Friday, November 22, 2024

Salome (TECHNOMANCER remix)

TECHNOMANCER (#30/30, #334/365) [POT]




WEAPON: See below

ARMOUR: None or see below


HABITAT: Towns, Ruins, Dungeons, Seas, Mountains, Volcanic Areas, Wilderness


TYPE: Humanoid



While Enchanting is the art of bestowing arcane effects upon an object to render it magical, Technomancy is the practice of crafting an item, usually mechanical in nature, that is then powered by magical sources. It is a rare spell-casting specialty upon Titan, but its adherents are generally quite recognizable due to both their background and their unstoppable belief in the power of magic technology to make everything better. To determine the initial ancestry of a Technomancer, roll on the table below:

Roll Technomancer Ancestry

1 Gnome

2 Human

3 Pangarian Goblin

4 Dwarf (including Half-Dwarfs)

5 Stormborn

6 Storm Giant (SKILL 10 STAMINA 15, 4 Attacks, Double Damage)

Any Technomancer will have 1-3 points in the Magic-Technomancy Special Skill, and 1 point in both Crafting and Engineering. They will also have Special Skills and Talents relative to their Gear and Devices, such as Handle (Vehicle) or Familiar.

A Technomancer will be armed with one basic weapon; roll on the table below to determine what:

Roll Weapon

1-2 Shortsword

3-4 Dagger

5-6 Staff

In addition a Technomancer will have 2-4 items of random Gear; roll on the table below to determine what:

Roll Gear

2 Aeronaut Helmet

3 Gadjet: (Roll: 1-2 Wotsit, 3-4 Doobrie, 5-6 Thingy)

4 Bottle of Corrective Fluid

5 Bamboo Parasol

6 vial of Siccator

7 Goggles

8 Brass Telescope

9 Flightsuit (as per Leather Hauberk)

10 Wrench (as per Club)

11 Nose Filters

12  Ear Plugs

A Technomancer will have two Devices for every point they have in the Magic-Technomancy Special Skill (so a Technomancer with a Magic-Technomancy score of 2 would have 4 Devices). The Technomancer will know all the recipes ('Techniques') to construct these Devices, and may be willing to trade their secrets for new Techniques. To determine what these Devices are, roll on the table below:

Roll Device

1 Melee Weapon: Roll: 1 Force-Glaive, 2 Ripsword, 3 Crab Pincher, 4 Shell-Saw, 5 Automatic Impaler, 6 Extinguisher.

2 Missile Weapon: Roll: 1 Glyph-Bomb (1-3) (All), 2 Net-Shooter, 3 Flintlock Pistol, 4 Repeating Crossbow 5 Grenades (1-3) 6 Murder Sphere (1-3)

3 Familiar: Roll: 1 Techno-Homunculus, 2 Mechanical Bird, 3 Eye-Spy, 4 Miniature Iron Golem, 5 Automaton, 6 Animated Object.

4 Body Part: Roll: 1 Eye, 2 Hand, 3 Arm, 4 Foot, 5 Leg, 6 Ear.

5 Miscellaneous: Roll: 1 Portable Telopticon, 2 Pocket Myriad, 3 Sample Analyser, 4 Obsidian Warp Card, 5 Reinforced Cloak, 6 Portable Charger.

6 Transport: Roll: 1 Hovers, 2 Flyer, 3 Airship, 4 Balloon, 5 Juggernaut, 6 Bathysphere.

Roll or choose on the below table to determine the type of Power Source needed for the Device's abilities to work.

Roll Power Source

1 Nugget of Green Metal Ore

2 Storm Crystal

3 purple Warpstone

4 Power Stone

5 Lava Sphere/Seed

6 Lightning Sphere

A Technomancer will have 1-3 spare Power Sources, as well as those already being used by their respective Devices. 

