Wednesday, July 24, 2024

"My own brother, a damned blood-sucking vampire!"

LIFESUCKER (#10/31, #192/365) [OOTP IV]




WEAPON: Large Claw and Large Bite


DAMAGE MODIFIER: +1 to Damage Roll

HABITAT: Caves, Dungeons, Ruins


TYPE: Humanoid

REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile


Down there in the ultimate dark of the deepest reaches of the Down Below, foul terrors breed and procreate into an astonishing variety of new forms of Chaos, who then battle their way back upwards, towards the light, feasting upon anything that has the misfortune to creep in their general direction. One such stabilized race of loathsome horrors are the LIFESUCKERS, tall, gangly beings that appear part human and part bat. Their pale-skinned forms are thin and muscular, their forearms ending in vicious sword-like claws, their mouths full of long, pointed fangs.

If a Lifesucker wins two Attack Rounds in a row, it will leap at its opponent's throat with its fanged mouth, latching on and draining 2 STAMINA points per Attack Round, until driven off (when or if the victim wins an Attack Round). Any STAMINA points drained by a Lifesucker in such a manner can be added to its own STAMINA total. Once a Lifesucker has absorbed 8 STAMINA points of its victim's life-force, or if its victim has expired, it will attempt to flee and digest its meal of warm blood.  

Lifesuckers are essentially humanoid quislings, pretending to be vampiric undead, but actually just a warped group of people who worship Nyctule the Bat-Winged God, and dwell underground in dark labyrinths and slimy catacombs. They often congregate around charismatic leaders such as a Nosferatu or a Werebat of standing, and in the kingdom of Kazan are known for a fact to inhabit the rock-walled Maze of the Bogomil.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Meanwhile, down at the Port Blacksand herb and fungi stall...

TROLLBLOOD HERB (#7/31, #189/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a large herb that can grow into a bush over a metre tall, with glossy, oval-shaped green leaves, and small white flowers that aggregate in a central spike.

Distribution: Plains, deserts and wilderness across Titan.
Effects: The dried leaves of this plant are used to add flavour when cooking. They also have some healing capacity towards Trolls. Any Troll, including Half-Trolls and Troll-Orcs, gains an addition point of STAMINA if eating a meal cooked with the Trollblood Herb. This perhaps explains the popularity of this herb in Port Blacksand, among the Trollish members of Lord Azzur's Imperial Guard soldiers.
Cost: City 1gp, Town 2gp, Village 3gp (per bunch)
Availability: Uncommon

Further Notes:  Leaves from the Trollherb Plant are a common component in the infamous Port Blacksand cuisinary dish 'Shark Surprise' (see Blacksand, p. 34).

BLACK MOULD (#8/31, #190/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a patch of grey-blackish furry mould with a bitter smell.

Distribution: Underground areas such as dungeons, caves and cellars across Allansia.
Effects: When disturbed, Black Mould produces a cloud of spores that require a Test for Luck to avoid (or the wearing of Nose Plugs or Nose Filters). Anyone who breathes in the cloud of spores, which can reach up to three metres in diameter, are paralyzed by coughing fits causing -1 to all their SKILL rolls for the next 10-60 minutes.
Cost: City 10gp, Town 20gp, Village 30gp (per patch)
Availability: Very Rare

Further Notes:  Patches of Black Mould are a necessary ingredient in the infamous Port Blacksand cuisinary dish 'Moonstone Black Cheese' (see Blacksand, p. 34). This recipe has been guarded carefully by the northerner Gradin Fouleg from the Harbour District, who has cornered the market for this particular type of cheese.

GLOW-MOULD (#9/31, #191/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a patch of pale greenish mould, growing in furry clumps.

Distribution: Underground areas such as dungeons, caves and cellars across Allansia.
Effects: Glow-Mould fungus that feeds on the breath of creatures. When breathed upon, a clump of Glow-Mould glows with a greenish-blue light for 1D6 minutes, the same as a Glimmer cantrip (see Advanced Fighting Fantasy, p. 70).
Cost: City 1gp, Town 2gp, Village 3gp (per clump)
Availability: Uncommon

Further Notes: Glow-Mould has been cataloged by the noted fungi scholar Needwyl of Craggen Rock (see Citadel of Chaos, p. 55-56).

