Saturday, July 29, 2023

Hidden Temple of the Spider God (Part Five)

High Priestess' Lair (#29/31; #210/365)

"This chamber is lit by several guttering torches. One wall is covered in a sort of bookcase divided into boxes, each of which is full of scrolls sticking out. At the back of the room is a bed, while in the center of the room is a wide desk, dominated by a gold statue of the spider god. At the desk sits a Skeleton Woman dressed in armour, with a greatsword propped against her chair, who screams at your intrusion, and gestures to her pet, an enormous bloated giant spider with a white-spotted brown-haired body: "Gorgos! Get them!" The creature rises from the rug it was sitting on and stalks towards you, its fangs dribbling blood from a recent feed."

Contents: This chamber belongs to the High Priestess Uncinata, a Skeleton Woman and devoted follower of Arhallogen the Spider God. Uncinata is actually the younger sister of Queen Ulna of the Kingdom of Skulls, who fled the lands of the Bone People to find her fortune elsewhere. Falling in with Theraphosa the Spider Queen, she founded the Spider Cultists, a network of Arhallogen worshippers who have spread outwards from this hidden temple to establish cult centres in Pellod, Shazaar, and elsewhere. Much of the paperwork scrolls, written in the octoglyphic script of the Brain Slayers (learned from tutors during Uncinata's unhappy childhood in the Palace of the Skull), detail both the running of this temple and its extended network of cults across southern Allansia.

However, Uncinata is not without problems. She has had several run-ins with the troops of Arvakaten, who is not enamoured of the Spider Cult's presence here in the depths of the Found Tombs. Worse, a rift is beginning to develop between her and Theraphosa, who is jealous of Uncinata's extended network of contacts up on the surface world. If this is not bad enough, word back in the Down Below is that Queen Ulna is trying to locate her younger sister and bring her back to the Palace of the Skull. Whether the Heroes can get involved in these shenanigans depends on their deportment and diplomacy - Uncinata does speak Allansian.

The statue on the table of Arhallogen is of solid gold, and studded with emeralds for eyes, and worth 250GP. Behind the bed is a locked and trapped (Test for Luck or be hit by 1-6 poison darts tipped with Spider Venom) wooden chest; the key disarms the trap and unlocks the chest and is stuck to the underside of the desk. 

Inside the chest are the following treasures of the Spider Cult:

  • 312GP in a sack
  • 4 excellent quality Emeralds worth 40GP each
  • a strange crown of glowing Green Metal studded with Obsidian (150GP)
  • two bottles of rare perfume from Salamonis ("Eau de Black Lotus") worth 100GP each
  • a Potion of Anti-Poison
  • a silver Necklace of Choking


HIGH PRIESTESS Uncinata, SKILL 10 STAMINA 16, Greatsword, Breastplate. Uncinata has Devotion 11 and the priestly Powers of Arhallogen the Spider God: Shapechange (into a Giant Spider), Weakness, Curse, and never attacked by, and can communicate with, all spiders. Her Greatsword is dipped in Spider Venom. In her possession she also has 4-24 GP, a Ruby Holy Symbol of Arhallogen (50GP), an extra vial of Spider Venom, and a Net of Entanglement.

"Gorgos" GIANT BLOODSUCKING SPIDER, SKILL 6 STAMINA 14 (fully inflated), 2 Attacks, Large Bite, Light Armour. Can shoot webs: Test for Skill or immoblized as per Web spell.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Hidden Temple of the Spider God (Part Four)

Guardians of the Temple (#28/31; #209/365)

"This long, high arched chamber is remarkably free of cobwebs, as if it is completely swept clear every couple of hours or so. In fact, at the far end of the chamber, you see a bizarre creature, half human and half scorpion, appear to be doing exactly that - poking around in the corner of the room with a pole-arm to get rid of spider webs. There is a clattering sound, like many claws on stone, and three more of the large centaur-like human/scorpion hybrids stalk out from the shadows, claws and stinged tails raised, vicious-bladed two-handed polearms held firmly in hand."

Contents: These ACCURSED are demonic guardians of this part of the temple. They will attack anyone not successfully disguised as a cultist. They do however have a long-term grudge against the ISHKARIM, who are more spider-like than they are. In fact, as followers of Rikat the Scorpion God, these ACCURSED feel a little bit persecuted all round, in this den of spider-worshippers. However, they only speak the Demon's Tongue, Djaratian and Vatosian, so it may be difficult to communicate with them.


4 ACCURSED, SKILL 10 STAMINA 10, 2 Attacks, Polearm, Large Claw and Poison Sting, Medium Armour. Roll a die for each hit: 1-2 Claws, 3-4 Polearm, 5-6 Poison Sting (4 STAMINA damage).

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Hidden Temple of the Spider God (Part Three)

Guardians of the Shrine (#26/31; #207/365)

"You enter a high vaulted chamber, whose many archways are festooned with yet more cobwebs. Suddenly, four hideous creatures shamble into view - their upper half a bestial snarling armoured humanoid waving a scimitar, their bottom half eight scuttling giant spider legs. They advance towards you, clattering across the floor."

Contents: These ISHKARIM are demonic guardians of this part of the temple. They will attack anyone not successfully disguised as a cultist.


4 ISHKARIM, SKILL 8 STAMINA 9, Scimitar, Leather Cuirass and Shield. Successful hits only cause 1 STAMINA damage due to their strong bony frame.

Idol of Veracna (#27/31; #208/365)

"This long chapel ends in the horrible gigantic statue of an immense black hairy spider. Eight rubies gleam like fireballs in the eyesockets of the creature's head."

