Wednesday, March 5, 2025

One BANANA, two banana, three banana, four...

BANANA (#27/28, #58/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a short tree around five metres tall, with long blade-like green leaves. Banana fruits are short to long, usually curved and green to yellow in colour. An individual tree may have bunches of 3-18 bananas growing on it.

Distribution: Tropical jungles, plains and islands across Titan.
Effects: Bananas are especially valued as food and when consumed restore 1-3 STAMINA points when eaten, as long as they are yellow in colour. Green Bananas, on the other hand, are detrimental to gastrointestinal health and reduce 1-3 STAMINA points from those who consume them. Also known as the Yellowfruit, the skin can be used as deterrent to pursuers; anyone running must subtract -1 from a Movement Special Skill roll if a Banana skin is successfully thrown in front of them. 
Cost: City 6sp, Town 5sp, Village 4sp (per fruit)
Availability: Common
Further Notes: The Banana is related to the Giant Banana (see p. XX).

GIANT BANANA (#28/28, #59/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a tall tree around ten metres tall, with long blade-like green leaves. Giant Banana fruits are up to a metre long, curved and yellow in colour. An individual tree may have bunches of 2-7 bananas growing on it.

Distribution: Tropical jungles, plains and islands across Titan.
Effects: Giant Bananas are especially valued as food and count as 1-3 Provisions. The SOD spell has been known to turn the weapon of a combat opponent into a Giant Banana (see Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, p. 19).
Cost: City 2gp, Town 4gp, Village 6gp (per fruit)
Availability: Uncommon
Further Notes: The Giant Banana is related to the Banana (see p. XX).

Monday, March 3, 2025

Master COOK!

COOK (#26/28, #57/365) [POT]




WEAPON: Cleaver (as per Axe) or Knife (as per Throwing Dagger)



HABITAT: Towns, Dungeons, Ruins


TYPE: Humanoid

REACTION: Friendly-Hostile


The lands of Titan are rich (or not, opinions vary) with culinary tradition and the COOK is the person who prepares the food on which the world dines. Also known as Chefs (three of which were employed by the wizard Throngard at his fortress in the heart of Ergon Wood), the Cook is usually encountered in their kitchen, wearing a set of stained clothes, with or without a hat, and armed with a cleaver (damage as per a Handaxe), and 1-3 knives (which can be hurled as per Throwing Daggers). The ancestry of Cooks can vary; roll on the table below to determine the most likely candidates:

Roll Ancestry

1-2 Human 

3-4 Dwarf 

5 Flayer 

6 Hag

A Cook will always have a selection of 2-7 items of food and drink in their kitchen. These can be generated using the appropriate section in Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1 (pp. 53-60). Alternatively, if you lack access to that book (a situation that you should recitfy as soon as possible by purchasing it), you can roll on the table below to determine what a Cook may have:

First Roll Second Roll Food or Drink

1-3            1            Roast Aardwolf Joint

1-3            2            Bag of Vittles

1-3            3            Bomba Fruit

1-3            4            Bottle of Wine

1-3            5            Skullbuster

1-3            6            Gloister and Bread

4-6            1            Herbal Tea

4-6            2            Lizard Eyeball Pate

4-6            3            Mutant Meatballs

4-6            4            Orc Ale

4-6            5            Pickled Dung Beetles

4-6            6            Whortle Soup          

The reaction of a cook to intruders in their food preparation space can vary widely. Some are enthusiastic at the opportunity to share their latest culinary creations with bemused adventurers, while others are just happy to make some coin selling provisions of dubious repute. Variously, another Cook may be outraged at the intrusion into their kitchen workplace and react aggressively, while there are even those with cannibalistic tendencies (or just a high need for fresh meat) who will actively seek to murder strangers and add their suitably seasoned cadavers to whatever they are currently cooking up. If needed, roll a die and consult the table below to determine the Cook's (possibly current) reactionary state:

Roll Reaction

1-2 Friendly

3-4 Neutral

5 Unfriendly

6 Hostile

Some Cooks are so infamous as to become legendary, such as Inglenook of Valisnore, or Bladderwrack who served the Pirate Lord Cinnabar. The Dwarf Pookie and his brothers Glantie and Hungie ran several Eating Houses at various underground dungeons across north-western Allansia, while the Sisters of Sheena from the Black Tower were renowned as much for their sinister experiments on the side regardless of whatever nosh they were cooking up for the inhabitants of Balthus Dire's citadel. Other races of Cooks are of course prevalent, though not as common as the above ancestral types, such as the Hobgoblin Throg, whose kitchen in the Fortress of Mampang was a byword for almost-certain gastrointestinal issues for those non-denizens foolish enough to dine on its so-called "cuisine".

Purveyors of Plentiful Potions

Antifreeze Potion (#18/28, #49/365) [EA:V2] (Potion)

Drinking this potion protects one against the cold of winter and the mountains, and keeps it from sapping one's strength. They will suffer no STAMINA loss from cold damage, and may recover full STAMINA points from food or sleep in such conditions. It was known to be sold by the wizard and trader Canches of the Pikestaff Plain.

3 GP 

Potion of Curse-Removal (#19/28, #50/365) [EA:V2] (Potion)

This herbal medicine consists of a vial containing a thick brown smoke. When the vial is opened, the smoke must be immediately inhaled, though it may cause the inhaler to cough and splutter, making their eyes water. However, it is highly effective and will remove all curses and the effects of any curse that may have been cast upon the inhaler are now neutralized. The medicine-man Euphidius of Coven was known to perfected the brewing of this concoction from various unknown herbal ingredients.

