. Drinker must reduce any one chosen Language Special Skill by 1.

11. Literate. Drinker gains 2 points in Secret Signs Knowledge Special Skill.

12. Cursed! Drinker completely loses the ability to comprehend their native language (i.e. If they had a Special Skill value of 4 in, say, Allansian, now it is zero).

The effect only applies to the first time an individual drinks from the fountain; further drinks by that individual will have no effect, other than quenching their thirst.

Negative effects may be restored or cancelled by some sort of Remove Curse or a long pilgrimage with an appropriate offering to a distant shrine of Khunam.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

The Cavern of Yellow Mud

Cavern of Yellow Mud (#3/31; #123/365)

"This large chamber is wreathed in steam and the floor is covered in bubbling yellow mud to a depth unknown. Meandering across the mud from one exit to another are a series of stepping stones. Also, on the rocky 'beach' on which you find yourself are several old wooden poles that look like they may once have been stilts of some description."

Contents: The mud is quicksand, heated by geothermal vents - anyone attempting to wade across it will be sucked into its depths in 6-11 Attack Rounds, unless someone can throw them a rope to hold onto and pull them out of the mire. For every Attack Round someone spends in the mud, they must deduct 1-3 STAMINA points damage due to the heat.

There are 12 stepping stones across the mud, and every Attack Round 1-3 of them randomly sink into the mud, before reappearing the next round; anyone on a stepping stone when it sinks, will automatically start sinking too.

There are three pairs of stilts on the beach; anyone using them can wade across the mud safely. However, also in the mud are 2-7 MUD DRAGONS, which will rise out of the muck after 2-4 Attack Rounds and attack anyone on stilts or the stepping stones. Also, the stilts are very old, and will break on a roll of 1 on a 1d6, usually around halfway across the chamber.


2-7 MUD DRAGONS, SKILL 10, STAMINA 6, Large Bite, Light Armour (see Return to the Pit, p. 136)

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

A Cavern System Deep Underground

Cavern System (#2/31; #122/365)

"This is large systems of caves and tunnels reeking with the stench of animals and death; bones lie shattered across the stone floor and great claws and jaws have gouged furrows into the walls."

Contents: This is a series of twisting caverns and tunnels that burrow deep into the bowels of Titan. For every 10 minutes the Heroes spend exploring and mapping the tunnels of the cavern system, roll a die. On a roll of 6 they encounter some sort of cave creature(s); roll on the table below to determine exactly what. Whatever they encounter will attack with the element of surprise, unless the Heroes have been taking elaborate precautions.


1. 1-2 ROCK GRUBS, SKILL 7, STAMINA 11, 2 Attacks, Large Bite, Light Armour (see Out of the Pit, pp. 124-125)

2. 2-12 GRANNITS, SKILL 4, STAMINA 3, Small Bite, Medium Armour, -1 to Damage Roll (see Out of the Pit, p. 62)  

3. 1-2 CAVE VAMPIRES, SKILL 12, STAMINA 6, Large Bite (see Return to the Pit, p. 39)

4. 1-2 BURROW BEARS, SKILL 8, STAMINA 10, Large Claws, Light Armour (see Return to the Pit, p. 36)

5. 1-3 CAVE CRAWLERS, SKILL 8, STAMINA 7, Large Claws, Light Armour (see Return to the Pit, pp. 38-39)

6. 1-2 DEVOURERS, SKILL 10, STAMINA 8, 2 Attacks, Large Claws, Light Armour (see Beyond the Pit, p. 39)

Monday, May 1, 2023

Month #5: Level Three of the Found Tombs of Arvakaten

Four months down and we are still going! For May we return to the Found Tombs of Arvakaten to see what horrors are lurking on level three of the mega-dungeon crypt-complex.

The Found Tombs of Arvakaten, Level Three

Hall of Bronze Mirrors (#1/31; #121/365)

"The stairs descend into a large octagonal chamber, where your light source reveal four walls, each directly opposite another, have decaying wooden doors leading to parts unknown. The other four walls feature large sheets of polished bronze, curiously untarnished and offering crude reflections of yourselves as you descend the stairs."

Contents: Each bronze mirror is actual a portal containing a Mirror Demon, and all them will leap from the mirrors and attack once the Heroes descend into the room. The Mirror Demons will not wound the Heroes but attempt to drag them into a portal. Every time a Mirror Demon wins an Attack Round it will drag a Hero a little bit closer to a portal; it takes 4 Attack Rounds won by the Mirror Demon to completely capture a Hero in this way.

The portals lead to a ruined temple at an oasis overgrown with fungi on the Demonic Plane of Rust (see Rough Guide to the Pit, p. 15). This, and other locations from that Plane, will be described in a later month on this blog.

The Mirror Demons will not pursue anyone who leaves the room either by the door or the stairs.



Scattered around the room are several dismembered skeletons and 2-12 tarnished silver pieces.