Contents: This is a shrine to Veracna the Spider Queen, and consort to Arhallogen the Spider God. The rubies in the statue's eyes are trapped; removing each one causes a jet of poisonous gas to Test for Luck to avoid or sleep for 10-60 minutes. Worse, if the final ruby is removed, an avatar of Veracna ("a huge grotesque bloated body supported on eight hairy legs, clicking its mandibles and staring at its prey with cold black eyes") will materialize in the chamber and attack whoever has stolen the rubies.

Each ruby is worth 50GP.


VERACNA, SKILL 9 STAMINA 10, 2 Attacks, Large Bite, Medium Armour. Causes fear in opponents who must reduce their Attack Strength by 2. Bite is poisonous and does double damage for each hit.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Hidden Temple of the Spider God (Part Two)

Worshippers' Cells (#22/31; #203/365)

"This large smoky cobweb-festooned cavern is roughly round in shape with a central hearth. Along the outer walls are entrances into small cell-like chambers. Several cloaked figures sit around the hearth, prodding the glowing embers with sticks and cooking chunks of meat."

Contents: This is the main dwelling area for the spider cultists, who are currently eating barbecued meat from the roasting carcass of a Cave Vampire bat (restores 4 STAMINA points if eaten).

The cultists will attack instantly if the Heroes are not disguised as cultists (and one will run off to warn the Spider Folk below). If the Heroes are disguised, the cultists will share meat with them and answer questions about the temple, assuming them to be new worshippers.


4-24 SPIDER GOD CULTISTS: SKILL 6 STAMINA 6, Poisoned Dagger (does 4 STAMINA damage)

Each cultist has 1-6GP in addition to their poisoned dagger, their spider-shaped cloak, and various web-like tattoos on their skin.

The Director can assume the cultists all have the same stats; if you want to differentiate more, roll on the table below to determine the race of each cultist:

1 Cavern Elf

2 Human

3 N'yadach

4 Dark Goblin

5 Skeleton Man

6 Dark Elf

Spider Folk Den (#23/31; #204/365)

"You have entered a round chamber, hemispherical in shape, whose curved walls are dotted with large holes and covered in cobwebs. From several holes, weird small man-like faces seem to peer out at you."

Contents: This cavern serves as a communal dwelling spot for 4-24 SPIDER FOLK, large spiders with the heads of men and women, and deadly poisonous bites. They will attack any Heroes if they are not disguised as spider cultists. In the center of the chamber is the dessicated corpse of an Orc, covered in webs and sucked dry of fluid. The Orc has a Sword, and 4GP in a pouch on its belt.


4-24 SPIDER FOLK: SKILL 7 STAMINA 5, 1 Damage. Bite is poisonous - Test for Luck or die! 

The Spider Queen (#24/31; #205/365)

"This cavern is like a hole in the earth, going both straight down and straight up; you stand on a ledge on the edge of a vast drop. There are immense webs spanning the entire chamber, and at their centre, in the middle of the cavern, is a round ball of web, four metres in diameter, inside which you glimpse something large, dark, and many-legged. On the far wall is another ledge, leading to a shallow cave full of bones, but you think to see a chest over there as well."

Contents: This is the lair of THERAPHOSA the SPIDER QUEEN, nominal figure-head of the cultists, creatures and other followers present in this hidden temple complex. Theraphosa takes the form of the upper body of a human female, yet with eight eyes, spider-like fangs, and covered in black bristles, and the lower body of an enormous tarantula.

Theraphosa lurks in the central webbed globe with two Giant Spider guards. The only thing of value in this globe is a small silk purse containing a Silver Key. The Spiders will attack anyone who steps onto the webs; Theraphosa will attack anyone who reaches the globe.

The ledge-cave on the far side of the cavern is full of bones and a single huge iron-bound locked chest. The Silver Key opens the chest but does not disarm the trap, a poison needle covered in Spider Venom. Inside the chest are the treasures of the Spider Queen:

  • 836 GP worth of coins in various formats (old Djaratian coins, emerald chips, obsidian tokens, etc.)
  • An ornate hourglass full of white sand
  • A 10 metre coil of fine spider-silk rope
  • A set of thief's lockpicks
  • A golden sickle
  • A huge Garnet gemstone (40GP)
  • An ornate turquoise scarab in a silver brooch (50GP)
  • A complete set of Hydra teeth in excellent condition in a velvet bag (50GP)
  • A box with 3 green glowing Regeneration Crystals
  • A ceramic bottle containing a Potion of Beauty (for Orcs)
  • A Lucky Charm, in the form of an engraved bone token on a leather cord


2 GIANT SPIDERS: SKILL 7 STAMINA 8, 2 Attacks, Large Bite, Light Armour.

THERAPHOSA THE SPIDER QUEEN: SKILL 10 STAMINA 16, 2 Attacks, Light Armour. When Theraphosa successfully wins an Attack Round, roll or choose on the table below to determine what form it takes:

1-2. Small Claws

3. Leap Attack: knocks one target to the ground (causes 2 STAMINA damage), target spends next Attack Round trapped with -1 to their Attack Strength

4. Web Spit: As per Web Spell on one target.

5. Venomous Bite: as per Large Bite but double damage.

6. Spider Swarm: Costs Theraphosa 2 STAMINA points. 1-3 hordes of SWARM SPIDERS (each horde is SKILL 6 STAMINA 6, Small Bite) erupt from Theraphosa's body and attack all in the vicinity. If a Swarm wins 3 Attack Rounds against an opponent, the victim has so many spiders on them they lose an additional 1 STAMINA per round until the Swarm is defeated.

Theraphosa is also a Priestess of Arhallogen with a Devotion Score of 10, and the following priestly Powers: Shapechange (into a Giant Spider), Weakness, Curse, and never attacked by, and can communicate with, all spiders.

Garbage Pit (#25/31; #206/365)

"This horrible-smelling cavern has a high ceiling, in which you glimpse what look like the entrances to several chutes and crevasses. The floor of the cavern is covered in refuse; bones, skulls, debris, and, everywhere, piles of foul slime and rotting garbage. With a start, one of the biggest heaps raises itself up and shambles towards you, revealing a gigantic staring eye, and an even bigger gaping mouth!"

