Sunday, October 27, 2024

Keep Calm and May Your STAMINA Never Fail!

Calming Potion (#28/31, #302/365) [EA:V2] (Potion)

This is a bottle of blue liquid that is hurled or poured upon a potential combatant. If used against creatures that are Type: Monster or Animal (including Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, Insects, etc.), the potion will change their reaction of Hostile to Friendly, or cause them to retreat. If used on a carnivorous plant, the potion will make it quiescent and dormant. A Calming Potion can even be used on Animated Objects and Chest Creatures, causing them to become inert, but it doesn't work on Golems or Living Statues for some reason. Calming Potions are a common magical sundry among the islands of Pangaria where they are used by Technomancers, Vine Wranglers and Cloudkin Herders; in the markets there a Calming Potion only costs 2 Gold Pieces!

12gp per Potion

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Carry On Valsinore!

CARRION (#27/31, #301/365) [OOTP IV]




WEAPON: Large Claws and Bite



HABITAT: Mountains, Hills, Plains, Desert, Wilderness, Ruins, Forests, Volcanic Areas


TYPE: Undead



High up in the skies of Titan soar not just live birds but dead ones too, such as the undead taloned blasphemy that is the CARRION. In life it must have been something the size of Roc or a Giant Vulture, and has characteristics of both, but it is hard to be certain now the thing is somewhat decomposed - its flesh hanging in tatters from its bones, its jaundice-yellow eyes rolling in the orbits of its fleshless skull. Whatever it was in life, now that it is dead its hunger is insatiable. Giving a savage squawk the undead bird will launches itself at a victim on featherless wings of torn dead skin, that still amazingly allow it to fly in somewhat ragged fashion, and attack with its sharp claws and curved beak. 

The Carrion is not the cleanest of creatures, and anyone who is injured by one must roll a die; on a 6 they contract Red Plague (Test for Luck to avoid, see Advanced Fighting Fantasy, p. 54). They tend to haunt lonely places, preying on the occasional ibex or mountain sheep, but they have also known to be used as flying steeds by Hags and undead, such as Skeleton Kings, particularly in Bathoria and other cursed principalities of Mauristatia. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Carrion are also present in the Demonic Pit, soaring aloft on high noxious thermals over the sanguine waves of the Plane of Blood or the black basalt mountains of the Plane of Pain, looking for easy prey to torment and tear apart with their terrible talons.

"Help! I'm Being Attacked by a rogue Pinot Noir!"

GRAPES OF WRATH (#26/31, #300/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: These are a variety of grape vine whose small spherical fruits can vary in colour; roll on the following to determine what the type of grape is:

Roll Grape Type and Colour

1 Pinot Noir: Deep purple

2 Merlot: Dark blue

3 Cabernet Sauvignon: Dark red

4 Semillon: Golden

5 Riesling: Yellow-green

6 Chardonnay: Green

Distribution: Hills, plains and islands across Titan.
Effects: The Grapes of Wrath is an aggressive carnivorous plant (see above for combat scores). If slain, a bunch of grapes can usually be harvested from its still vines. These are Corrosive Grapes, and best kept safely in a leather pouch. 

When not attached to the vines of the Grapes of Wrath, Corrosive Grapes will be stable, requiring the application of force to activate their acidic properties. They can destroy one metal object they are applied to, such as weapons, armour, manacles, locks, gates, portcullises, and chests. If they are thrown at a creature made of metal, such as a Metal Sentinel, Iron Cyclops or Iron Golem, they will cause 2-12 STAMINA points of damage.

Care must be taken however, for the acidic goo will dissolve flesh as well as metal, which is why the grapes are kept in a pouch. If they are applied or thrown without protective measures, such as leather gloves, they cause 2 STAMINA points of damage to whoever is holding them, as the acid eats their bare skin.

If it is thrown at a more normal adversary, toll one die and consult the table below to see what happens.

Roll Effect of Corrosive Grapes

1-2 Destroys any one piece of metal armour the adversary may be carrying.

3-4 Destroys the adversary's weapon (if metal). They must fight unarmed.

5-6 Destroys both the armour and weapon, if applicable.