Finally, what is the Technomancer's purpose? To determine why they have been encountered roll on table below:

Roll Technomancer Purpose

1 They are on an observational survey to collect data

2 They are on an exploration, to document new terrain

3 They are testing one of their devices, which is a prototype (the device may be combat related)

4 They are hawking copies of their Devices for sale (may be defective)

5 They are on a pilgrimage to a site of Technomantic research

6 They need an obscure component to repair one of their Devices

Technomancers are extremely rare but their origins can vary widely. Most, whether Pangarian Goblin, Stormborn or human, hail from the Floating Islands, which are themselves one of the greatest feats of Technomancy upon (or, in this case, above) Titan. At this time, the current High Technomancer of Pangaria is Vizigg the Goblin, and the Chief Engineer is his ex-apprentice Krasic, also a Goblin. Other races, including Dwarfs, Storm Giants and the odd Gnome are known to dabble in the art and science, and there are dedicated chambers of learning in some settlements, such as the Guild of Artificers in Chalannabrad, or the League of Technomancers from the hidden city of Throben. It is thought that there may even be stranger practitioners out there, like the Skorn, Brain Slayers, Fire Giants, Titans, and various Time or Lightning Demons from the Abyssal Pit.

Monday, November 18, 2024

An Investigation into the Commercial Proposition of "Graboid" Farming

Chunk of Roast Tunneller Beast Flesh (#28/30, #331/365) [EA:V2] (Food)

Tunneller Beasts are large worm-like creatures that burrow through the underground substrates of the Pangarian archipelago, some of the trappers and hunters of those islands have began experimenting with harvesting the creatures for meat. A dead Tunneller Beast provides 2-12 chunks of flesh that can be roasted; the meat is surprisingly nutritious, tastes a little like beef, and restores 3 STAMINA points  per portion.


Tunneller Beast Hide (#29/30, #332/365) [EA:V2] (Furs and Skins)

Tunneller Beast hide is both tough and flexible and can be fashioned into armour. The armour counts the same as a Leather Hauberk for combat purposes. 

Price as per Treasure: Furs and Skins

Distant tremors, under the ground, slowly getting closer...

TUNNELLER BEAST (#27/30, #330/365) [OOTP IV]




WEAPON: Very Large Bite

ARMOUR: Medium


HABITAT: Dungeons, Caves, Towns (sewers), Ruins, Plains


TYPE: Monster



The floating islands of Pangaria are riddled with access tunnels, air shafts, drainage sewers and maintenance passageways, and a known predator to be careful of within these subterranean realms is the dreaded TUNNELLER BEAST! Thought to be related to similar creatures from the surface of Titan including Mudgrinders and Giant Sandworms, this is also a long worm-like predator with a segmented body up to six or seven metres long, and a gaping tooth-lined maw. The Tunneller Beast lacks eyes but is thought to use special sense organs on its head to detect prey and bite them with glistening fangs!

Although mainly confined to underground areas, Tunneller Beasts have been known to break the surface and attack people and livestock at ground level from time to time. The first indication something is wrong would be a trembling under the earth, with the ground bucking and cracking as something big burrows through the soil towards potential prey, before erupting from the ground to attack. Some Pangarians have experimented with descending underground and hunting Tunneller Beasts for their meat, reporting best efforts for roasted or stewed chunks of flesh.

Friday, November 15, 2024

"Cabbages! Cabbages!"

CLOUD CABBAGE (#26/30, #329/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a large spherical vegetable with green leaves.

Distribution: Floating Islands in the Pangarian Archipelago, perhaps other islands across Titan.
Effects: As well as being edible, the leaves of the Cloud Cabbage also have curious healing properties. The soothing effects of one Cloud Cabbage leaf will restore 2 STAMINA points if injured. Cabbages are also used in the construction of Animated Scarecrows (see Return to the Pit, p. 20), and other similar foul magical creatures, while their leaves can be used to effect temporary repairs to Technomancy artefacts such as balloons and flyers. Cabbages can be used as a weapon, doing improvised damage when hurled at a target.
Cost: City 1gp, Town 1gp, Village 2gp (per leaf)
Availability: Rare (Pangaria: Common)
Further Notes: The Cloud Cabbage is thought to be related to similar plants, such as the Diamond Cabbage (see p. XX), and the Yellow Cabbage (see The Titan Herbal, p. 73).

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, PANGARIAN SPY!

SPY (#25/30, #328/365) [POT]





ARMOUR: Leather Cuirass


HABITAT: Towns, Towns (sewers), Plains, Forests, Hills


TYPE: Humanoid



The SPY is a covert operative, typically employed by a kingdom, religious order, guild or other organization to keep an eye on the competition. Even the forces of Chaos and Evil have Spies, peering at Goodly lands to determine their exploitable weaknesses! All spies will be equipped with a sword and leather cuirass, as well as a hooded cloak, though they may not be wearing any of these overtly. A Spy will of course never explicitly identify themselves as a spy when encountered - this would blow their cover! - but will instead be disguised as one of the following other relatively legitimate itinerant wanderers, along with all their associated gear:

Roll Spy appears to be a ...