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

"Cut-me-own-throat" Dibbler II

CUT-THROAT (#6/31, #188/365) [POT]




WEAPON: See below

ARMOUR: See below


HABITAT: Towns, Towns (Sewers), Dungeons, Ruins, Caves, Forests, Hills, Plains, Wilderness, Sea, Lake, Rivers


TYPE: Humanoid

REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile


Of all the bloodthirsty thugs, ruffians and outlaws out there, some say CUT-THROATS are the worst. Poorer sailors than pirates, less competent trackers than bandits, Cut-Throats are only in it for all the money and treasure they can get their hands on, and the chance to cause spectacular violence, mayhem and murder. Violent, backstabbing scoundrels, Cut-Throats are typically armed to the teeth (roll twice on the weapon table below, ignoring duplicate rolls) and wear scraps of leather armour or carry a shield (roll once on the armour table below). They attack ferociously, en-masse and without honour, but are cowardly at heart and if three of them are slain or their leader is defeated, the remainder will cut and run, fleeing the battle.

DIE ROLL CUT-THROAT WEAPON (Roll twice, ignoring duplicates)

1 Needleknife

2 Dagger

3 Sword

4 Scimitar

5 Shortsword

6 Throwing Dagger


1 Leather Cuirass

2-3 Small Shield

4-5 Leather Jack

6 Leather Hauberk

If six or more Cut-Throats are encountered, one will be a CUT-THROAT LEADER (SKILL 8 STAMINA 15, roll for weapons and armour as above). One of the more infamous Cut-Throat Leaders of recent times was Baba Lai. A short, dark lady with a mischievous glint in her eye and wearing practical clothes along with a sheathed shortsword, Baba Lai's robber band of bloodthirsty cut-throats notoriously terrorized the borders of Arantis and elsewhere across the southern lands. Their reign of chaos came to an end in a sorry fashion - attempting to rob the manse of the Riddling Reaver, Baba Lai and her Cut-Throats were captured by a Genie, shrunk in size, and imprisoned within a series of wine-bottles. Legend has it they are there still, endlessly tapping at the glass walls of their bottle prisons until freed by a foolish wanderer.

Treasures from the ruins of Atlantis...

Swiftstinger (#2/31, #184/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item) 

This is a sleek throwing dagger in excellent condition, whose handle is marked with runes reading Swiftstinger. When Swiftstinger is thrown in combat, its thrower automatically wins that Attack Round; neither the thrower or their foe roll dice. (If there are other foes, the ones that are not attacked will still make their attack rolls, and the dagger-thrower must roll against them to defend.) Swiftstinger automatically hits its target and reduces their STAMINA by 10 points. It then vanishes, so it can only be used once. Most Enchanters agree the procedure to forge such a throwing dagger is fairly simple once the recipe has been acquired. Other, more fringe-dwelling types claim Swiftstinger is but one dagger that teleports randomly to a new nearby treasure hoard whenever it is used.

Unavailable to buy

Ring of Strength (#3/31, #185/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item) 

This is a greenish brass spiral ring, carved with indecipherable runes. When placed upon one's finger, the Ring of Strength will shrink or grow to fit. Its wearer will feel much stronger and can add 2 points to their current STAMINA score, and 2 to their Initial STAMINA score. If they remove the ring, they lose these bonuses however. Such rings were the provenance of magi from the Atlantean Empire, and indeed, one adventurer recounts a tale when they were magically transported to the sunken ruins of Atlantis and encountered a Sea Ogre with exactly this type of Ring of Strength.

Unavailable to buy 

Ring of Virtue Against Poison (#4/31, #186/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item) 

This is a gold ring inscribed with Elvish runes. When worn it will protect its wearer from any kind of poison or venom. They take no STAMINA damage from any kind of venomous or poisonous attack in combat, and any creature that uses poison or venom must reduce their Attack Strength by -3 when fighting the wearer of this ring. In addition, the Ring of Virtue Against Poison is protection against any kind of ingested poison as well, whether gas, pollen, fungal spores, drunk or eaten. However the ring only has 2-7 charges and each use of protection costs 1 charge. Such rings are thought to be forged by the Sea Elves, to grant protection against the many poisonous and venomous creatures of the sea that there are to contend with.

Unavailable to buy

Arm-Bracelets of Atlantis(#5/31, #187/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item) 

This is a pair of jewelled arm-bracelets, designed to be worn around the wrists and fore-arms. Both bracelets are required for the item to work. When worn the Arm-Bracelets of Atlantis will increase the wearer's fighting prowess without weighing down their arms, allowing the wearer to claim a +1 bonus to their Attack Strength in combat. They were thought to be worn by the most favoured heroes of Atlantis, and occasionally turn up in the possession of a Sea Troll champion or Merfolk warrior.