If the adversary does not have any metal weapons or armour, they take 2 STAMINA damage, but are allowed an Armour Roll if they have a wooden shield or leather armour. Note that the destructive effects also apply to magical weapons and armour made from metal, but their owner is allowed to Test for Luck to avoid the effects.

Corrosive Grapes are reputed to be harvested on the Pangarian island of Cirrus, in order for the Technomancers of that archipelago to use their acidic properties in magical and alchemical procedures. Vine Wranglers on Cirrus have also reported that Corrosive Grapes are excellent when deployed to control outbreaks of Ironhedge, keeping its invasive branch-growth well in check.

Cost: City 14gp, Town 16gp, Village 18gp (per bunch of Corrosive Grapes)
Availability: Uncommon
Further Notes: Grapes of Wrath are related to Catgrapes (see The Titan Herbal, p. 25) and Moongrapes (see p. XX).

Thursday, October 24, 2024

I'm a Vine Wrangler, baby!

VINE WRANGLER (#25/31, #299/365) [POT]




WEAPON: See below

ARMOUR: Leather Jack


HABITAT: Forests, Jungles


TYPE: Humanoid



Just as Titan has Hunters, Trappers and Beastmasters, to deal with its varied and dangerous wildlife, so too does it have VINE WRANGLERS to work with its carnivorous plants and fungi. These are rugged individuals, well used to working in densely forested terrain, with plenty of knowledge of herbs and plants. Vine Wranglers will be wearing a Leather Jack and are equipped with a rope and lantern, as well as a club and dagger. They will also have one main weapon; roll on the table below to determine what:

Roll Weapon

1 Pitchfork (as per Trident)

2 Scythe (as per Polearm)

3 Sickle

4 Net (and roll again, ignoring further rolls of 4)

5 Spear

6 Whip

Vine Wranglers also carry 2-4 items of other useful equipment; roll two dice and check the below table to discover what they have (and reroll all duplicates):

Roll Vine Wrangler Gear

2 Potion of Plant Control

3 Essence of Bark

4 a Pestle and Mortar

5 a Herbiary book

6 Gardening Trowel

7 Straw Hat

8 a rack of glass vials

9 a watering can

10 1-3 special Vines (Roll: 1-2 Gluevines, 3-4 Ghost Vines, 5-6 Leech Vines)

11 Calming Potion

12 Amulet of Plant Control

Vine Wranglers are known especially from Pangaria, where they are charged with taming the exotic flora of that magical archipelago. This is especially true of the garden isle of Cirrus, where one of the foremost proponents of this profession is the highly-reputed Silas. Other peoples also make excellent Vine Wranglers for various reasons, and include Wood Elves, Gnomes, Dryaden, Jungle Elves, Flayers and even Dark Elves. Indeed, for a time a Dark Elf Vine Wrangler found employment in the city of Arion as a gardener to Baron den Snau! They can also make an excellent addition to any party of Heroes for their various skills, and especially so if the Heroes are venturing into trackless jungles and misty forests!

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Corrosive Grapes of Conformity

Corrosive Grapes (#24/31, #298/365) [EA:V2] (Curiosity)*

This is an unexploded bunch of acidic grapes taken from the carnivorous plant known as the Grapes of Wrath (see The Titan Herbal Addendum, p. XX). They are carefully kept in a leather pouch, and are small spherical fruits that can vary in colour; roll on the following table to determine what the type the bunch of grapes are:

Roll Bunch of Grapes Type and Colour

1 Pinot Noir: Deep purple

2 Merlot: Dark blue

3 Cabernet Sauvignon: Dark red

4 Semillon: Golden

5 Riesling: Yellow-green

6 Chardonnay: Green

When not attached to the vines of the Grapes of Wrath, Corrosive Grapes will be stable, requiring the application of force to activate their acidic properties. They can destroy one metal object they are applied to, such as weapons, armour, manacles, locks, gates, portcullises, and chests. If they are thrown at a creature made of metal, such as a Metal Sentinel, Iron Cyclops or Iron Golem, they will cause 2-12 STAMINA points of damage.

Care must be taken however, for the acidic goo will dissolve flesh as well as metal, which is why the grapes are kept in a pouch. If they are applied or thrown without protective measures, such as leather gloves, they cause 2 STAMINA points of damage to whoever is holding them, as the acid eats their bare skin.

