Monday, March 17, 2025

A [SPORE MAN] for all seasons.

SPORE PEOPLE (#18/31, #77/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: Spore People resemble normal people except they are covered in a mass of scarlet mushrooms that grow directly from their skin. Their spore sacs resemble spherical, scarlet mushrooms.

Distribution: Wet underground areas, jungles and marshes across Titan.
Effects: Spore People are an aggressive type of fungal humanoid. 1-3 spore sacs can be harvested from a dead Spore Person. These spore sacs can be thrown in combat as an improvised weapon. If they hit, the spore sac explodes, releasing a cloud of reddish spores into the victim's face. Roll on the following table to determine the effects of the spores:

Roll Spore Sac Effect

1-2 Choking Spores: The victim coughs and splutters on the dry spores causing a -2 penalty to any use of a Magic Special Skill.

3-4 Blinding Spores: Itchy, rough spores make the victim's eyes water and blink and they must suffer a -2 penalty to their SKILL score for one Attack Round.

5 Burning Spores: Acidic spores burn into the victim's skin, causing 2 STAMINA points of damage.

6 Infectious Spores: Cloying spores infect the victim if they fail a Test versus Luck, and they will turn into a Spore Person themselves within 1-6 Attack Rounds, as scarlet mushrooms rapidly spread across the victim's body. This can be cured with a priest's Cure Disease power.

Cost: City 40gp, Town 50gp, Village 60gp (per spore sac)

Availability: Rare
SPORE PEOPLE (#19/31, #78/365) [OOTP IV]



WEAPON: Club or Spore Sac (see below)

ARMOUR: Medium Armour


HABITAT: Ruins, Dungeons, Towns, Towns (Sewers), Caves, Jungles, Marshes


TYPE: Fungi/Humanoid

REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile


SPORE PEOPLE are humans and other races unfortunate enough to be corrupted by a parasitic type of mushroom that controls their every movement, and what passes for thought in whatever is left of their fungus-infested brain. In appearance they initially resemble a large example of their type, dressed in rough furs or tattered rags and armed with a club. Roll on the table below to determine their Ancestry:

Roll Ancestry

1-3: Human

4: Dwarf

5: Halfling

6: Child of Hashak (roll: 1-2 Goblin, 3-4 Orc, 5-6 Troll)

All Spore People in a group will be of the same type. All Elves and Half-Elves are immune to the fungal infection that causes one to become a Spore Person.

Shambling closer in the dim light, one can see the person has been infested with a terrible disease that has caused scarlet mushrooms to burst out and grow across their skin! The Spore Person's eyes gleam with a wild madness and as they lurch towards their victim spores burst from them with each shuddering step they take.

As the Spore Person fights with their club, they can also reach and grab mushroom spore sacs and hurl them at an opponent. In addition to the normal weapon attack, the Spore Person makes a thrown weapon attack with the spore sac. If it hits, roll 1d6 for the effect:

Roll Spore Sac Effect

1-2 Choking Spores: The victim coughs and splutters on the dry spores causing a -2 penalty to any use of a Magic Special Skill.

3-4 Blinding Spores: Itchy, rough spores make the victim's eyes water and blink and they must suffer a -2 penalty to their SKILL score for one Attack Round.

5 Burning Spores: Acidic spores burn into the victim's skin, causing 2 STAMINA points of damage.

6 Infectious Spores: Cloying spores infect the victim if they fail a Test versus Luck, and they will turn into a Spore Person themselves within 1-6 Attack Rounds, as scarlet mushrooms rapidly spread across the victim's body. This can be cured with a priest's Cure Disease power.

Spore People are typically found in the same habitat as their fungal relatives; warm, damp, unpleasant places such as stinking marshes, sunken ruins, and dank tropical caverns. Here they may congregate around a larger vegetable predator - roll on the table below to determine what:

Roll Predator Type

1 Blood Vines

2 Giant Venus Fly-Trap

3 Carnivorous Plant

4 Man Trap Plant

5 Giant Slime Beast

6 Flower of Chaos

Being part fungus means they are unbothered by the bigger plant monster, and can scavenge scraps from whatever their 'host' catches and devours. Spore People will fight to the death to defend such a monstrous plant-host. They are adherents of the fungus god Myknosis, determined to spread and sprout spores in that deity's name, and are known to be an occasional menace in the city of Ludria (see Adventure Creation System, p. 324).

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Vengence of the VAGABONDS!