Contents: This chamber serves as a refuse pit for several communities within the Found Tombs of Arvakaten, and lurking here is an enormous QUAGRANT, a gigantic lump of grey flesh with one eye and a huge mouth, that consumes anything that ends up here.

Among the debris are a few bits and pieces as yet undigested by the Quagrant: 7GP, a Brass Telescope (still works), an iron Breastplate, and a Crystal Statue of a Brain Slayer (worth 12GP).


Large QUAGRANT: SKILL 10 STAMINA 20, Sucking Mouth, Light Armour. When an assailant loses their first Attack Round to the Quagrant, they are sucked into the creature's mouth and lose 2 STAMINA points every round as the flesh is stripped off their body. If a sachet of dust is thrown into the Quagrant's mouth it will collapse in a coughing fit, losing 2 SKILL and 6 STAMINA points.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Hidden Temple of the Spider God (Part One)

(On a sub-level to level 4, and only tenuously connected via several secret doors, lies the Hidden Temple of the Spider God. This is a cult center for the worship of Arhallogen in this region of Allansia, and sends missionaries out across the wastes to spread the word of the Spider God from this base at the bottom of the Chasm of Doom. In particular, Spider Cult outposts have been set up in Pellod, Shazaar, and Sapphire City, while contact has also been established with the Spider King of the Wishing Well, near the mouth of the Whitewater River.)

Antechamber (#20/31; #201/365)

"This dark chamber had walls made from blocks of stone, and everywhere there are spider webs, draped down from the ceilings and covering the corners of the room."

Contents: This antechamber leads further into the temple complex. It is guarded by four Giant Cragspiders that will attack anyone entering the room who does not appear to be a Spider God Cultist. Heroes disguising themselves with the appropriate cloaks, or using illusion magic, maybe able to sneak in here successfully.


4 GIANT CRAGSPIDERS: SKILL 8 STAMINA 10, Stabbing Proboscis (as per Spear), Medium Armour (see Citadel of Chaos, p. 36). 

Annex (#21/31; #202/365)

"This dusty chamber is covered in yet more cobwebs. Against one wall are a series of crude wooden lockers, while along the other wall are several cloaks hanging on a rack."

Contents: This temple annex contains various cultist accoutrements. On the rack are 4 cultist cloaks, made from wool and cut to resemble an eight-legged spider. These may be used as disguises by the Heroes.

Anyone searching the lockers must Test their Luck, or risk disturbing a SWARM of TARANTULAS! Inside the lockers can be found 2 poisoned daggers (does 4 STAMINA damage per hit for one combat only), a scroll containing a litany of Arhallogen's holy scriptures, and a Scroll of Pest-Repelling.


TARANTULA SWARM: SKILL 7 STAMINA 13, Attacks 13, Small Bite. The Bite is venomous and causes 4 STAMINA points damage per hit.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

200 Locations Detailed!

Dismembered Mummy Storage Chamber (#18/31; #199/365)

"This is a dank, dusty chamber that reeks of preservative fluid and other weird potions. Four enormous stone tanks are lined up against the back wall; all are covered with thick wooden lids, each lid weighted down by several stones. From several of the tanks can be heard strange scrabbling noises, like claws or fingernails scratching against stone..."

Contents: These tanks contain various collected pieces of dismembered Mummies, some of which (1-6 pieces per tank) are still animated, and most of which are inert. They are collected here before being taken to the assemblage chamber detailed below. From left to right, the tanks are as follows:

  1. Torsos: This tank contains 4-24 mummified torsos in various stages of decomposition. The few that are still animated will bump and thump against the walls of the tank, preservative fluid oozing from beneath their bandages, but cannot really do anything other than that.
  2. Legs: This tank contains 4-24 legs, both left and right, gradually moldering away. Those that are still animated will attempt to leap of the tank, if the lid is kept off, and attack whoever disturbed them by kicking at them with wizened feet bearing curved yellowing toenails.
  3. Arms: This tank contains 4-24 arms, both left and right, artfully arranged so that whoever opens the tank sees a cluster of hands reaching up towards them! Those that are still animated will clamber out of the tank and attack immediately, throttling and scratching their victims with grasping clawed fingers.
  4. Heads: This tank contains 4-24 heads, all orientated such that their eye-sockets, some of which contain dried shrunken eyeballs, are all staring at whoever opened the tank. Those that are still animated will gurgle and snarl, but cannot do more than that, unless one is foolish enough to pick one up. At this point the mummified head will bite whoever is handling it, and if dropped, will lie on the floor chuckling to itself in a dry dusty wheeze.

None of these parts have been fireproofed - all are flammable. Causing a fire in a tank creates the equivalent of a Large Fire.





MUMMIFIED HEAD: SKILL 0 STAMINA 2, Small Bite if picked up.

Chamber of the Assemblers (#19/31; #200/365)

"You enter a chamber with several stone benches. A Skeleton Man appears to be sewing a Mummy's dismembered parts back together, while chained to a wall is a hulking reptilian humanoid creature, whose right hand is actually a huge crab claw that is being used to cut various lengths of string and rope. Hovering over them is a bizarre creature. It looks like a giant hawk with a man's head and although it glows blue in colour, it is almost transparent, like a ghost."

Contents: This is the chamber where the bits and pieces of previously dismembered Mummies are re-constructed into new ones. First the Skeleton Man sews the various parts back together with a bone needle and string, or rope, (provided by the Exo-beast cutting required lengths using its pincer), and then the Ba Hawk sinks into the cadaver and reanimates it as a full Mummy.