If it is thrown at a more normal adversary, toll one die and consult the table below to see what happens.

Roll Effect of Corrosive Grapes

1-2 Destroys any one piece of metal armour the adversary may be carrying.

3-4 Destroys the adversary's weapon (if metal). They must fight unarmed.

5-6 Destroys both the armour and weapon, if applicable.

If the adversary does not have any metal weapons or armour, they take 2 STAMINA damage, but are allowed an Armour Roll if they have a wooden shield or leather armour. Note that the destructive effects also apply to magical weapons and armour made from metal, but their owner is allowed to Test for Luck to avoid the effects.

Corrosive Grapes are reputed to be harvested on the Pangarian island of Cirrus, in order for the Technomancers of that archipelago to use their acidic properties in magical and alchemical procedures. Vine Wranglers on Cirrus have also reported that Corrosive Grapes are excellent when deployed to control outbreaks of Ironhedge, keeping its invasive branch-growth well in check.

Cost 14gp

* One use only

Grapes of Medium Disquiet

GRAPES OF WRATH (#23/31, #297/365) [OOTP IV]




WEAPON: Vines (as per Small Claw) and Acid Grapes (see below)



HABITAT: Hills, Plains, Forests


TYPE: Plant/Monster

REACTION: Neutral-Hostile


On Titan the stench of mutating Chaos springs up in the most unlikely of places, and even vintners and winemakers are not immune to its taint. One fine day, your vineyards are abundantly prospering in the seasonal sun, your rows heavy with bunches of ripe grapes. The next day, disaster! They are poisoned with Chaos, and this year's Dragon's Blood Pinot Noir has warped into the dreaded GRAPES OF WRATH! These appear as a mess of leafy grape vines, laden with fruit; roll on the following table to determine what the type of grape is:

Roll Grape Type and Colour

1 Pinot Noir: Deep purple

2 Merlot: Dark blue

3 Cabernet Sauvignon: Dark red

4 Semillon: Golden

5 Riesling: Yellow-green

6 Chardonnay: Green

Now however, the vines are creeping thorny tendrils, and as if this was not bad enough, the bunches of grapes are full of acidic goo, explosively showering nearby victims. The Grapes of Wrath are aggressive carnivorous plants and will attack anyone in the immediate vicinity with both their vines and their acidic grapes, in search of a meal. The vines cause regular Small Claw damage. Every Attack Round, roll a die; on a roll of 1, a bunch of grapes has exploded causing 2 STAMINA acidic goo damage to all combat participants (except the Grapes of Wrath, which are immune to acid damage). This acid must be wiped or cleaned off or it will continue to cause 1 STAMINA damage per Attack Round as it eats into flesh.

Grapes of Wrath can occur anywhere there is decent wine-country, from the warmer plains and hills of southern and central Allansia, and Arantis, across much of the northern Old World, and from Khul; Ximoran, the lands of the Inland Sea, and stretches of the north, around the cities of Ashkyos, Kalagar, Arion, and especially Corda (and south from there to Arkand). However, for some reason reports of these weird vine creatures are particularly prevalent on island archipelagoes, including Pangaria and the Arrowhead Isles. The Pangarians are even reputed to deliberately cultivate Grapes of Wrath to harvest their acidic grapes which are useful in various Technomancy procedures. Here, skilled gardeners, such as Silas of Cirrus, who work with the plants are called Vine Wranglers, and no doubt use plenty of Calming Potions!

Monday, October 21, 2024

Wonderful night for wine by the light of the moon...

MOONGRAPES (#22/31, #296/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: These are a variety of grape whose small sperical fruits are a pale green in colour.

Distribution: Hills and plains across Titan.
Effects: Moongrapes can be harvested only be the light of a full moon, and used to make the valuable wine known as Moon-Petrus (see Citadel of Chaos, p 38). Some say if a Were-Creature drinks this wine while in human form, they will instantly change into their animal shape. 
Cost: City 75gp, Town 80gp, Village 85gp (per bottle)
Availability: Rare
Further Notes: Moongrapes are related to Catgrapes (see The Titan Herbal, p. 25) and the Grapes of Wrath (see p. XX).