1 Beggar: Rags and a begging bowl.

2 Trader: A sample of wares and a 1-3 on 1d6 chance of a Draft Animal (see the Trader entry to determine the type of wares and Draft Animal)

3 Mercenary: A small shield and a hand crossbow with ammo.

4 Bard: A mandolin and a set of outlandish clothes.

5 Adventurer: A lantern, large sack and a fake treasure map.

6 Entertainer: 2-12 Throwing Daggers and a straw dummy.

As well as their current disguise, a Spy will also have 1-3 backup disguises. Roll on the table below to determine what these are and what equipment they consist of, rerolling duplicates:

Roll Disguise (Equipment)

1 Orc (green face paint, fake tusks, fake ears)

2 Zombie (grey face paint, fake blood, foul-smelling paste)

3 Vampire (white face paint, fake fangs, black cape)

4 Noble (Exotic hat and robes, poking stick, monocle)

5 Priest (priest's robes, holy symbol)

6 Wizard (wizard's robes, pointy hat, wand or staff)

Spies will carry 1-3 items of special gear to help with their acts of infiltration and sabotage. Roll on the below table to determine what, rerolling duplicates:

Roll Special Gear

1 Brass Telescope

2 1-2 Grenades

3 Codebook and 1-3 pieces of chalk

4 pouch of 2-12 Caltrops

5 1-3 sachets of Fire Dust

6 pouch of Ballbearings

Famous Spies are either dead, typically in the line of duty, or retired, which makes it difficult to talk about who are the best Spies currently, because no-one knows! However, it is rumoured that the Allansian merchant Halim Thrumbar is known to pay extra interest in affairs of relevance to the court of Salamonis, while some say the fair Half-Elf maiden Gaya Inuriel of Stittle Woad (see Citadel of Chaos, pp. 118-119), who many think to be an enchanting touring singer, is actually a covert operative for whoever is the highest bidder. On the floating archipelago of Pangaria, it is possible that Or-Vos of Asperitas is a Spy (see Heroes of Titan, p.39), for the brave warrior-woman does seem to spend a lot of time "off-island" as it were. It is rumoured she is keeping a careful eye out for renegade Pangarians, peddling outlawed technomancy artefacts on the black markets of Allansia, Khul and the Old World.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Down on the [CROCODILE] farm...

Saltwater Crocodile Tooth (#22/30, #327/365) [EA:V2] (Ivory)

This is a large sharp conical ivory tooth from a Saltwater Crocodile. It can be used to make the magical trinket known as the Crocodile Amulet (see p. XX).

Price as per Treasure: Ivory

Saltwater Crocodile Skin (#23/30, #327/365) [EA:V2] (Furs and Skins)

Crocodile Skins can be fashioned into armour and used by acolytes of deities such as Decay and Khepra Dark-Shell, and the scaly hide of the Saltwater Crocodile is no different in this regard. The armour counts the same as a Leather Hauberk for combat purposes. 

Price as per Treasure: Furs and Skins

Crocodile Amulet (#24/30, #327/365) [EA:V2] (Trinket)

This amulet is made from the tooth of a Saltwater Crocodile and is designed to be worn around one's neck for its protective powers to work. Anyone wearing such a Crocodile Amulet will be ignored by any crocodiles or alligators present and not attacked (although the reptiles may still attack the amulet-wearer's companions). If the wearer of the amulet actually attacks a crocodile, the protective magic will be neutralized and all crocodiles in the area will attack the wearer to the exclusion of everything else. Malu the Quezkari Witch-doctor of Bone Island was known to have a Crocodile Amulet among his possessions.


Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Something scaly in the water...

SALTWATER CROCODILE (#21/30, #326/365) [OOTP IV]




WEAPON: Very Large Bite



HABITAT: Seas, Sea-shore, Marshes, Rivers, Lakes


TYPE: Reptile

REACTION: Unfriendly


Related to the Crocodiles that dwell across Titan's warmer rivers, lakes and swamps, the SALTWATER CROCODILE is an enormous scaly beast around six metres long with a similar toothy-jawed appearance. This pelagic predator is found along the tropical coastlines of Allansia and Khul, and many of the islands that dot the seas in-between, for it is not unusual to see a Saltwater Crocodile swimming out in the middle of the open ocean. They are voracious predators and scavengers, with a reputation for eating any old thing they find, and often the first and last sight their prey has of the huge beast, is a dark shadow slicing through the water, tail swishing and jaws agape, before it bites with its many pointy teeth!