The Ba Hawk and the reluctant captive Exo-beast will attack the Heroes while the Skeleton Man attempts to finish making the Mummy (taking 2-7 Attack Rounds). If the Skeleton Man completes his task, he will move forward to attack, and the Ba Hawk will drop back and animate the Mummy in 2 Attack Rounds. If the fight is going badly, the Ba Hawk will flee by flying through a wall.

The Exo-beast, Lates Th'llk, is a prisoner and will help Heroes if freed. They just want to escape the dungeons and return to the Xoroa settlement of Kul-Tha out in the desert, where they are a resident. As long as they are chained however, they will fight for Arvakaten's minions as they fear punishment.

On one of the slabs the Heroes will find a series of scrolls detailing the entire Mummy reanimation process.


1 SKELETON MAN, SKILL 9, STAMINA 7, Sword, Breastplate.

The Skeleton Man has 1-6 GP in a pouch at their belt, several bone needles and lengths of string and rope.

1 BA HAWK, SKILL 8, STAMINA 6, Large Claw. Ba Hawks can only be harmed by silver or enchanted weapons.

1 EXO-BEAST, SKILL 10, STAMINA 11, Large Claw (and Pincer), Heavy Armour, 2 Attacks. On a successful hit, roll a die; on a 6 the Exo-beast has struck with its pincer, which cause 4 STAMINA points of crushing damage.

1 MUMMY, SKILL 9, STAMINA 12, Attacks: 2, Small Claw (see Out of the Pit, pp. 85-86). Mummies are immune to all attacks, and will reanimate 20 minutes after being 'slain' and hunt their attackers down. They can only be permanently killed by fire, magical weapons or spells. This Mummy is not fireproof, yet.

Monday, July 17, 2023

More Mummy Rooms

Animal Mummy Cells (#15/31; #196/365)

"This is a dank, dusty corridor, along both sides of which are iron-barred cells. From the cells you hear strange shuffling noises and gurgling groans and snarls."

Contents: Each cell, some of which are surprisingly large, contains a mummified creature, either left here originally when the Found Tombs were constructed, or are recent additions thanks to Arvakaten's new mummification process. None of these mummies have been fire-proofed however; all are flammable.


To determine the inhabitant of each cell you can either roll or choose from the following table:












Mummified creatures have the same scores as their living counterparts, with the addition of +1 SKILL and +2 STAMINA. Mummified creatures are immune to all attacks, and will reanimate 20 minutes after being 'slain' and hunt their attackers down. It can only be permanently killed by fire, magical weapons or spells.

Grand Mummy Chamber (#16/31; #197/365)

"This is an opulent chamber whose walls are carved with elaborate inscriptions in Djaratian script. In the centre of the chamber are two immense sarcophagi, whose outer lids have been sculpted to represent fearsome warriors."

Contents: The sarcophagi contain the mummified remains of two of Arvakaten's strongest and most loyal bodyguards, entombed with him in death to be reborn as GREAT MUMMIES, extremely powerful undead servants and guardians. As soon as the Heroes touch the sarcophagi, the Great Mummies will erupt forth and attack!

The inscriptions on the walls detail the lives of these two warriors ('Pharolotep the Brave' and 'Keralakaten the Mighty'), their conquests over the newly risen Caarth, various Orc tribes and the armies of neighbouring nations.

In each sarcophagus is a bag of 3-36 ancient Djaratian gold coins, 1-3 canopic jars (carved from Agate and worth 50GP each) containing nothing but dust, and a gold ceremonial head-dress adorned with small sapphires emeralds and obsidian pieces worth 200GP total.


2 GREAT MUMMIES, SKILL 10 STAMINA 22, 2 Attacks, Small Claw, +1 to Damage Roll. Great Mummies are immune to all attacks and will reanimate 20 minutes after being 'slain' and hunt their attackers down. They can only be permanently killed by magical weapons or spells. These are also fire-proof and immune to damage.

Mummy Firearms Training Chamber (#17/31; #198/365)

"This long chamber has a series of targets painted at one end, while at the other are two Skeleton Men showing a Mummy how to operate a flintlock pistol. As you watch, the Mummy pulls the trigger and the gun explodes in their hand! Bizarrely, they stand there burning, but the flames do not appear to hurt them, while the Skeleton Men attempt to put the fire out by beating the Mummy with cloth and rags."

Contents: This is the final stage in Arvakaten's grand plan, training fire-proof Mummies how to use firepowder weapons. It isn't going that great, largely because of the defective weapons. Any flintlock pistol made in this lab suffers an Oops/Fumble result on any double rolled, not just double 1.

The Skeleton Man will attack, tentatively with the two remaining pistols first, and then resorting to swords. The Mummy, still on fire but not suffering any damage, will also attack and set anyone on fire who it successfully wounds.


2 SKELETON MEN, SKILL 9, STAMINA 7, 7, Flintlock Pistol, Sword, Breastplate.

Each Skeleton Man has 1-6 GP in a pouch at their belt.

1 MUMMY, SKILL 9, STAMINA 8 (wounded), Attacks: 2, Small Claw (see Out of the Pit, pp. 85-86). Mummies are immune to all attacks, and will reanimate 20 minutes after being 'slain' and hunt their attackers down. They can only be permanently killed by magical weapons or spells. This Mummy is fireproof and immune to fire damage.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

More Chambers Within The Lich-Lord's Domain...

Sarcophagus Room (#13/31; #194/365)

"The floor of this room is covered in piles of dust. Amidst the mess are piles of wood and clay, which several Skeleton Men are using to hammer together rough sarcophagi, decorated in fake Djaratian style. Several completed examples stand propped up against a wall."

Contents: This room is where the sarcophagi are hastily put together to contain the Mummies that Arvakaten is preparing for his army of conquest. The Skeleton Men here will defend themselves if attacked but are thoroughly bored, except if the Heroes want to discuss the finer points of coffin-making, share some booze or gamble a little in exchange for information.


