Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Meanwhile, down at the Port Blacksand herb and fungi stall... (part II)

PHOSPHORESCENT FUNGUS (#29/31, #211/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a luminous blue slime-like fungi, seen to coat decaying items and debris.

Distribution: Underground areas such as dungeons and caves across Allansia.
Effects: If collected in a vial, the Phosphorescent Fungus acts like the equivalent of a Glimmer cantrip for 10-60 minutes.
Cost: City 3sp, Town 4sp, Village 5sp (per vial)
Availability: Uncommon

Further Notes:  Phosphorescent Fungi was sought by the Gnome scholar, Needwyl the Gardener, who cultivates her fungi in the dungeons beneath the Black Citadel of Balthus Dire (see Citadel of Chaos, p. 55).

YELLOW CORAL PLUMES (#30/31, #212/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a type of bracket fungi with bright yellow upper surface and a ribbed white under surface.

Distribution: Underground areas such as dungeons, caves and caverns across Titan.
Effects: This can be eaten as food, and restores 1-2 STAMINA points when consumed.
Cost: City 2gp, Town 4gp, Village 6gp (per piece)
Availability: Rare

Further Notes: This is a common food source underground, with many races valuing its plain, nutty flavour as a sort of bread substitute.

LAVENDER DREAM-SHROOM (#31/31, #213/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a metre-tall mushroom coloured in various shades of pink and purple. There are large vents on its broad cap and spike-adorned tendrils concealed at its base.

Distribution: Underground areas such as dungeons and caves across Titan.
Effects: The Lavender Dream-Shroom is a carnivorous fungi monster that releases a cloud of purple spores that hypnotize their victims while the tendrils rise up and strangle any confused opponents. Unreleased spores can be gathered in gourds and thrown at an enemy; if it hits, the gourd explodes, covering the enemy in a cloud of purple spores with an effect identical to the Befuddle spell.
Cost: City 2gp, Town 2gp, Village 2gp (per gourd)
Availability: Very Rare

Further Notes:  The Lavender Dream-Shroom is a native of the Plane of Rust within the Demonic Pit, and is found on some other planes as well such as Ichor and Bile. They can also be found on Titan, typically brought here by Demons to be grown in Clone-worked subterranean fungi farms. More information can be found in Rough Guide to the Pit (p. 36).

DEMONKIN FUNGUS (#1/31, #214/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a peculiar growth of purplish mould, often found growing in strange geometric shapes on the walls and corridors of underground dungeon complexes.

Distribution: Underground areas such as dungeons, caves and cellars across Allansia.
Effects: The Demonkin Fungus indicates the presence of a Demon that appears regularly in the vicinity, or some sort of connection to the Pit itself, such a portal to the Pit or an object taken from there. When removed from this connection or creature's presence, the mould blackens and dies within ten minutes or so. It can thus be used as a primitive Demon detector, mapping out the area of effect for a potential Demon incursion from the Pit. It should definitely not be eaten; anyone who eats Demonkin Fungus loses 1 STAMINA point from retching and coughing.
Cost: City 10gp, Town 15gp, Village 20gp (per vial)
Availability: Rare

Further Notes:  This fungus is often used by witch-hunters, demon-slayers and the like, to detect the presence of the infernal creatures of the Pit among us!

EMERALD NET FUNGUS (#2/31, #215/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is mat of pale green pods and tendrils that lie dormant underground, beneath the sandy or stony surface of a large subterranean cavern.

Distribution: Underground areas such as large caverns and caves beneath the surface of Titan. Emerald Net Fungus is almost never found in dungeons or areas with worked stone floors, except if the floor is debris-filled or just packed dirt or clay.
Effects: The pods of the Emerald Net Fungus can be harvested and used as a weapon. If successfully thrown at an opponent, the pod will explode in an emerald mist of spores that solidifies into a chitinous net, as per the Web spell. This effect is the same if someone unknowingly steps on a patch of Emerald Net Fungus.
Cost: City 30gp, Town 40gp, Village 50gp (per pod)
Availability: Rare

Further Notes:  Emerald Net Fungus is commonly used as a pacifying weapon by subterranean races such as Troglodytes, N'yadach, Brain Slayers and the Skorn.