VAGABOND (#17/31, #76/365) [POT]




WEAPON: Club, Dagger and Throwing Dagger



HABITAT: Towns, Towns (sewers), Ruins


TYPE: Humanoid

REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile


Above murderous urchins and street gangers in the urban pecking order, but below standover merchants such as thugs and footpads, the VAGABOND is another truly violent rogue of the street. Aggregating in small packs, Vagabonds often turn to urban mysticism to protect them from the realities of the street, and will all have the same visible tattoo to mark them as one of the group. Roll a die on the table below to determine the tattoo type:

Roll Tattoo Type

1    Red Star of Bloodkin

2    Bite of the Barracuda

3    Brand of the Bandit

4    Hood of the Cobra

5    Dragon of the Flame

6    Cloak of the Assassin

There is a 1 in 6 chance the tattoo is actually a Magical Tattoo with normal effects as per its type.

Otherwise, Vagabonds are usually clad in rough and ready clothing, and relatively heavily armed for the settlement they inhabit, carrying a spiked club, dagger and throwing dagger, all of which they can use effectively.  There is a 1 in 6 chance a Vagabond will have a special item of gear, which can be determined by rolling on the following table:

Roll Special Gear 

1    Rope and Grappling Hook

2    Sword

3    Armoured Fist

4    Leather Jack

5    Small Shield

6   Set of Lockpicks

If there are six or more Vagabonds present, one will be a VAGABOND CHIEF (SKILL 8 STAMINA 8 , weapons as above, tattoo is always magical, and has 1-3 items of Special Gear from the table above).

Vagabonds typically claim ownership of a street or area in the older, less prosperous quarters of cities such as Port Blacksand, Tak and the City of Mazes. Depending on mood, they may collect a tithe for entry, threaten menaces if not paid money, or simply beat or even kill, and rob. The confidence of some Vagabonds is such they will fight a lone victim one at a time, each Vagabond boasting that they will kill their foe single-handedly.

Vagabonds usually exist with the tacit approval of the local Thieves' Guild and pay a tithe upward to their guild contact or handler. In addition, promising Vagabonds are often headhunted by the Thieves Guild or the Brotherhood of the Knife or whatever the local assassin's guild is called. However, if they become too much of a nuisance for the neighbourhood, the City Watch, depending on amount of bribes paid, has been known to stage an 'intervention'.

Probably the most infamous of recent Vagabond packs have been the Red Star Brotherhood of Port Blacksand, led by the vicious Man-Orc Steel-eye Mallad, who are said to operate in the vicinity of Stable Street (see Blacksand, p. 48). The Brethren of the Red Star are only too happy to relieve strangers to the Port Blacksand Harbour District of their valuables, and, if needed, their life. Elsewhere, in the strange eastern city of Zengis, dangerous vagabonds are known to frequent the Black Dragon Tavern, close to the west gate. Over in Khul one Vagabond who gave up the creed of the Blue Barracuda in exchange for life as a wandering adventurer, is Junisha Quick-Knife of Shurrupak (see Heroes of Titan, p. 17). One thing all Vagabonds usually have in common is a lack of gold, because when they have funds, they are mostly spent on weapons and tattoos, hence the need to rob passersby to obtain more moolah.

Enchanted Items from the pages of Warlock Magazine, part 1

Sword of Anclias (#13/31, #72/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item)

This is a gleaming longsword whose sharp blade is made from White Steel (see Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, p. 83). Whoever wields it in combat may add 2 points to their SKILL score. It gets its name from its original bearer, the great hero Anclias of Carsepolis, though some say it now lies among the treasures of the lair of the evil mystic Ar-Gadayon, within his Tower of Hades.

Unavailable to buy 

Sword of Hades (#14/31, #73/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item)

This is a broadsword whose notched blade is made from demonic Black Steel (see Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, p. 83). Unfortunately the Sword of Hades is cursed and possessed by an evil spirit.  Whoever holds this weapon will be taken over by the spirit immediately, unless they have some form of magical protection. The sword-bearer's SKILL will drop to a score of 6, and, being completely possessed, they will not give up the sword without a fight. In fact, anyone wielding the Sword of Hades can only release their hold on the weapon when their STAMINA scores reaches 1 or below. Make sure to keep a note of the Hero's STAMINA score before they picked up the Sword of Hades! Legend claims this cursed sword now lies among the treasures of the lair of the evil mystic Ar-Gadayon, within his appropriately-named Tower of Hades.

Unavailable to buy 

Helm of the Hunched King (#15/31, #74/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item)

This appears as a simple, unadorned bronze helmet of archaic design. However, when worn it will give the wearer a bonus of +2 to any SKILL, STAMINA or LUCK checks against attacks which affect the mind. For example, this could include the wail of a Banshee, the gaze of a Vampire, the mesmerism of a Brain Slayer, etc. Some say the Helm still rests in the Tomb of the Hunched King, whose barrow is marked by a circle of seven standing stones, somewhere out there up on the high moors of the windswept central Allansian highlands.