3 SKELETON MEN, SKILL 9, STAMINA 7, Sword, Breastplate.

Each Skeleton Man has 1-6 GP in a pouch at their belt. One has a hammer and a jar of nails, another has a set of clay-working tools and styli, and another has a saw and other simple carpentry implements.

Activation Chamber (#14/31; #195/365)

"This is an enormous chamber with row upon row of raised stone biers, most of which lie empty. Some of them however, contain what look like sealed sarcophagi. Two Skeleton Men are man-handling a mummy into one of the coffins, while hovering over them is a bizarre creature. It looks like a giant hawk with a man's head and although it glows blue in colour, it is almost transparent, like a ghost."

Contents: The creature is a BA HAWK, a magical spirit from Djaratian myth that has been summoned by Arvakaten to help him activate his prepared mummies into Undeath. When the Heroes enter the chamber, the Skeleton Men will rush to attack them, while the Ba Hawk will attempt to activate the Mummies in the coffins, of which there are seven. Every time a Mummy is activated, it will burst out of its coffin and attack the Heroes.

It takes two Attack Rounds for the Ba Hawk to activate a Mummy, which it does by sinking into the coffin and possessing the dead body within. If all the Mummies are slain, the Ba Hawk will flee by flying straight through a wall.


2 SKELETON MEN, SKILL 9, STAMINA 7, Sword, Breastplate.

Each Skeleton Man has 1-6 GP in a pouch at their belt. One has a hammer and bag of nails.

1 BA HAWK, SKILL 8, STAMINA 6, Large Claw. Ba Hawks can only be harmed by silver or enchanted weapons.

up to 7 MUMMIES, SKILL 9, STAMINA 12, Attacks: 2, Small Claw (see Out of the Pit, pp. 85-86). Mummies are immune to all attacks, and will reanimate 20 minutes after being 'slain' and hunt their attackers down. They can only be permanently killed by magical weapons or spells. These Mummies are fireproof and immune to fire damage.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Chamber of Binding and Wrapping Mummies...

Binding and Wrapping Room (#12/31; #193/365)

"This is a small square chamber with a single stone slab in the middle. On one side is a pile of bandages and wrappings and on the other is a stack of dead bodies that appear to have been treated with some kind of sealant. Two Skeleton Men are here, wrapping bandages around a body on the slab."

Contents: This is where the Mummies are prepared by wrapping the sealed and embalmed corpses with fire-proof wrapping from the testing chambers. Both Skeleton Men will attack if they have to, but very, very bored. Smart Heroes might persuade them to take a breake while they take over the wrapping and binding for a while...


2 SKELETON MEN, SKILL 9, STAMINA 7, Spear, Breastplate.

Each Skeleton Man has 1-6 GP in a pouch at their belt.

Monday, July 10, 2023

How to fireproof undead Mummies

Fireproof Testing Chamber (#9/31; #190/365)

"This large chamber is open at one end to an enormous subterranean chasm. Chained to a stake in the centre of the room, with both wings bound, is a huge, red-scaled Dragon-like creature, being encouraged, with jabs from the spears of two Skeleton Men, to breath fire at a large piece of strange fabric that has been stretched across a steel frame."

Contents: Arvakaten the Lich-Lord is obsessed with building an army of Mummies but distressed at their highly flammable nature. Hence this room where the fireproof qualities of new textiles are tested versus the flame of Gurthax, a captive Firedrake.

Gurthax is desperate to get free and will promise anything from his hoard (see below) to the Heroes if they dispatch his captors and remove the chains binding him. He also knows a fair bit about the Chasm of Doom and the surroundings of the Desert of Skulls. Anyone mentioning the name 'Ktuliaxus the Cruel' will cause him to momentarily shudder before denying all knowledge of who that could be.

The fabric appears to be a hybrid weave of asbestos and linen, and then treated with some kind of chemical; the section on the frame measures three metres square and is completely fireproof.


2 SKELETON MEN, SKILL 9, STAMINA 7, Spear, Breastplate. One has a key to the locked chains binding Gurthax.

Each Skeleton Man has 1-6 GP in a pouch at their belt.

Gurthax, a FIREDRAKE, SKILL 10 (when free), STAMINA 14, 3 Attacks, Large Claws and Bite, +1 to Damage Roll, Breathes Fire every 3 Attack Rounds at one opponent. Test versus Skill or lose 2 STAMINA damage.

Firedrake Lair (#10/31; #191/365)

"This is a large but shallow cave, almost like a gouge in the wall of the Chasm of Doom. Cobwebs have been burnt away from the entrance, and the sandy floor of the cavern is covered in bones, interspersed with glittering treasure like jewels and gold. The only thing missing is whatever actually lives here; because whatever it is, it is not home right now."

Contents: This is the lair of Gurthax the Firedrake, abandoned since he was recently captured by Arvakaten and his minions. The only way to get to this cave, high up on the cliff face of the Chasm of Doom, is by flight or a very difficult long vertical climb. Somewhere in the Chasm of Doom is a large vent to the surface; Gurthax used to use this to raid the surface world, and then lair safely down here, until curiosity overtook him and he ventured further down the chasm to be trapped by Arvakaten.

