Saturday, February 1, 2025

Mana from Weed

MANAWEED (#26/31, #26/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a strange grassy herb, with silvery green leaves and rainbow-coloured flowers that appear to be constantly changing colour.

Distribution: Plains and wilderness across Titan, especially those that are the site of great expenditures of magical energy, such as the Wastes of Chaos, the Battlegrounds, the Plain of Bones and the Baklands. It has also been noted growing in some large cities near the local wizards' guild.
Effects: Chewing on a spring of Manaweed restores 1-6 Magic Points. More importantly, a sprig of Manaweed is a key component in concocting a Potion of MAGIC (see Magic Companion, p. 102, and the Advanced Fighting Fantasy rulebook, p. 149), along with powedered Ghoul bone.
Cost: City 15gp, Town 20gp, Village 25gp (per sprig)
Availability: Rare

SPIKETREE WOOD (#27/31, #27/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: The Spiketree is a tall, broad-branched tree, with green feathery leaves and bright yellow flowers. Its wood is dark brown to black in colour and covered in small thorns, hence the name.

Distribution: Plains, hills and wilderness across Titan.
Effects: A staff of prepared Spiketree wood, carved and engraved with the appropriate arcane runes, can be used to construct a magical Staff of Energy (see Magic Companion, p. 102), along with Gark hair and Demon slime.
Cost: City 7gp, Town 5gp, Village 3gp (per staff)
Availability: Common

Peril of the Pearl Diver

PEARL DIVER (#25/31, #25/365) [POT]




WEAPON: Dagger



HABITAT: Seas, Sea-shores, Lakes, Towns


TYPE: Humanoid



As well as the fisherfolk, the beach-combers and the kelp-collectors, another type of marine occupation that seeks the bounty of the oceans is the PEARL DIVER. Across the warmer of the twelve seas of Titan, the Pearl Diver braves the horrors of the deep and the challenges of descending underwater to acquire valuable kinds of pearls from clams and other types of mollusc. They typically have few possessions, usually just a small boat (typically a Knarr), a knife (damage equivalent to a Dagger), a pair of wooden Goggles (regular visibility underwater), and a pair of Flippers made from wood and hide (-4 to Movement Special Skills on land, +2 to Swim Special Skill in water). In addition, roll 1-3 times on the following table for further belongings:

Roll Gear

1 Shark's Tooth Necklace

2-3 Pouch with 2-7 Pearls (roll for type: 1 Black 2 Rose 3 Common 4 Scarlet 5 Silver 6 Giant (one only))

4-5 Seafood Snacks worth 1-2 meals

6 Coral Charm

To determine what community they belong to, roll on the following table:

1-2 Native: from many island communities across Titan including the Isles of Scars and Despair, the Isles of the Dawn, and the islands and atolls of the Western Ocean

3-4 Sea Nomad: from the Eelsea shoreline of Femphrey and Lendleland

5 Half-Sea Elf: from the Arrowhead Archipelago

6 Half-Siren: from Pangaria, the Shining Islands and the Sea of Silver

Pearl Divers are always happy to trade for the pearls they have found, but they have a keen idea of the pearls' worth and will not be swindled. They are also wary of some of the aquatic races, particular the Pelagine, with whom they are not on the best of terms.