Unavailable to buy 

Bronze Runeshield (#16/31, #75/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item)

This is an antique bronze shield from the Arrowhead Archipelago, and is ornately decorated with magical runes. In fact, the shield is a wondrous sight to behold, particularly when it catches the light of the sun, and appears almost too good to be used in battle. However, anyone who bears the Bronze Runeshield in melee combat may add 1 point to their SKILL score when fighting.

Unavailable to buy

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Monks of an Insect God

INSECTOID MONK (#12/31, #71/365) [OOTP IV]




WEAPON: Staff or Club

ARMOUR: Light Armour


HABITAT: Ruins, Dungeons, Towns, Towns (Sewers)


TYPE: Insect/Humanoid

REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile


Followers of the various insect gods - Hmurresh, Ymphos, Hammurabi and Vurgothrax, to name but a few - whose religious fervour and piety earns them the deity's blessing, will find themselves gradually mutating into a sort of insect-humanoid hybrid - the INSECTOID MONK. These shuffling, chittering horrors are known from such places on Titan as the Black Abbey of Lupravia and Shakuru, City of Beggars, and take the form of a heavily robed and shrouded figure with the head of a Giant Insect. To determine the type of head, roll on the following table:

Roll Head Type Effects

1. Cockroach, +1 Attack, Small Bite

2. Mantis, +1 Attack, Large Claw

3. Beetle, +1 Attack, Small Bite, Medium Armour

4. Maggot, +1 Attack, Large Bite

5. Weevil, +1 Attack, Small Claw, Heavy Armour

6. Moth, +1 Attack, Small Bite, can Fly

Insectoid Monks spend their days in prayer and contemplation to their chosen god, as well as indulging in corrupt rituals, experiments and practices designed to further the cause of insects everywhere, whether that be creating weird mutants like the Moth-Men (see Return to the Pit, p.134), or contaminating local farms, orchards and apiaries. They are suspicious of outsiders and will defend themselves with clubs and staves if attacked. Leading a cell of Insectoid Monks will be an INSECTOID ABBOT (SKILL 8 STAMINA 16, 2 Attacks); roll on the table above to determine the type, however note that the the process of mutation has been accelerated, and the Abbot will now resemble a very large-sized Giant Insect of its type, lurking in a slimey pit in the centre of its lair.

Insectoid Monks welcome similar creatures into their cloisters, including Droug, Weevil Men and Mantis Men, but they are sworn enemies of both the Spider King Arhallogen and Xoromik the Ant Goddess, and will attack followers of those demigods on sight.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025


MANGO (#11/31, #70/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a tall tree around ten to twenty metres tall, with clusters of simple shiny dark green leaves, fragrant yellow-white flowers, and irregular kidney-shaped fleshy fruit that range from green to red-orange in colour.

Distribution: Tropical jungles, hills, plains and islands across Titan.
Effects: Mangoes are generally edible regardless of colour, but tastes vary as to which is best. Consuming a Mango restores 1-2 STAMINA points when eaten. They can also be hurled as an Improvised Thrown weapon if desperate.
Cost: City 8sp, Town 6sp, Village 5sp (per fruit)
Availability: Common

Monday, March 10, 2025

Lair of the LOTUS-EATERS!

LOTUS-EATER (#10/31, #69/365) [POT]







HABITAT: Forests, Jungles


TYPE: Humanoid

REACTION: Friendly


Among the woods, forests and jungles of Khul, the Dark Continent, can be found groves of the Purple Lotus tree (see The Titan Herbal, p. 55), and wherever there is such a glade, there is likely to be a community of LOTUS-EATERS. These are groups of four to twenty four inhabitants, living in sickening filth and squalor, appearing as glassy-eyed, emaciated people, clad in little more than rags. From time to time they will pull a Purple Lotus flower from the lower branches of one of the trees, and slowly munch on it. However, not one of them will look unhappy; in fact, all are fixed with the most stupefyingly happy grins one has ever seen. As the dreamily-smiling Lotus-Eaters will tell visitors, once ingested the flowers give the eater unlimited powers of perception and control. 'This is paradise,' they will say, 'but you cannot see it ... yet.'

Lotus-Eaters are only too happy to offer the Purple Lotus flower to outsiders to consume, however it is highly addictive! Anyone ingesting a flower must Test their Luck, and if they fail, they have become addicted. They will be unable to do much else other than sit and eat more flowers. To break the cycle of addiction, one would have to remove the victim from their lotus grove, and physically restrain and force-feed them for 1-6 weeks in order for the victim to be cured. Lotus-Eaters will fight to the death to defend their groves or if one attempts to remove them from the area, usually picking up a branch to use as a makeshift club, preferring their current existence to any other alternative. As one recovering addict described the initial feeling of euphoria:

"I instantly saw the folly of my quest. Plucking and eating another flower, I sat myself in the grove, which, strangely, no longer seemed half as bad as when I first saw it. The sky was marvellously blue, the trees alive, and all was well. I was going to enjoying staying here! My adventure was over..."