Gurthax will reward Heroes who free him with some of this treasure, but not all, depending on how effective their rescue attempt is. Among all the bones and skulls, many of large surface creatures, is the hoard, which comprises:

  • A purple velvet bag containing two tiny platinum figures (80GP each). This will be one of the first things the Heroes will find, and has been deliberately placed by Gurthax after he won them off a wandering Enchanter. If touched with human skin, the figurines will immediately transform into 2 PLATINUM SENTINELS and fight to the death.
  • 578 GP scattered all over the cave, in mixed coinage including modern currency, Carsepolitan coins, Emerald chips (from the Skorn), and Obsidian tokens (from Grx). Will take at least one hour to collect and sort.
  • Well-crafted Golden Sickle (50GP), one sachet of 3 dried Healing Mushrooms, and a Gold-Backed Mirror (50GP)
  • An open box with 7 small Emeralds worth 15GP each
  • An ornate stoppered Bronze Urn worth 40GP. Very heavy - takes 2 Encumbrance slots, and contains a bottle's worth of Shazaar Whitefire wine
  • A nonmagical intricately carved talisman made from Blue Steel housing a polished circle of Obsidian (100GP)
  • The complete skin of a Giant Lizard, in excellent condition (80GP)
  • Ancient Djaratian Scroll of Pest-Repelling
  • A leather quiver containing 7 Whitewood Arrows
  • A Suma Lantern.


2 PLATINUM SENTINELS, SKILL 12, STAMINA 12, Sword, Medium Armour, cannot be harmed unless their assailants are holding items made from platinum. If defeated will revert back to two tiny platinum figurines worth 80GP each. 

Bandage Weaving Room (#11/31; #192/365)

"This dusty chamber is piled high with mounds of linen and heaps of dull white crystals. In the middle of a glowing pentagram on the floor, sits a gigantic black spider with a woman's head; two Skeleton Men alternately use their spears to push linen and crystals into the pentagram, where the spider creature uses her many legs to weave them into mats of fabric."

Contents: In this chamber, the magically bound Death Spider J'zel is making fireproof fabric for Arvakaten's Mummy army, using tradition linen and asbestos crystals woven together by demon sorcery.

She is not very happy about it, and will attack anyone foolish enough to enter the pentagram of containment, which she cannot leave. If the pentagram is erased or dispelled, J'zel will immediately attack everyone in this room, before leaving to find Arvakaten - if she manages to find and kill him, she will then return to her webbed nest on the Demonic Plane of Rust, with the souls of all her victims.

The piles of linen and asbestos crystals are worth 200GP and taken up 10 Encumbrance slots. Behind J'zel is a heap of completed fabric (a four metre square sheet), ready to be tested in the Fireproof Testing Chamber above; this batch of material looks good and fireproof but is actually faulty and offers no protection whatsoever.


2 SKELETON MEN, SKILL 9, STAMINA 7, Spear, Breastplate.

Each Skeleton Man has 1-6 GP in a pouch at their belt.

J'zel Vilthang, a DEATH SPIDER, SKILL 14, STAMINA 9, Small Bite. Test for Luck if bitten or be paralysed.

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Where do dead bodies go?

Corpse Delivery Chamber (#7/31; #188/365)

"This is a wide cavern, open at one end into an endless black chasm. Perched on the ceiling, uttering high-pitched squeaks, is a gigantic black bat with red eyes and festooned with riding gear and a large carrying trunk. In front of it, a heavily armed Skeleton Man in black armour appears to be bargaining with several other Skeleton Men over a pile of corpses. On your entrance, he raises a steady hand holding a hand crossbow pointed in your direction. 'State your business quickly, or die!' he growls."

Contents: This is the chamber where the corpse-dealer Skapulet, a powerful Skeleton Man mercenary, flies his Nycterin steed in, along with a cargo of corpses for Arvakaten's growing army of undead troops. Skapulet initially started off small, raiding the tombs of Grx for consignments to re-sell to Grx scientists, and has branched out into a broad range of grave-robbing spanning both the Down Below, and the surface world settlements of Pellod and Dust Town, all centered on supplying Arvakaten with fresh(ish) material. In fact, business is so good he's looking for partners to help out with the demand, preferably with their own flying steeds...

At the moment he is selling a consignment of 5 corpses (various races) from the Dust Town outskirts, and haggling with two of Arvakaten's flunkies over a final price. If the Heroes are rude or attack, one Skeleton Man will flee to get support while the other will attack alongside Skapulet and his bat steed.


2 SKELETON MEN, SKILL 9, STAMINA 7, Sword, Breastplate.

Each Skeleton Man has 1-6 GP in a pouch at their belt. 

SKAPULET THE CORPSE COLLECTOR, SKILL 10, STAMINA 15, Sword, Hand Crossbow, Breastplate, Large Shield. Crossbow bolts are tipped with Xhoss poison. This is made from a type of upland desert cacti, and can be smeared onto a bladed or pointed weapon. Anyone wounded by such a weapon must immediately Test their LUCK or be rendered unconscious for 10-60 minutes. It lasts for one battle only.

Skapulet has 3 Purple Puffballs, 4d6 GP, and a lead-lined water bottle full of Orc Ale.

NYCTERIN, SKILL 9, STAMINA 15, 2 Attacks, Large Claw and Bite. Enemy spellcasters must deduct 4 points of MAGIC for the duration of the battle.

Corpse Preparation Room (#8/31; #189/365)

"The stench in this room is abominable, a sickly-sweet odor of decay and scented embalming fluids. By one door is are several fresh corpses, and by the other door are corpses that appear to have been treated and sealed, appearing like weird wax dummies. In the centre of the room are several stone slabs, on which rest several other corpses, being covered with weird fluids by a couple of Skeleton Men attendants."

Contents: This is the chamber where the corpses purchased from Skapulet begin their conversion process into Mummies. First, their bodies are sealed and embalmed with two magical ointments, stored in two large brass pots, one next to each slab.

  1. Balm for Sealing: This causes all wounds, injuries, and blemishes to vanish - if taken by a live ingestant it will restore their STAMINA to its Initial level.
  2. Balm for Curing: This toughens the skin making it strong and inflexible. A living ingestant who takes it can increase their Initial STAMINA by 3 points but must reduce their Initial SKILL by 2 points. These effects can be cancelled by a Potion of Strength or a Potion of Fortune; however these potions will have no other effects other than removing the effect of the Curing Balm.

