Friday, August 4, 2023

How to make a Potion of Noise

Whistle Bud Cultivation Chamber (#4/31; #216/365)

"This warm rough-hewn chamber emits a strong organic smell of plants and compost. The floor is covered in dirt, growing on which is a peculiar plant growth that appears as flat red creeper-foliage bearing many large dark red buds, that appear to have small sharp teeth. Moving through the plants are several Fiend gardeners, armed with sickles and trowels, engaging in plant cultivation. At the far end, one of the plants lies on a stone slab, cut into pieces, while another Fiend uses its sword to stir the contents of an iron cauldron on an open fire.

Occasionally, one of the plants stirs and begins snapping its jaws and starts to whistle before being quickly rapped with a trowel by one of the gardeners. As you enter, one of the gardeners looks up at you, and whispers 'Sssshhhhhh!'"

Contents: This is where the Fiends cultivate the carnivorous vegetation known as Whistle Buds in order to produce their magical Potions of Noise. The Whistle Buds are fed with a steady diet of unwanted offal from the Food Preparation Chamber, grown to a reasonable size, and then harvested for their noise glands and herbal extracts. Incredibly enough, as a druid or anyone who has plant communication abilities can tell, the Whistle Buds are aware of their fate and not too happy about it. If roused,they will attack anyone in the chamber regardless of who they are.

Currently the Whistle Buds are dormant, but any fight or other commotion in the chamber will wake them up. The Fiends for their part will continue gardening, but will also trade Potions of Noise for 20GP a vial. All of this negotiation has to be carried with sign language as  the Fiends refuse to speak and encourage the Heroes to do the same.

In the cauldron is the base for Potions of Noise. Once the extracts of a Whistle Bud are added to it, it creates enough for five Potions of Noise, which are then bottled in large ceramic vials. A pile of empty vials lies next to the stone slab, alongside a barrel of half-fermented Shroomshine Grog (drinking this causes the loss of 1-3 STAMINA points and temporary blindness and clumsiness for 10-60 minutes).


4 FIEND Gardeners: SKILL 6, STAMINA 8, Sickle or Trowel (as per Improvised) or Small Claw, Light Armour. Breathes Fire: hits on a 1-2 on one die for 1 STAMINA damage. The Gardeners have 1-6 GP, and ear plugs, and two of them also have Potions of Noise.

1 FIEND Brewer: SKILL 7 STAMINA 10, Sword or Small Claw, Light Armour. Breathes Fire: hits on a 1-2 on one die for 1 STAMINA damage. The Brewer has 2-12GP, earplugs, a Potion of Noise, a flask of Shroomshine Grog, and a slim book in both Orcish and the Goblin language, entitled "Badduz's Special Brewz" that appears to be full of recipes for fungi-based alcohol beverages, including Shroomshine Grog, and a strange purple syrup called Spleen Eleven.

4 patches of WHISTLE BUDS: each SKILL 7 STAMINA 11, 3 Attacks, Small Bite, High-pitched whistling causes loss of 2 SKILL points for the entirety of a battle, unless one is wearing earplugs.

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