The above scores apply to a Saltwater Crocodile that is being fought in the water; they are less agile on dry land and must reduce their Attack Strength by 2 when so cornered. If slain, any canny sailor knows to cut open the creature's stomach with their cutlass and, while holding their nose, check for trinkets the Saltwater Crocodile may have previously swallowed; roll on the Humanoid Type for potential treasure. The creature is also valued for its ivory teeth, which are carved into amulets protecting against future crocodile attacks (Malu the Witch-doctor of Bone Island was known to have one), and its skin, which can be made into leather goods and also armour. The Pangarians even attempted to construct and run a mid-ocean Saltwater Crocodile Farm on the surface of the Ocean of Tempests with mixed results.

Monday, November 11, 2024

The Pangarian Spice-Run

CINNAMON (#19/30, #324/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a large tree with oval green leaves, greyish brown bark, and tiny white-yellow flowers.

Distribution: Islands in the Arrowhead Archipelago; Pangaria.
Effects: The bark of the Cinnamon tree is scraped off, cut up and dried into rolled-up pale brown stick-like strips and used as an important aromatic additive spice (see Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, p. 87). For example, it has been added to the following: Cinnamon Milk Pudding from Pangaria, Cinnamon Men pastries made by Rondervan the Baker of Darkwood (and favoured by the wizard Yaztromo), the Orc Ale known as Grundel's Speshul Ree-Zerve (see Citadel of Chaos, p. 24), and also Medlar Wine (see The Titan Herbal, p. 48).
Cost: City 2gp, Town 3gp, Village 4gp (per bag of sticks)
Availability: Rare (Pangaria: Common)
Further Notes: Although the Cinnamon tree is found only on a few isolated islands of the Arrowhead Archipelago (and Pangaria), as a spice it is traded far and wide across Titan as a valuable commodity.
GINGER (#20/30, #325/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a reed-like herb with long green leaves and yellow flowers, and a rough, irregular shaped root.

Distribution: Jungles, hills and plains across Titan; Pangaria.
Effects: The dried root of the Ginger plant can be ground down to create an important culinary spice to flavour food (see Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, p. 87). Ginger cream-horns and Gingerbread Biscuits, both specialties from the Pangarian island of Cumulus, add +1 STAMINA point when consumed, though this is not cumulative
Cost: City 1gp, Town 2gp, Village 3gp (per root)
Availability: Common
Further Notes: Ginger is found naturally in Hachiman and the Isles of the Dawn, and used in culinary preparations across Khul and beyond.

...a dead AERONAUT in space...

AERONAUT (#17/30, #318/365) [POT]




WEAPON: Wrench (as Club)

ARMOUR: Flightsuit (Leather Hauberk)


HABITAT: Seas, Mountains, Hills, Wilderness, Towns, Plains, Deserts


TYPE: Humanoid

REACTION: Friendly


AERONAUTS are the pilots of Pangaria, those tasked with operating the flying vehicles that keep the floating islands of the archipelago connected to each other. They will have a full leather flightsuit that doubles as hauberk armour, and a large wrench or spanner that can be used as a club. Aeronauts will also have Goggles, a Brass Telescope, and an Aeronaut Helmet, as well as 1-3 of the following (reroll any duplicates):

Roll Aeronaut Gear

1 Nose Filters

2 Ear Plugs

3 Roll: 1-3 Bottle of Special Brew, 4-6 Pipe and Smoking Weed

4 a good Book

5 a Flintlock Pistol and ammo

6 a Familiar (roll: 1-2 Eye-Spy, 3-4 Techno-Homunculus, 5-6 Winged Gremlin)

Also roll for the type of transport the Aeronaut is piloting.

Roll Aerial Vehicle

1-2 Hovers

3-4 Flyer

5 Airship

6 Cruiser

Aeronauts are sometimes required by the Sky Watch to pilot flyers on covert missions beyond Pangaria, but by and large their aerial activities - transport, haulage, island maintenance, patrolling - are limited to Pangarian airspace. One of the most noted Aeronauts of recent times is the Goblin Daxa who hails from Cumulus Island and narrowly escaped from a Lightning Serpent that was menacing the Sky Bridge to Cirrus there.