GOLDEN LOOP FUNGUS (#3/31, #216/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is an underground variant of Giant Loop Fungus (see The Titan Herbal, p. 44). It is a tangled mass of pale gold pipe-like tubes that are scattered half-buried in the floor. At regular intervals along the tubes are circular loop-like structures about a foot across.

Distribution: Underground areas such as dungeons, caves and caverns beneath Titan.
Effects: The effects are the same as Giant Loop Fungus, but the loops also secrete an acid that dissolves flesh for 1 STAMINA point per Attack Round, until a victim is cut free.
Cost: City 40gp, Town 50gp, Village 60gp (per loop)
Availability: Very Rare

Further Notes:  Unlike regular Giant Loop Fungus, the Golden Loop variant only attracts Jellyworms in damp areas alongside underground streams or pools.

ASURA LILY (#4/31, #217/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a tall flowering plant, up to two metres in height, with rosettes of green oval-shaped leaves growing around a central stem, at the top of which is a bunch of large yellow trumpet-shaped flowers.

Distribution: Only known from the rocky hills, wilderness and volcanic areas upon the Crucible Isles.
Effects: A Vial of Smoke-oil can be distilled from the bulb-like roots of the Asura Lily. Smoke-oil is the only known cure to counter-act the effects of the Demon Plague. Anyone who has been infected by the Demon Plague and turned into a DEMON form of themselves, will be restored to their original guise with the application of Smoke-oil. The contents of the vial must either be poured over them, or smashed at their feet, releasing a cloud of swirling yellow gas. The gas cloud has a diameter of five metres, centred upon the point of impact, affecting all Demons in this area. 
When used on any other Demon-type creature from the Pit, it will reduce their Essence by one, causing them to be reborn in the Pit into a different form from the next lowest Type. If used on a Demon in the actual Pit itself, their Essence will be reduced by two and they will be reborn as two Types lower than what they were (or Type I if they cannot go any lower), reforming nearby at a safe distance.
Cost: City 100gp, Town 200gp, Village 300gp (per vial)
Availability: Very Rare

Further Notes: A store of Smoke-oil, enough to cure a hundred people, was kept by the Guardians of the Crucible, who lived on the islands of the same name. In order to produce larger quantities in the event of a major outbreak of Demon Plague, however, the Great High Guardian required the assistance of the High Priestess of Throff from the Invisible City, somewhere in eastern Allansia.

FURY AGARIC (#5/31, #218/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a large mushroom-like fungus with bright orange blotches and yellow gills and stalk.

Distribution: Forests and hills across Titan.
Effects: The Fury Agaric is a poisonous mushroom that causes temporary insanity if eaten. The person who ingests a Fury Agaric will be unable to distinguish friend or foe, and will attack everybody nearby until all are slain, and then go looking for more victims. Someone who has eaten Fury Agaric cannot Escape from combat and must always fight to the death. They are however consumed with a ferocious anger; whenever they are wounded in combat, during the next Attack Round they add two to the dice roll for their Attack Strength. If they are wounded again during this Attack Round the bonus will be retained for the next Round but if they are not wounded, their anger momentarily abates, and the bonus is lost. If restrained, the effects wear-off in 1d6 hours time though they will have no recollection of what has happened.
Cost: City 7gp, Town 14gp, Village 21gp (per mushroom)
Availability: Rare

Further Notes:  Fury Agaric has been known to be used by the Berserkers of Vynheim, and other northern lands, to rouse them into a violent temper prior to engaging in melee combat upon the field of battle.

AMBER LANTERN FUNGUS (#6/31, #219/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a strange fluorescent fungus that grows in patches on walls, cliff-faces and other vertical surfaces. It gives off an eerie amber light.

Distribution: Caves, dungeons and ruins across Titan.
Effects: A patch of Amber Lantern Fungus can be placed inside a glass jar or similar receptacle and is the equivalent of a lantern, except the light it provides will gradually fade after 1d6 hours.
Cost: City 5sp, Town 6sp, Village 7sp (per patch)
Availability: Uncommon

Further Notes: Amber Lantern Fungus is used by many subterranean races as a light source, including Dwarfs, Troglodytes and the Skorn.


  1. Hey, would you happen to know who did the art of all the gods in Titan - The fighting fantasy world? I'm assumings it's Gary Ward's, but I'd like to be sure..

    1. Yep, Gary Ward did the two Good God pix, the First Battle pix, and the Chaos Monsters pix preceding it (in terms of god pix).