50 GP 

Potion of Appetite Suppression (#20/28, #51/365) [EA:V2] (Potion)

This gourd contains an olive green potion used by wizards, rulers or wealthy merchants worried about their expanding waistline, who resort to drinking it when felling particularly overweight. Its effect is to reduce the appetite; in fact it abolishes feelings of hunger and makes the sight and smell of food repulsive. The effects wear off after 1-3 days, but during this time the imbiber of the potion will be unable to consume any food or drink, including other potions.

5 GP 

Potion of Berserk Rage (#21/28, #52/365) [EA:V2] (Potion)

This small stoppered bottle contains a crimson-coloured potion. When consumed, the imbiber must fight their next battle to the death and berserker strength will flow through their veins. Their SKILL score will increase by 4 points for the duration of their next fight, but they cannot flee, and must fight until they or all their foes are dead. The Potion of Beserk Rage is often brewed by priests of Oiden, the Khulian equivalent of the god Titan.

30 GP 

Potion of Change (#22/28, #53/365) [EA:V2] (Potion)

This is a stoppered clay jug containing a clear sparkling liquid which is odourless. It is a strange magical concoction whose properties change constantly. When drunk, the imbiber must Test their Luck to determine the potion's effects. If they are Lucky, at this moment the potion is rich with healing properties and they may. restore 4 STAMINA points if injured. If they are Unlucky however, the potion is harmful to one's health and the imbiber must lose 4 STAMINA points!

8 GP 

Potion of Obedience (#23/28, #54/365) [EA:V2] (Potion)

This is a bottle of straw-yellow liquid that smells disgusting and has a bitter taster; however after consuming it the imbiber will feel warm, happy and even euphoric inside. They will be compelled to serve either the brewer of the potion, if present, or whoever gave it to them, without question. If they found and drank the potion without such a person present, they will serve the first person they meet who issues them an order. The effects wear off in 1D3 hours.

35 GP

Potion of Slow Poison (#24/28, #55/365) [EA:V2] (Potion)

This stoppered glass bottle contains a green liquid that tastes sweet when consumed. However it is actually a slow-acting poison that will kill the imbiber in 2-12 minutes, causing them to double over clutching their stomach and die an agonizing death. For the imbiber to survive,  a Potion of Anti-Poison or other healing magic must be applied immediately!

Not available to buy

Potion of Wound Recovery (#25/28, #56/365) [EA:V2] (Potion)

This is a fizzing blue potion that does not have to be imbibed and is instead poured directly onto a wound, restoring 2-12 STAMINA points. It has no effect on diseases, internal injuries or poisons however.

10 GP

Sunday, March 2, 2025

(B)red Dwarf

DWARF (#16-17/28, #47-48/365) [OOTP IV]

                Half-Dwarf     Stone Dwarf
SKILL:             7                    8

STAMINA:        8                    10


Half-Dwarf - 1

Stone Dwarf - 2


Half-Dwarf - See below

Stone Dwarf - Spear


Half-Dwarf - See below

Stone Dwarf - Heavy


HABITAT: Hills, Mountains, Plains, Towns, Caves, Dungeons


TYPE: Humanoid



Created from magical clay by the earth goddess Throff, DWARFS (Out of the Pit, p. 43) are one of the most stable and least variable of the original five races of Titan. Nevertheless, some variants and offshoots are present, including Gnomes (see Out of the Pit, p. 60) and Chaos Mutants (see Beyond the Pit, pp. 30-31), and the following two new types presented below.

As with other major races of Titan, mixed ancestry people are possible and this is why we have the HALF-DWARF. Admittedly somewhat rarer than other people, the odd Half-Dwarf or two can invariably be found engaged in similar professions to their Dwarf parentage, such as miners, smiths, warriors and others. They are generally taller than Dwarfs but shorter than humans, having a stocky build, and are usually bearded if male. Most Half-Dwarfs are also part-human, such as Erl Chorn, chieftain of the village of Drystone in central Allansia, but other ancestral types are known. The Black Tower of Balthus Dire in particular is inhabited by various green-skinned chaotic Half-Dwarfs, such as the infamous Cindergut brothers. To determine a Half-Dwarf's weapons and armour, roll on the tables below:

Roll Weapon

1 Battleaxe

2 Club

3 Handaxe

4 Warhammer

5 War-Pick

6 Shortsword

Roll Armour

1 Small Shield (roll again if armed with Battleaxe)

2 Leather Jack

3 Leather Cuirass

4 Leather Hauberk

5 Chainmail Cuirass

6 Chainmail Hauberk

The STONE DWARF is a warped elemental mutation, a Dwarf cursed by unknown powers to become a travesty of life, a figure of bizarre aspect covered in stony spines. Set as an undying guardian in some forgotten corner of a dungeon or mine, the Stone Dwarf will jerk stiffly into life and move threateningly towards any intruder to attack with two lengths of barbed stone, rather like petrified spears. They are dangerous foes and each Attack Round when the Stone Dwarf's Attack Strength is three or more points higher than its opponent's, it will cause the enemy's weapon to break as it strikes the creature's petrified body. This only applies to non-magical weapons. The process by which a Dwarf becomes a Stone Dwarf is potentially reversible; the once-lost Dwarfhold of Slate Peak in the Dragon Reaches of north-western Allansia reported some success with this following the slaying of a Mountain Basilisk that had cursed their settlement.


Half-Dwarfs as an ancestry for Heroes

Half-Dwarfs can be chosen as an ancestry type by players for their Heroes. This allows the following addition to made to the Hero's characteristics:

Half-Dwarf:         +2 to STAMINA or +1 to LUCK

The Half-Dwarf also have some Special Skills and Talents that are granted for free. These are as follows:

Special Skills:

Common Speech 4

Dwarfish 3

Crafting 1 

Underground/World/City Lore 1 (player's choice as to which)


Dark Seeing