Aeronaut Helmet (#18/30, #319/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item)

This is a leather and brass helmet with a flippable visor made from special enchanted crystal to enhance sight and make vision sharper. Anyone wearing an Aeronaut Helmet with the visor down can add 1 to their SKILL score while they are using it, even if this takes their SKILL above its Initial level. In addition the helmet also offers some protection in combat; if the wearer suffers a hit from a weapon in battle, they can reduce the damage done by 1 STAMINA on a roll of 5 or 6 on one die. Aeronaut Helmets are worn by the Aeronauts of Pangaria as they pilot flyers and other aerial vehicles between the floating islands of that hidden archipelago.


Saturday, November 9, 2024

Cloudkin Atlas

CLOUDKIN (#16/30, #321/365) [OOTP IV]

                Adult     Young     Stormkin
SKILL:         7            4             10

STAMINA:    7            3             10

ATTACKS:    2           1              2


Adult - Storm Energy (as per Large Claw and see below)

Young - Storm Energy (as per Small Claw)

Stormkin - Storm Energy (as per Large Claw and see below)



HABITAT: Elemental Plane of Air, Mountains, Hills, Wilderness


TYPE: Magical Creature



Thought to be related to the Cloud of Chaos, the CLOUDKIN are a race of sentient clouds, typically native to the Elemental Plane of Air, particularly along its borders with the Elemental Plane of Water. They can also be found in the skies of Titan, in mountainous or isolated areas, and have been domesticated by the inhabitants of the floating islands of Pangaria. Here they are farmed; born and raised when young on the water island of Altos, before they are let out to roam in the skies above, the Zephyrus Tempest preventing them from drifting too far away. There they grow fat with rain and are cared for at ground level by Altos' many Cloudkin Herders, and in the air by Canidors - winged, dog-like creatures.

Any Pangarian island that needs rain or shade can request a herd of Cloudkin, which will come to their island and deposit the rain before returning to Altos to be fattened up again. Cloudkin are usually gentle and passive, and will scatter like frightened sheep when surprised, some of them shedding a little water as they float speedily away from whatever has startled them.

However, if six Cloudkin are encountered then they will be a mother Cloudkin with five young (scores for both above), and the mother will be very protective of her brood if disturbed. While the young Cloudkin flee to their mother in fright and fold themselves into her fluffy, cloudy depths, she will angrily lash out at whatever whatever the cause of the shock was, with a blast of electrical storm energy. As part of the Cloudkin's attack is electrical in nature, anyone who is wearing metal armour and is wounded by a Cloudkin must suffer an additional point of STAMINA damage due to minor electrocution. This also applies to anyone who hits a Cloudkin with a metal weapon in combat; the Cloudkin is wounded as normal and their assailant also loses 1 STAMINA point of damage from being shocked.

Sometimes a Cloudkin becomes corrupted by rogue surges in elemental energy and warps into a STORMKIN! If a single Cloudkin is encountered, roll a die; on a six the Cloudkin is actually a Stormkin and their Reaction is Hostile. A Stormkin is an enormous black cloud-like creature with lightning sparking from within its dark depths, and a nebulous horned face with flashing eyes. Accompanied by a series of thunderous growls, this angry ball of storm energy attacks with alternating blasts of wind and electrical sparks. This is identical to the typical Cloudkin attack as described above. Unfortunately, and unlike other denizens of Pangaria such as the Canidor, this corruption is a one-way process and the Stormkin cannot revert back to its gentler Cloudkin nature as it is too far gone! If slain however, the Stormkin dissipates into thin air...

Friday, November 8, 2024

"It's the Great Pumpkin, ..."

PUMPKIN (#15/30, #320/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a sprawling though low to the ground herbaceous vine with large light-green lobed leaves, yellow star-shaped flowers and bulky orange gourd-like fruit.

Distribution: Woods, hills and plains across Titan.
Effects: One ripe Pumpkin is equivalent to 1-3 meals worth of Provisions. Pumpkins are also used in the construction of Animated Scarecrows (see Return to the Pit, p. 20), and other similar foul magical creatures.
Cost: City 5gp, Town 4gp, Village 3gp (per pumpkin)
Availability: Common
Further Notes: The Pumpkin is a staple food in many places across Titan, including the kingdoms of the Old World, Ximoran and Arion in Khul, and even on the floating islands of Pangaria (where the pumpkin pies are well regarded).