The Skeleton Men will of course defend themselves if attacked, but are mainly concerned with preparing their quote of corpses properly, especially since they know Skapulet has just brought in a fresh batch.


2 SKELETON MEN, SKILL 9, STAMINA 7, Sword, Breastplate.

Each Skeleton Man has 1-6 GP in a pouch at their belt.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Firepowder Weapons Testing Area

Firing Range (#6/31; #187/365)

"This long chamber has a series of targets painted at one end, while at the other are several more skeletal creatures, holding flintlock pistols and aiming them at the targets. When you enter, they spin around to face you, weapons ready. One steps forwards to pull the trigger - and the gun explodes in their hand! They collapse screaming to the floor and the other two rush to help their fallen comrade!"

Contents: This is a testing chamber for the flintlock pistols being produced in Arvakaten's laboratory. Currently they don't work so great - any flintlock pistol made in this lab suffers an Oops/Fumble result on any double rolled, not just double 1.

Healing the injured Skeleton Man will gain Heroes free passage through this room; otherwise they will attack, tentatively with the two remaining pistols first, and then resorting to swords.


3 SKELETON MEN, SKILL 9, STAMINA 7, 7, 2 (injured), Flintlock Pistol, Sword, Breastplate.

Each Skeleton Man has 1-6 GP in a pouch at their belt.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Lair of the Lich-Lord!

Guard Chamber (#3/31; #184/365)

"This is a square chamber with several crude cots and a central table around which sit four weird warriors. Their heads appear virtually skull-like, with none, if any flesh, but their bodies, while extremely thin and skeletal, are recognizably human. They were playing knucklebones, but on your entrance, make a grab for their spears which were propped up against the cots. One of them snarls 'Blast and damnation! Intruders! Why now?"

Contents: The creatures are Skeleton Men mercenaries from the Kingdom of Skulls in the Down Below. Normally fanatics that fight to the death for their god, the mighty Glund, these warriors have been hired by Arvakaten to guard his chambers against marauders and adventurers, and are slightly more circumspect with their fighting.

They will fight if they have to, but are more than happy to play several rounds of knucklebones with the Heroes, with a stake of 1GP. They cannot let the Heroes travel through the far door in their chamber - insisting on this will cause a fight, as will cheating at knucklebones or refusing to drink a tot of Orc Ale.


4 SKELETON MEN, SKILL 9, STAMINA 7, Spear, Breastplate and Small Shield.

Each Skeleton Man has 1-6 GP in a pouch at their belt.

On the table are a bunch of knucklebones and 15 GP in mixed coins, as well as a lead canister of Orc Ale and 4 pewter mugs.

Laboratory of the Lich-Lord (#4/31; #185/365)

"This large room appears to be some sort of laboratory. On one side is a workbench covered in various items of glassware full of bubbling liquids, from which drifts sulphurous smells. On the other side of the room is a furnace and forge of some sort, set up not just to produce glassware but also metal parts. Both areas are attended by weird humanoid Skeleton-type creatures in leather jerkins. Weirder still is a central desk, sitting at which is a decaying Skeleton in ancient Djaratian robes, playing around with some sort of firepowder pistol. Upon your entrance, the Skeleton points the weapon at you and croaks 'STAND AND DELIVER!' in a raspy yet powerful voice!"

Contents: This the domain of the Lich-Lord Arvakaten of the Sable Pavilion, he who ordered this tombs constructed around him centuries ago as he pondered the mysteries of unlife and undeath. 

Awoken some years ago by Aldrag the Potent, vice-Guildmaster of the Pellodian Spellcasters' Guild, Arvakaten has lately begun dreaming of renewed conquests, and the capture of Gzeld and his firepowder technology has inspired the old Lich-Lord to new heights of learning. Hence this laboratory, where he has so far been unable to replicate the technology and is thus rather tetchy and frustrated.

So, if the Heroes attack Arvakaten, he will respond with full force, plus the help of his Skeleton Men assistants. However, cunning Heroes may like to bargain their knowledge of firepowder weapons in exchange for safe passage, knowledge, or other valuable things. This does of course mean helping Arvakaten advance his plans of conquest along more quickly...

Any display of Pangarian tech (or Brain Slayer tech from the city of Grx), will of course blow Arvakaten away completely, but he may also be moved to simply take it for himself by attacking the Heroes, unless they take a lot of safety precautions.

Arvakaten's original role here was the guard the Road to Bisu. He remembers something of this job and what it entails, such as the traps and creatures that must be faced along the Road, but has largely neglected these duties recently due to current distractions.


Arvakaten of the Sable Pavilion, a LICH-LORD (only harmed by silver or enchanted weapons)

MAGIC: 10 (Magic Points: 28)
Talents: Dark Seeing, Natural Mage
Special Skills: Djaratian 4, Common Speech (Allansian) 4, Magic-Necromancy 4, Magic Lore 3, Second Sight 2, Undead Lore 2, Underground Lore 2, Firepowder Weapons 1, Staves 1 (Among others) 

Spells: All Necromancy Spells.

Arvakaten has a flintlock pistol, an Amulet of Domination and a Staff of Casting. The rug under the desk is a Flying Carpet, which he will use to escape if things get difficult. In a desk drawer is a bag of 83GP, 4 small Emeralds worth 10GP each, and a Bronze Key.

6 SKELETON MEN, SKILL 9, STAMINA 7, Dagger, Leather Cuirass.

Each Skeleton Man has 1-6 GP in a pouch at their belt.

On Arvakaten's desk are several non-working flintlock pistol and blunderbuss prototypes, a pile of papers (written by Gzeld Stormbringer) about firepowder technology, a bag of lead ammo, a bag of silver ammo, several weapon charges, and simple gunsmith's tools.

