Sunday, January 5, 2025

Dawn of the Golden Oak

GOLDEN OAK (#17/31, #17/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a huge many-branched tree with lobed golden-green leaves and nut-like fruit known as acorns

Distribution: Woods and forests across Titan.
Effects: Golden Oak trees grow only in the deepest of Elven glades and their leaves are considered holy by Wood Elves, and others, including Yorefolk. A Golden Oak Leaf can be used to make the magical brooch of the same name. This Golden Oak Leaf Brooch gains safe passage through Elf-controlled tracts of woodland, and is even recognised as a symbol of peace by the ghosts and spirits of long-deceased Elves that still remain upon Titan. It also grants the powers of the Oak-Leaf Amulet (see The Titan Herbal, p. 10).
Cost: City 75gp, Town 80gp, Village 85gp (per brooch)
Availability: Rare

Further Notes: The Golden Oak is related to the various other kinds of Oak tree (see The Titan Herbal, p. 51), as well as the truly weird (and dangerous!) Gnarled or Carnivorous Oak of Khul (see Beyond the Pit, pp. 59-60).

Saturday, January 4, 2025


Character Creation Challenge 2025

Well, yes, here we go again. :-)



THE HERCULOIDS (1967-69, 1981-82, Hanna-Barbera, Alex Toth)


“Somewhere out in space live the Herculoids!”


“Zok, the laser ray dragon; Igoo the giant rock ape; Tundro the tremendous; Gloop and Gleep, the formless, fearless wonders; with Zandor, their leader, and his wife Tara and son Dorno. They team up to defend their planet from sinister invaders. All strong, all brave, all heroes. They’re.. THE HERCULOIDS!”


ZANDOR (#5/31)

Human WARRIOR-KING, 36 years old, Male



Magic Points: 0 Social Class: 10

Talents: Inspiring Leader

Special Skills: Common Speech 4, Armour Training 2, Thrown 2, Animal Lore 2, Acrobatics 1, Assess Enemy 1, Awareness 1, Leadership 1, Navigation 1, Ride 1, Sneaking 1, Swim 1, Strength 1, Wilderness Lore 1

Equipment: Crown of Quasar (allows communication with all Herculoid creatures), Shield of Amzot (Armour Roll as Tower Shield, can be thrown as per Chakram), Sling and 2-12 Fire Capsules

Money: 2 GP, Provisions: 2


“I am Zandor. Who are you? What do you want here?”


TARA (#6/31)

Human WARRIOR-QUEEN, 35 years old, Female



Magic Points: 0 Social Class: 10

Talents: Natural Physician

Special Skills: Common Speech 4, Animal Lore 2, Ride 2, Thrown 2, Acrobatics 1, Awareness 1, Crafting 1, Etiquette 1, Healing 1, Herb Lore 1, Navigation 1, Running 1, Swim 1, Wilderness Lore 1

Equipment: Sling and 2-12 Fire Capsules

Money: 7 GP, Provisions: 2


“Zandor! The space pirates took Dorno!”


DORNO (#7/31)

Human WARRIOR-PRINCE, 13 years old, Male (Novice)



Magic Points: 0 Social Class: 9

Talents: Evasive

Special Skills: Common Speech 4, Thrown 2, Acrobatics 1, Animal Lore 1, Awareness 1, Dodge 1, Ride 1, Sneaking 1, Swim 1, Wilderness Lore 1

Equipment: Sling and 2-12 Fire Capsules

Money: 1 GP, Provisions: 2


“Being thirteen years old is real boring. Zandor has all the fun.”


Igoo (#8/31)



SKILL: 9 STAMINA: 13 Attacks: 2, Large Claw and Bite, Heavy Armour, +1 to Damage Roll. Bladed and pointed weapons do half damage. Can throw boulders (hit on 1-3 on one die, cause 2-7 STAMINA damage). Can cause Earthquake once per day (as per the spell). Immune to damage from elemental attacks, such as earth, fire, air and water.




Zok (#9/31)



SKILL: 10 STAMINA: 14 Attacks: 3, Large Claws and Bite, Medium Armour, +1 to Damage Roll. Can fly. Can breathe fire every 3rd Attack Round (victim must Test their Skill or lose 2 STAMINA points). Shoots laser beams from eyes and tail (as per Force Bolt spell). Can also shoot a Nega-Beam from their eyes that acts as a Counterspell on all energy-based attacks.




Tundro (#10/31)



SKILL: 7 STAMINA: 13 Attacks: 1, Very Large Horn, Heavy Armour, +2 to Damage Roll. Can shoot Fire Capsules from nose-horn, one per Attack Round. Can extend legs up to four times their length and can Jump as per the spell. Can dig a tunnel as per the Walk Through Walls spell, though the tunnel remains excavated.