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Little Fluffy Cloudkins

CLOUDKIN HERDER (#13/30, #318/365) [POT]




WEAPON: Cloudkin Staff or Sling



HABITAT: Mountains, Hills, Wilderness, Towns


TYPE: Humanoid

REACTION: Friendly


CLOUDKIN HERDERS are a rare type of farmer, from the island of Altos within the Pangarian Archipelago, who tend to the flocks of sentient clouds known as the Cloudkin. These cloud creatures are shepherded from place to place to provide rain for crops and shade from the sun. Because of their sometimes hazardous work (given the stormy nature of their charges), Cloudkin Herders are sensibly dressed in waterproof farm clothes, with leather boots and gloves. They are always armed with both a wooden Cloudkin Staff and a sling and a supply of stones, in order to ward off any harmful intruders in the aerial wilderness. They will also have one potion, which can be rolled for on the table below:

Roll Magic Potion

1-2 Calming Potion

3-4 Healing Potion

5-6 Potion of Might

A Cloudkin Herder will also be accompanied by a flock of one to six Cloudkin, and a trained Canidor; this flying dog-like creature helps them herd the Cloudkin from one area to another. One of the most famous Cloudkin Herders of recent times was Nemi of Altos, who worked with Flapps the Canidor.

Cloudkin Staff (#14/30, #319/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item)

This is a wooden staff of strange design, looking like a shepherd's crook, but with enchanted runes inscribed down the length of the staff. It counts as a magical weapon in combat, but anyone using it must reduce their Attack Strength by 1 as it is a cumbersome weapon. However, against magical creatures from the Elemental Planes of Air or Water, there is no penalty for its use as a weapon. It is commonly used by herders on the floating islands of Pangaria in the farming of the sentient clouds known as Cloudkin, hence the name of the staff.


Magical Potions from the Floating Archipelago of Pangaria

Greater Healing Potion (#7/30, #312/365) [EA:V2] (Potion)

This is a large vial of azure-blue liquid, made from the healing waters of the Great Waterfall on Altos Island. When drunk, the Greater Healing Potion restores 5 STAMINA points, or cures one poison or disease.


Healing Potion (#8/30, #313/365) [EA:V2] (Potion)

This is a small vial of azure-blue liquid, made from the healing waters of the Great Waterfall on Altos Island. When drunk, the Healing Potion restores 4 STAMINA points.


Potion of Power (#9/30, #314/365) [EA:V2] (Potion)

When this vial of lavender liquid is drunk, the recipient can restore 3 STAMINA points and will gain a +2 bonus to their Attack Strength for the duration next battle they find themselves in.


Potion of Proficiency (#10/30, #315/365) [EA:V2] (Potion)

When this vial of golden amber liquid is drunk, the recipient can ignore any penalties they may suffer from using their weapon of choice, and will gain a +2 bonus to their Attack Strength for the duration next battle they find themselves in while armed with that weapon.


Potion of Prowess (#11/30, #316/365) [EA:V2] (Potion)

When this small bottle of purplish-coloured liquid is drunk, the recipient will feel their strength growing and a warm tingling feeling spreading right down to the tips of their fingers. They may add 3 STAMINA points to their current total, even if this takes them over their Initial score and add 1 to their Attack Strength for the next battle they fight.


Knockout Powder (#12/30, #317/365) [EA:V2] (Potion)

This is a sachet of crystalline grey-black powder. When thrown in someone's face, it will cause 2 STAMINA points of damage from breathing the gritty dust, and also cause the victim to black-out for 2-12 minutes, during which they are completely unconscious. It requires a successful Test for Skill to hit, but does not effect Demons, Undead, Magical creatures or carnivorous plants.


Monday, November 4, 2024

Flapps Come Home!

