TROLLBLOOD HERB (#7/31, #189/365) [TTHA]
Appearance: This
is a large herb that can grow into a bush over a metre tall, with glossy, oval-shaped green leaves, and small white flowers that aggregate in a central spike.
Distribution: Plains, deserts and wilderness across Titan.
The dried leaves of this plant are used to add flavour when cooking. They also have some healing capacity towards Trolls. Any Troll, including Half-Trolls and Troll-Orcs, gains an addition point of STAMINA if eating a meal cooked with the Trollblood Herb. This perhaps explains the popularity of this herb in Port Blacksand, among the Trollish members of Lord Azzur's Imperial Guard soldiers.
Cost: City 1gp, Town 2gp, Village 3gp (per bunch)
Availability: Uncommon
Further Notes: Leaves from the Trollherb Plant are a common component in the infamous Port Blacksand cuisinary dish 'Shark Surprise' (see Blacksand, p. 34).
BLACK MOULD (#8/31, #190/365) [TTHA]
Appearance: This
is a patch of grey-blackish furry mould with a bitter smell.
Distribution: Underground areas such as dungeons, caves and cellars across Allansia.
Effects: When disturbed, Black Mould produces a cloud of spores that require a Test for Luck to avoid (or the wearing of Nose Plugs or Nose Filters). Anyone who breathes in the cloud of spores, which can reach up to three metres in diameter, are paralyzed by coughing fits causing -1 to all their SKILL rolls for the next 10-60 minutes.
Cost: City 10gp, Town 20gp, Village 30gp (per patch)
Availability: Very RareFurther Notes: Patches of Black Mould are a necessary ingredient in the infamous Port Blacksand cuisinary dish 'Moonstone Black Cheese' (see Blacksand, p. 34). This recipe has been guarded carefully by the northerner Gradin Fouleg from the Harbour District, who has cornered the market for this particular type of cheese.
GLOW-MOULD (#9/31, #191/365) [TTHA]
Appearance: This
is a patch of pale greenish mould, growing in furry clumps.
Distribution: Underground areas such as dungeons, caves and cellars across Allansia.
Effects: Glow-Mould fungus that feeds on the breath of creatures. When breathed upon, a clump of Glow-Mould glows with a greenish-blue light for 1D6 minutes, the same as a Glimmer cantrip (see Advanced Fighting Fantasy, p. 70).
Cost: City 1gp, Town 2gp, Village 3gp (per clump)
Availability: UncommonFurther Notes: Glow-Mould has been cataloged by the noted fungi scholar Needwyl of Craggen Rock (see Citadel of Chaos, p. 55-56).
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