BANANA (#27/28, #58/365) [TTHA]
Appearance: This is a short tree around five metres tall, with long blade-like green leaves. Banana fruits are short to long, usually curved and green to yellow in colour. An individual tree may have bunches of 3-18 bananas growing on it.
Distribution: Tropical jungles, plains and islands across Titan.
Effects: Bananas are especially valued as food and when consumed restore 1-3 STAMINA points when eaten, as long as they are yellow in colour. Green Bananas, on the other hand, are detrimental to gastrointestinal health and reduce 1-3 STAMINA points from those who consume them. Also known as the Yellowfruit, the skin can be used as deterrent to pursuers; anyone running must subtract -1 from a Movement Special Skill roll if a Banana skin is successfully thrown in front of them.
Cost: City 6sp, Town 5sp, Village 4sp (per fruit)
Availability: Common
Notes: The Banana is related to the Giant Banana (see p. XX).
GIANT BANANA (#28/28, #59/365) [TTHA]
Appearance: This is a tall tree around ten metres tall, with long blade-like green leaves. Giant Banana fruits are up to a metre long, curved and yellow in colour. An individual tree may have bunches of 2-7 bananas growing on it.
Distribution: Tropical jungles, plains and islands across Titan.
Effects: Giant Bananas are especially valued as food and count as 1-3 Provisions. The SOD spell has been known to turn the weapon of a combat opponent into a Giant Banana (see Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, p. 19).
Cost: City 2gp, Town 4gp, Village 6gp (per fruit)
Availability: Uncommon
Notes: The Giant Banana is related to the Banana (see p. XX).
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