CANIDOR (#6/30, #311/365) [OOTP IV]




WEAPON: Large Bite



HABITAT: Seas, Mountains, Hills, Wilderness


TYPE: Animal

REACTION: Friendly or Hostile


The CANIDOR is a domesticated version of the Aakor, a winged, dog-like creature with surprisingly sharp teeth. They are primarily used on the Floating Islands of Pangaria, typically helping Cloudkin Herders on the mountainous isle of Altos, and will have a collar and a nametag. One of the most famous Canidors of recent times was Flapps who worked with the Cloudkin Herder Nemi of Altos. Canidors particularly detest Lightning Serpents, which they will attack on sight, but are friendly with most other creatures, especially people, among whom they will bark happily when excited.

However, sometimes a Canidor becomes corrupted by rogue surges in elemental energy! Their eyes will glow with flashes of lightning while sparks will crackle off their fur. The Canidors will growl and snarl, revealing wickedly sharp teeth, and leap forward and attempt to bite their opponent. If Canidors are encountered, roll a die; on a six the pack of Canidors are corrupted in this manner and their Reaction is Hostile. To restore such Canidors to their domesticated state requires a Calming Potion to placate the Canidors, or some means of draining the corrupted elemental energy!

Sunday, November 3, 2024

From the markets on the isle of Cumulus...

STINK FRUIT (#4/30, #309/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a short-trunked tree with red-brown bark, dark green oval-shaped leaves and fleshy red-orange fruit that smells appallingly bad, hence the name.

Distribution: Jungles across Titan.
Effects: Despite its foul odor, Stink Fruit is surprisingly edible and restorative, especially when dried. Dried Stink Fruit can be eaten as a provision and restores 2-4 STAMINA points when consumed. Ripe Stink Fruit can be used as a weapon, doing improvised damage and causing anyone hit to reduce their SKILL by 1 due to the stench, unless they are wearing Nose Plugs or Nose Filters. The thrower also suffers this penalty unless they have similar protection.
Cost: City 3gp, Town 4gp, Village 5gp (per fruit)
Availability: Common
Further Notes: Stink Fruit is one of the main crops of the isle of Cirrus, where it is picked, dried and then sold in the markets of Cumulus.

PURPLE TUBER (#5/30, #310/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a short bush, just over a metre in height, with large green lobed leaves, purple flowers and bristly stems and branches. Buried among its roots will be several ovoid purple tubers.

Distribution: Plains and hills across Titan.
Effects: Purple Tubers are starchy and edible, with a spongy texture and crunchy flavour. They can be eaten as a provision and restores 1-3 STAMINA points when consumed. Purple Tubers can also be used as a weapon, doing improvised damage if thrown at an opponent.
Cost: City 1gp, Town 1gp, Village 2gp (per tuber)
Availability: Common
Further Notes: Purple Tubers are one of the main crops of the isle of Cirrus, where they are harvested and then sold in the markets of Cumulus.

And then the OFFICER said...

SKY WATCH OFFICER (#3/30, #308/365) [POT]




WEAPON: Shortsword

ARMOUR: Leather Jack


HABITAT: Towns, Seas


TYPE: Humanoid

REACTION: Friendly


SKY WATCH OFFICERS are the protective force of the Pangarian archipelago, tasked with enforcing the peace across all of the floating islands and their territory. They carry a fine shortsword and wear a black leather uniform that doubles as a Leather Jack, as well as a peaked hat with protective adjustable goggles. Sky Watch Officers will also have a lantern and backpack as extra equipment. The badge of the Sky Watch, which adorns their uniform, is a black sword with white wings on a blue and silver shield.

If three Sky Watch Officers are encountered, one will be a CAPTAIN (SKILL 8 STAMINA 8) who will also have a pair of Hovers. Hovers are lightweight metal wings whose flight is powered by a rechargeable Storm Crystal; as per a Flight spell for up to one hour before the Storm Crystal runs out of power. Each island has a Watch House with one Captain and 2-12 Officers, of which half will be present at any one time while the rest are out on patrol. Overall command of the Sky Watch is based at the citadel on the central island of Nimbus, where the senior officers reside. 

Due to the hidden and peaceful nature of the Pangarian isles, most duties, particularly for new recruits, are fairly menial, and involve finding lost pets and mediating disputes between neighbours about overgrown shrubs. Occasionally, Sky Watch officers will have to deal with something more dangerous, such as the presence of an aerial predator, or some of the more aggressive wildlife. There is a separate division of the Sky Watch also based at the Citadel, that deals with contact with the rest of Titan, including Air Brigands or any sea monsters that may appear below, but their work is largely shrouded in secrecy from the rest of the Pangarian populace.