Unavailable to buy

Friday, June 28, 2024

Better the DEVIL you know...

DEVIL (#28-30/30 & 1/31, #180-183/365) [OOTP IV]

                 Devilkin - Double-Headed  - Evil Spirit - Horned
SKILL:            6                 7                    8              7

STAMINA:       6                 10                  10             6

ATTACKS: 1 (Double-Headed Devil has 2 ATTACKS)

WEAPON: See below



HABITAT: Dungeons, Ruins, Caves, Towns, Wilderness, Volcanic Areas, Demonic Plane

NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-2 (Devilkin - 2-12)

TYPE: Demon



On Titan, the term DEVIL is used to describe horrific and terrifying creatures of malevolent intent, including Bone Devils, Fog Devils and Sand Devils. It is also applied to several types of Demon or Spirit that have been drawn to Titan and, being unable to return to the Pit for various reasons, have regressed to demonic barbarism. Such creatures, like the below-featured Devilkin, Double-Headed Devils, Evil Spirits and Horned Devils, represent a transitional stage between typical Lesser Demons and even more devolved demonoids such as the different kinds of Fiends. Devils can be hit with normal weapons but they take no STAMINA damage from any fire-based attacks, magical or otherwise. While Devils may be employed upon Titan in a variety of capacities by various evil witches and wizards, or else found eking out a marginal existence in a forgotten dungeon or ruined temple, they all spend their time dreaming up devious ways to get back home to the Demonic Planes of the Pit to reclaim their true infernal essence.

DEVILKIN are the rank and file soldiery that form many of the demonic armies of the Legions of Hell, and are also known as Demonkin. They are small evil horned humanoids some one and a half metres tall, with green scaly skin, clawed feet, and evil red eyes, and their appearance is always precipitated by a foul sulphurous stench. 

The scores above are for one Devilkin; for each additional creature add +1 SKILL, +2 STAMINA and +1 Attack, so 4 Devilkin would be SKILL 9 STAMINA 12 Attacks 4. Roll twice on the Devil Weapons table below to determine what weapons the Devilkin possess (reroll duplicates; also all Devilkin will have the same type of weapons), and roll once on the Devil Mutation table to determine what mutation they have (again, all Devilkin will have the same mutation). 

On Titan, the evil Mauristatian wizard Throngard was served by a band of Devilkin that lurked in his fortress in the depths of the Woods of Ergon, and who were always eager to drag unwilling victims down into the hellish cauldrons of the Demonic Pit via a magic portal in one of Throngard's fireplaces. Similarly, near Arkand in eastern Khul lies the Tower of Doom, home to the mysterious Banelord who commands two units each comprising of ten winged Devilkin warriors that defend the tower against crusading adventurers.

The DOUBLE-HEADED DEVIL is a large muscular humanoid with red skin and horns on both its heads. Roll once on the Devil Weapons table below to determine what weapon the Doubled-Headed Devil possesses, and roll 1-3 times on the Devil Mutation table to determine what mutation(s) they have. These Devils are used by evil spellcasters as bodyguards and warrior-minions; one with a long spiked tail and red clawed hands was controlled by the Khulian enchanter Jaxartes for example.

The EVIL SPIRIT is an example of what happens when a Hellfire Spirit or other demonic presence from the Spirit Plane is trapped on Titan, and gradually regresses into a somewhat degraded though still powerful version of itself. In this case, the Evil Spirit will appears as a big red humanoid creature with horns, fangs, cloven feet and bright red eyes. Roll once on the Devil Weapons table below to determine what weapon the Evil Spirit possesses, and roll once on the Devil Mutation table to determine what mutation they have manifested. For a time one of these creatures was known to dwell down a cursed well in the depths of the Dark Chasms beneath the kingdom of Gorak. It would respond to anything thrown down the well by suddenly appearing and pretend to be a summoned minion before attacking anyone foolish enough to believe this ridiculous lie!

