Saturday, April 1, 2023

The Well of Doom (The Maze of Pnar, part II)

The Well of Doom (#30/31; #89/365)

"This square chamber has an exit in every wall and a gaping pit in the centre of the room. Hieroglyphics adorn the walls and, suddenly, from each corner stalks a hulking MINOTAUR, all swathed in yellowing bandages. all decaying, snarling MUMMIES!"

Contents: This is the Well of Doom, an ancient sacrificial pit for the Djaratian priethood. The Mummified Minotaurs will attempt to grapple with the Heroes and toss them into the pit. If they win an Attack Round, the Minotaur(s) will pick up a Hero,and it they win the second round, hurl the Hero into the Well of Doom.

The pit is three metres in depth and knee deep in green sludge, bones and rusted weapons. Anyone falling in takes 1-6 STAMINA damage and awakens the undead guardians of the pit; a MUMMIFIED CROCODILE and a MUMMIFIED HIPPOHOG, both of which attack immediately.

In the wall of the pit, above the sludge level, is the entrance to a chute that leads to level 3 of the Found Tombs of Arvakaten. Among the sludge, bones and broken weapons are a leather pouch with 23GP, and a silver dagger that is only slightly tarnished. However, anyone scrabbling around in the muck must Test Their Luck or contract the Wasting Disease (see The Rough Guide to the Pit, p. 23)

The hieroglyphics on the walls document the passage of a lost soul through the lands of the dead to the place of reeds. The Minotaurs carry no treasure.


4 MUMMIFIED MINOTAURS, each SKILL 10, STAMINA 14, Attacks: 2, Unarmed (large), Light Armour (fur and bandages), +2 to Damage Roll.The undead Minotaurs are immune to all attacks, and will reanimate 20 minutes after being 'slain'. They can only be permanently killed by fire or magical weapons or spells.

a MUMMIFIED CROCODILE, SKILL 8, STAMINA 9, Attacks: 2, Very Large Bite, Heavy Armour. The undead Crocodile is immune to all attacks, and will reanimate 20 minutes after being 'slain' (but remain trapped in the pit). They can only be permanently killed by magical weapons or spells; fire does not work because their bandages have been soaked in the sludge. 

a MUMMIFIED HIPPOHOG, SKILL 10, STAMINA 10, Attacks: 2, Very Large Bite, Light Armour. The undead Hippohog is immune to all attacks, and will reanimate 20 minutes after being 'slain' (but remain trapped in the pit). They can only be permanently killed by magical weapons or spells; fire does not work because their bandages have been soaked in the sludge.

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