Gloop (#11/31)



SKILL: 9 STAMINA: 8 Attacks: 2, Large Fist. Gloop can transform into any shape or form within reason, such as a shield or parachute with a diameter of up to 5 metres, or a length of rope up to 10 metres long. Gloop is immune to damage from fire and energy weapons.




Gleep (#12/31)



SKILL: 4 STAMINA: 5 Attacks: 1, Small Fist. Gleep has identical abilities to Gloop, though being smaller means all effects are half-sized.





You're out of your box!

PROSPECTOR (#16/31, #16/365) [POT]




WEAPON: Pick-axe

ARMOUR: See below


HABITAT: Wilderness, Hills, Mountains, Desert


TYPE: Humanoid

REACTION: Neutral-Unfriendly (in town or wilds)


Out in the wastelands there are places such as Sapphire City or Alasiyan; “anything goes” frontier-towns, full of rough miners and PROSPECTORS, who trade with Hill Barbarians, Desert Nomads, and various non-human races. Rogue gangs of miners and Prospectors sometimes strike out through the desert’s rockier wastes, looking for seams of gold and gemstone deposits. They have also been known to uncover ancient ruins from the earlier civilizations that once ruled these wastes. All Prospectors have a Pick-axe as a weapon, and may have some scraps of armour - roll on the table below to decide what:

Roll Armour Type

1-2 Leather Jack

3-4 None

5-6 Leather Cuirass

These Prospector gangs are small in number and not especially heavily armed, but they are fiercely protective of any finds they make and will attack immediately if they think they are about to be robbed. To determine the race and number of Prospectors roll on the table below. Scores for human Prospectors can be found above; for non-humans you can use these scores as well, or consult the relevant entry in Out of the Pit.

Roll Prospector Type (Number encountered) Other Notes

1 Goblin (4-24): Led by: Roll 1-3 Man-Orcs (1-3) 4-6 Ogres (1-2)

2 Black Elf  (3-18)

3-4 Human (2-12)

5 Dwarf (2-12)

6 Gold Rush! (10-60): Small fortified settlement of all races frantically stripping a newly discovered seam of gold.

To determine what the Prospectors have found (or not!), roll on the following table. Exact details as to whether the find is valuable, viable, or exhausted are left to the Director to determine as they see fit.

Roll Type of Find

1 Diamonds: Prospectors have found a small deposit of diamonds.

2 Ivory: Prospectors have found a monsters' graveyard full of ivory tusks, horns, teeth and claws.

3 None!: Prospectors are currently empy-handed and unhappy.

4 Gold: Prospectors have found a small seam of gold.

5 Sapphires: Prospectors have found a deposit of sapphires.

6 Ruins: Prospectors have found an ancient ruin or tomb they are looting.


Crab-Pincher (#15/31, #15/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item)

This is the mechanized claw of a crab, lobster, crayfish or other large crustacean, used for both immobilizing and crushing prey. It will do damage as per a Morning Star; and anyone hit must Test their Skill or be partially immobilized with ­-2 SKILL until they win an Attack Round and free themselves. It requires its own Crab-Pincher Special Skill to be learned in order to use this ability; anyone who does not have this skill must reduce their Attack Strength by one when using this weapon as an improvised club, but increase the Club damage they do by 1 STAMINA point. It also requires a fuel-source, which will power 2-12 uses, each use equivalent to one combat or an otherwise testing event. Some Gladiators are known to arm themselves with a left-handed Crab-Pincher if they have the Ambidextrous Talent, to reach out and immobilize their opponent before attacking it with whatever they wield in their chosen weapon hand.

Price 35 GP

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Malady of the Moss Maiden

MOSS MAIDEN (#13/31, #13/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a woman covered from top to toe with the lumpy, shaggy greys and greens of moss and lichen. On seeing a stranger she will hold her hands out in greeting and offer a crooked smile, revealing pointed teeth.

Distribution: Forests and Jungles across Titan.
Effects: A locket of Moss Maiden's hair is imbued with her powerful intrinsic magical abilities. Anyone wearing the locket around their neck can activate a one-use healing power which will restore all their scores back to their Initial level.
Cost: City 100gp, Town 150gp, Village 200gp (per locket)
Availability: Very Rare

Further Notes: The Moss Maiden is believed to be related to the Dryad (see p. XX) and the Wodewose (see p. XX).

MOSS MAIDEN (#14/31, #14/365) [OOTP IV]




WEAPON: Small Claw



HABITAT: Forests, Jungles


TYPE: Plant/Humanoid

REACTION: Friendly


The MOSS MAIDEN is a nature spirit that inhabits woodlands and other forested areas of Titan, and is thought to be related to similar entities such as the Dryads and the Wodewoses. She appears as a woman covered from top to toe with the lumpy, shaggy greys and greens of moss and lichen. On seeing a stranger she will hold her hands out in greeting and offer a crooked smile, revealing pointed teeth. However, despite this slightly sinister countenance, the Moss Maiden is actually a Goodly creature, happy to offer help and advice to those of a similarly heroic yet kind-hearted alignment. 

