Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Bouncing orbs of infective spores and greasy wax to prevent paralysis...

(Going on an adventure, so bulk post to buy me time!)

SPOREBALL (#15/29, #46/365) [TTHA]

Appearance: This is a sponge-like fungus, a deep-red in colour, the size of a large pumpkin, often found growing on the corpses of forest creatures killed by its spore clouds.
Distribution: Forests and Jungles across Titan.
Effects: The Sporeball is a mobile, carnivorous fungi that vents clouds of spores to infect new hosts (see sidebar for more information).

Cost: Not available for sale
Availability: Rare
Notes: The Sporeball is related to Giant Puffballs, Elfbane and Syranix Fungus.

SPOREBALL (#16/29, #47/365) [OOTP IV]




WEAPON: Spore Cloud (see below)



HABITAT: Forests, Jungles


TYPE: Plant/Monster



The SPOREBALL is a disgusting fungal monster, deep-red in colour and appearing as a pumpkin-sized sponge-like growth, usually found growing on the corpses of those unfortunate forest creatures it has previously slain. If disturbed, a Sporeball will slide off its carcass and short-hop towards its new victim on squat, concertina-like legs. It is covered in holes which open each time it lands on the ground, puffing out clouds of red dust into the air. This cloud of toxic dust contains millions of poisonous micro-spores with which the parasitical Sporeball contaminates the surrounding air.

Sporeballs are easy to outrun, but require a Test for Luck to avoid breathing in any spores; those who are unsuccessful will cough violently their lungs on fire, and then collapse dead, unable to breathe, while their corpse becomes host for more fungal parasites. Anyone foolish enough to slice it open, by hitting the Sporeball in combat with a weapon, instantly releases all the spores and cannot Test for Luck to avoid the effects. These effects can be cured by the immediate application of a Healing Potion or priestly power (Heal or Cure Disease), however no STAMINA points will restored.

Thus, if encountering Sporeballs, it is advisable to wear Nose Filters and keep your mouth closed, or wear Nose Plugs with some form of Breathing Mask, in order avoid inhaling the spore cloud. These items must be then decontaminated or purified afterwards. In addition, Fireroot Juice can also be used against dangerous fungi such as Sporeballs; pouring it on the fungi prevents it from releasing its dangerous spores at all.

Stikkle Wax (#17/29, #48/365) [EA:V2] (Potion)

Stikkle is a ground-hugging plant with broad waxy leaves a vivid orange in colour and grows in small clumps in shaded areas of forests, plains and hills across northern Allansia (See The Titan Herbal Addendum, p. XX). Stikkle leaves from one plant can be boiled down to produce a small lumpy orange block of Stikkle Wax. This has curative powers against wounds and venoms that cause paralysis, such as the bite of a Gronk or the touch of a Ghoul. If quickly and vigorously applied to the wounded area, one lump of wax will counteract one paralysis-causing wound. Note that Stikkle Wax has no effect on other sorts of venom or poison.

1gp per lump of wax

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