Dare of the DoomSCROLLing!

Scroll of Control Creature (#4/31, #63/365) [EA:V2] (Scroll)

This is a rolled up piece of thin parchment. When read, it has the same effect as the Control Creature Spell (see also Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, p. 12) on a designated target. This allows the caster to control the will of any one creature that they face. Rumour has it that a wizard from Lendleland once cast this spell on a recalcitrant Mungie, before both of them went on to enjoy a rather wealthy if predictably short-lived career in thievery. The spell lasts for one day. The target does not receive a Test for Luck to block the spell, but it is otherwise identical to the Command spell (see Advanced Fighting Fantasy, p. 77).

Unavailable to buy

Scroll of Fortune (#5/31, #64/365) [EA:V2] (Scroll)

Reading this has the same effect on the reader as if they had drunk a Potion of Fortune. It will restore their LUCK score to its Initial level. As the letters disappear from the page when read, the Scroll can be used only once.

40 GP 

Scroll of the Hamakei (#6/31, #65/365) [EA:V2] (Scroll)

This is an old piece of faded parchment with something written on it in the Hamakeian language, and at the bottom of the parchment is the number 66 (although this number may vary). It is quite a useful item and created by the race of Hamakei who live in the desert wastelands. The scroll provides a magic screen against conjured animals or insects. To activate the spell, the reader just has to say Hamakei and call out the number on the bottom of the parchment. It will create a magical barrier that is impervious to the attacks of any summoned animal or swarm, no matter their size or number. The scroll will also work against normal animals or insects, but provides no protection against humanoids, monsters, undead, demons, Elementals and so on. Its effects last up to one hour, and the barrier is centred around the reader of the scroll and is up to two metres in diameter. The barrier is dispelled if the reader moves however; it is not mobile.

Unavailable to buy

Scroll of Riddles (#7/31, #66/365) [EA:V2] (Scroll)

These Scrolls were favoured by that meddling servant of the Trickster Gods of Luck and Chance, the Riddling Reaver, and often found aboard his various conveyances, such as the floating ship The Twice Shy or his airborne dirigible, and at his mansion-lair in the Arantian highlands. They contain a riddle, which can be found by rolling on the Riddle Table below.

First Roll Second Roll Riddle and Answer

1-3    1    What has a face, but no mouth? (A: a clock)

1-3    2    What has a neck, but no head? (A: a bottle)

1-3    3    What has four fingers and one thumb, and is neither fish, flesh, fowl or bone? (A: a glove)

1-3    4    What is it that has four legs, one head, and a foot? (A: a bed)

1-3    5    What runs all day and all night, and never stops? (A: a river)

1-3    6    What is it that goes uphill and downhill, yet never moves? (a road or path)

4-6    1    If you feed it, it will live; if you give it water, it will die. What is it? (A: fire)

4-6    2    What kind of ear cannot hear? (A: an ear of corn)

4-6    3    What has four legs and a back, but cannot walk? (A: a chair)

4-6    4    What gets wet as it dries? (A: a towel)

4-6    5    The more you take away, the larger it becomes. What is it? (A: a hole)

4-6     6    What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but not once in a thousand years? (A: the letter M)

Anyone reading a Scroll of Riddles must solve the riddle within one minute (the Director can time this from the moment the Hero reads the riddle), making as many guesses as they want, otherwise the scroll will explode! The reader and anyone standing next to them, must Test their Luck. If they are Lucky they will lose only 1 point of STAMINA. However, if they are Unlucky, they will lose 3 points of STAMINA. If a riddle is solved correctly, then the words of the riddle will fade from the page, to be replaced by magical lettering. This will be titled, making clear its magical powers. Roll a die on the table below to determine what type of magical scroll the Scroll of Riddles has turned into:

Roll Scroll Type

1-2 Scroll of Skill

3-4 Scroll of Strength

5-6 Scroll of Fortune

45 GP

Scroll of Skill (#8/31, #67/365) [EA:V2] (Scroll)

Similar to a Scroll of Fortune, this scroll will be titled, making clear its magical powers, and covered in magical lettering. Reading this has the same effect on the reader as if they had drunk a Potion of SKILL. It will restore their SKILL score to its Initial level. It is good for one use only, as the magical lettering fades away as it is read.

75 GP

Scroll of Strength (#9/31, #68/365) [EA:V2] (Scroll)

Similar to a Scroll of Fortune, this scroll will be titled, making clear its magical powers, and covered in magical lettering. Reading this has the same effect on the reader as if they had drunk a Potion of STAMINA. It will restore their STAMINA score to its Initial level. It is good for one use only, as the magical lettering fades away as it is read.

30 GP