The Moss Maiden lives in a peculiar structure within the forest, resembling a huge spherical bird's nest, woven from twigs and moss, and found just off the beaten trail, among the trees. Here she will be working hard, and heroes that assist her have been known to receive gifts, including healing, wishes of teleportation and time-loops, or enchanted items such as crystal orbs and magical balls of yarn. However, such aid does not come cheap and the Moss Maiden will typically expect an equally valuable and useful gift in return.

While the Moss Maiden is not a physically powerful creature, woe betide the fool who slays her in combat. This sorry individual will suffer the Curse of Ageing; they will feel stiff and weak, ache in every joint, with limbs that don't seem to want to work. Their hands will become bony and twisted and their face will become ancient. The curse-sufferer must reduce their SKILL by -3, their STAMINA by -6, and have a -2 penalty to their Attack Strength in combat.

One of the famous Moss Maidens from myth and legend, was Lina of the Writhing Wood, in the ancient Flat Lands, who knew the Secret of a Secret. Legend has it, a mighty hero with the magical power of True Sight, whose name is sadly lost to time, met with Lina and reported quite a different spectacle. Apparently the inside of the Moss Maiden's nest is decorated with gold, jewels and fine tapestries; a palatial dwelling where the Moss Maiden, a beautiful green-skinned woman clad in silver robes, sits on a throne. The truth in this account has yet to be verified by any active adventurers however.

Bonus Post: SHAZZAN!


Character Creation Challenge 2025


Yes, it's happening again! Using Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2E to write up some fun characters from kids’ fantasy-adjacent cartoons of the 60s, 70s and 80s!




SHAZZAN! (1967-68, Hanna-Barbera, Alex Toth)

“Inside a cave off the coast of Maine, Chuck and Nancy find a mysterious chest containing the halves of a strange ring. When joined the ring forms the word Shazzan, and with this magical command, they are transported back to the fabled land of the Arabian Nights! Here they meet their genie, Shazzan. Shazzan presents them Kaboobie a magical flying camel and gives Chuck a magic belt and rope. Shazzan will serve them whenever they call, but he cannot return them home until they deliver the ring to its rightful owner. And thus begins their incredible journey!”


SHAZZAN (#1/31)

Genie, Age unknown, Male


SKILL: 12 STAMINA: 20 LUCK: 11 MAGIC: 12 Magic Points: 32


Shazzan is typical for a Genie in that he can only be wounded by magic weapons or spells. He usually appears as a giant in a black waistcoat, red pantaloons and much gold jewellery. Shazzan favours spell effects such as changing size, altering appearances and other transformation magic. He cannot grant wishes, and knows surprisingly little lore, relative to other Genies, but will faithfully serve the bearer(s) of the complete Ring of Shazzan. For Shazzan will appear only when both halves of the ring are pressed together and his named uttered. He will always help the ring-bearer(s) if they are in peril but will resist any attempt to use his powers for anything other than Good.


“You call this a storm, young masters?”


CHUCK (#2/31)

Human Student, 12 Years Old, Male (Novice)



Magic Points: 0 Social Class: 3

Talents: Evasive

Special Skills: Common Speech 4, Awareness 1, Animal Lore 1, Climb 1, Dodge 1, Jump 1, Navigation 1, Ride 1, Running 1, Sneaking 1, Swim 1, World Lore 1

Equipment: Half of the Ring of Shazzan ‘SHAZ’, Cloak of Invisibility (see Encyclopedia Arcana:Volume 1, p. 126), Rope of Climbing (2-12 uses; see Encyclopedia Arcana:Volume 1, p. 132)

Money: 2 GP Provisions: 2


“Yeah, looks like we need Shazzan!”


NANCY (#3/31)

Human Student, 12 Years Old, Female (Novice)



Magic Points: 0 Social Class: 3

Talents: Fleet-Footed

Special Skills: Common Speech 4, Acrobatics 1, Animal Lore 1, Awareness 1, Etiquette 1, Dodge 1, Healing 1, Ride 1, Running 1, Sneaking 1, Swim 1, World Lore 1

Equipment: Half of the Ring of Shazzan ‘ZAN’, Dust of Illusion (2-12 uses; effects as per Illusion spell)

Money: 8 GP Provisions: 2


“Gosh, Chuck. Kaboobie’s having an awful time with this wind!”


KABOOBIE (#4/31)

Winged CAMEL, SKILL 7 STAMINA 8, Hooves (as per Large Claw). Can fly. Has Average Intelligence and can understand all spoken instructions.


“Hraw! Hraw!”