One of the more common types of Devil, if there is such a thing, is the HORNED DEVIL, a thin, red-skinned, horned humanoid, with cloven, goat-like hooves. Also known as a Hob, a Horned Devil can be highly variable - roll 1-3 times on the Devil Mutation table to determine what mutation(s) they have, and roll once on the Devil Weapons table below to determine what weapon the Horned Devil possesses. One of these creatures was reputed to stalk the tunnels of the Maze of Bogomil in the kingdom of Kazan, while others were members of the demon-worshipping sect known as the Cauldron of Midnight in Ruddlestone.

Die Roll Devil Weapon Type

1 Handaxe

2 Short Sword

3 Scimitar

4 Trident

5 Mace

6 Spear

Die Roll Devil Mutation and Effects

1 Wings: Can fly.`

2 Breathe Fire: Roll one die per Attack Round. On 1-2 one opponent loses 1 extra STAMINA damage from the Devil's fiery breath.

3 Claws: +1 ATTACK. Devil will attack with razor-like taloned forelimbs that do Large Claw damage. The Devil will not carry any other kind of weapon.

4 Tail: +1 ATTACK. Devil has a long spiked tail as an extra attack that does Small Claw damage.

5 Large Horns: +1 ATTACK. Devil can headbutt for Large Claw damage.

6 Armoured Skin: Devil has thick red scaly skin that provides Medium armour.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Quest for the Blue or Yellow Orchid

BLUE ORCHID (#26/30, #178/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a single-stemmed flowering plant with ovoid green leaves, and bright blue blooms.

Distribution: Forests and woods across Titan.
Effects: The Blue Orchid can be used as a substitute for any other ingredient in the making of a Blue Potion (see Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, p. XX). The other herbs that Blue Orchid can be substituted for are Coriander, Lemongrass and Turmeric. A bunch of Blue Orchid flowers can also be ground down to create an Eye Tincture. This potion, when applied to one's eyes, negates any irritation or penalty associated with poor vision. However, it cannot cure blindness or replace lost eyes.
Cost: City 3gp, Town 4gp, Village 5gp (per bunch)
Availability: Common

Further Notes:  Blue Orchids often grow alongside Foxgloves (see the Titan Herbal, p. 34), and are related to the Yellow Orchid (see p. XX). They are one of the types of plants sold by Faye's Flowers in the central Allansian town of Hamelin, and are also exhibited alongside Black Lotus (see the Titan Herbal, p. 22) in Lord Azzur's Public Gardens in Port Blacksand.

YELLOW ORCHID (#27/30, #179/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This  is a single-stemmed flowering plant with ovoid green leaves, and bright yellow blooms.

Distribution: Lake-shores, river-banks, swamps and marshes across Khul.
Effects: A bunch of Yellow Orchids can be ground down and used to create a Potion of Acid Resistance. When consumed, the imbiber will be immune to damage from acid attacks for up to one hour..
Cost: City 12gp, Town 15gp, Village 17gp (per bunch)
Availability: Uncommon
Further Notes:  Yellow Orchids are related to the Blue Orchid (see p. XX). They are known to grow in some number upon the shores of Lake Nekros in north-eastern Khul.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Cut-me-own-purse Dibbler

CUTPURSE (#25/30, #177/365) [POT]




WEAPON: Dagger



HABITAT: Towns, Dungeons, Ruins


TYPE: Humanoid

REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile


Similar to the Pickpocket, the Cutpurse is a street-thief specializing in absconding with the valuables of townsfolk as they amble about a settlement. Unlike Pickpockets, however, who favour their dextrous agility to remove individual gold pieces and other trinkets directly from the pockets and pouches of the unwary, the Cutpurse uses a dagger to swiftly cut a purse free from its strap, hence their name. They then make a fast getaway, but it is advised to be cautious in following the Cutpurse as they are equally happy turning on their pursuers to give a practical demonstration of their excellent knife skills with said dagger. They have little else in the way of possessions, other than the clothes they wear; any treasure they may have, has been likely taken from their last victim.

Cutpurses operate in cities and larger towns either individually or in a small team, with one as the cutter, one as the lookout, and any others as backup. These roles may be varied to keep a team sharp, or chosen, or designated, based on skills and experience. The activities of a Cutpurse are almost always sanctioned under the auspices of the local Thieves' Guild; freelancers are given short and often violent shrift. In particular, the Cutpurse will target wealthy merchants and rich strangers, especially those without bodyguards or other protective measures. Note that this may include wandering adventurers, returning into town from a profitable expedition down the local dungeon, now heavily-laden with treasure and sundry sparkling objects - easy prey for a skilled team of Cutpurses!