Tomb of the Lich-Lord (#5/31; #186/365)

"This oppressive chamber is shaped like the inside of a pyramid. In the centre of the room is a large sarcophagus, that looks like it has been opened recently, and then closed again. The floor is made from stone, and blackened by fire."

Contents: The sarcophagus has a simple stone lock that is opened by a Bronze Key. Anyone attempting to open the sarcophagus without the key sets off a fire trap, whereby the entire floor erupts in green fire that causes 1-6 STAMINA points of damage. The fire is magical and only burns flesh.

Inside the sarcophagus are some old mummy bandages, and a collection of books and papers, including:

  • The Djaratian Book of the Dead: a bound series of papyrus scrolls written in Djaratian describing the journey of a dead soul and some information on the Road to Bisu.
  • Arvakaten's Spellbook. 
  • A letter written in a spidery form of Allansian, from someone called Ktuliaxus the Cruel agreeing to an informal alliance at some date in the future.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Month #7: Level Four of the Found Tombs of Arvakaten

Six months down and over half-way there, and we are still going! For July we return to the Found Tombs of Arvakaten to see what terrors are lurking on level four of the mega-dungeon crypt-complex.

The Found Tombs of Arvakaten, Level Four

The Room of Maps (#1/31; #182/365)

"This is a dusty chamber with complicated inscriptions covering all four walls. In the centre of the room, heaped with dust and sand, is some sort of stone slab with a very uneven surface. The room did not appear to be inhabited when you entered it, but now a weird glowing figure is materializing above the stone slab, and floating towards you, pointing at you with claw-like fingers and muttering a in language you do not understand."

Contents:  The figure is a GREATER SPECTRE, the undying guardian of Ymhu-Tepris the Map-Keeper, who will attack immediately, unless the Heroes can communicate with him in Djaratian and/or offer him maps. Ymhu-Tepris loves maps, especially ones he has never seen before, and will trade information and safe passage through this room for quality maps.

This is a map room, with the geometric designs on the walls actually depicting maps of the various levels of the Found Tombs (Test versus Secret Signs or Djaratian to realise this). How complete and accurate these maps are, is up to the Director to decide. If the sand and dust is cleared from the slab, it will appear to be a three-dimensional topographic map, actually depicting what this area looked like in Irritarian times, during the hey-day of the Djaratian civilisation (again, Test versus Secret Signs or Djaratian to realise this). This could obviously be very valuable to scholars (or tomb-robbers) in showing them potentially unexplored Djaratian ruins in the area, among other uses.


Yhmu-Tepris, a GREATER SPECTRE: SKILL 10, STAMINA 14, 2 Attacks, Large Claw. Only wounded by magical weapons. Immune to normal and silver weapons. Anyone wounded by the Spectre will lose 1 SKILL point at the end of the battle on a roll of 1-5, assuming they survive. 

In a secret compartment under the stone slab is an ancient papyrus magical Scroll of Mapping; Yhmu-Tepris will give this as a reward for especially interesting maps.

An Evil Wizard's Lair? (#2/31; #183/365)

"This chamber is dank and dusty, but, surprisingly, lit by a solitary torch bracketed to the wall. There is some simple wooden furniture here - a bed, a table, and a chair. On the table are a number of scrolls, a book, and a quill and inkwell, while under the bed is a box of some sort. Sitting in the chair is a ragged figure that looks up at your approach, with wild hair and beard, and reddish eyes, they may well have been human once. They begin to rise at your approach, their hands, loosely manacled, gesturing in your direction, while you also notice they are chained to their bed. Glowing light begins to form around their hands, but the figure is strangely shaking their head, looking fearful, and mouthing something you can't quite make out. It sounds like 'Help me'?"

Contents: The figure is Gzeld Stormbringer, once a promising wizard of the Pellod Spellcasters' Guild, but now a captive-puppet of the evil Lich-Lord Arvakaten of the Sable Pavilion. Unless the Heroes can break the chains and manacles, or yell out their peaceful intentions, Gzeld will attack them with all his spells, especially Lighting Blast.

If the Heroes do not attack, Gzeld will relate his sorry tale: he thought he was being rewarded with a sabbatical pilgrimage deep underground to the Palace of the Skull to learn secret Necromancy for his help in ridding the guild of Old Giblin the Sage. Instead he was set up by the Guildmaster Aldrag the Potent (and his co-conspirator, the Caarth Vessistra of the Rogues' Guild), who maintained contact with Arvakaten from his "dungeon wizard" days, taken to the Found Tombs, and controlled by Arvakaten's Amulet of Domination.

Unbeknownst to Aldrag however, Arvakaten has recently grown tired of lurking in tombs and desires new conquests. Hence, after capturing Gzeld and confiscating his firepowder pistol, he energetically set about learning all the wizard's secrets about this new firepowder technology. Once Arvakaten's undead hordes are armed and trained with firepowder weapons, he plans an epic campaign against the surface towns and cities!

If freed, Gzeld will desire to slay Arvakaten, if possible, reclaim his weapons, and return to the surface to take his revenge upon Aldrag!


Gzeld Stormbringer, Human Male Wizard, 27 years old

LUCK: 10
MAGIC: 7 (Magic Points: 18)
Talents: Attuned
Special Skills: Common Speech (Allansian) 4, Firepowder Weapons 2, Djaratian 2, Magic-Wizardry 2, Awareness 1, Brawling 1, City Lore 1, Magic Lore 1, Monster Lore 1, Religion Lore 1, Second Sight 1, Secret Signs 1, Undead Lore 1, World Lore 1

Spells: Weather Control (4), Lightning Blast (4), Counterspell (2), Force Bolt (2), Levitate (2), Darkness (1), Flash! (1), Light (1),  Ignite (1), Thunder (1)

Weapon: Dagger

Armour: None

Notes: Has 2d6 GP in his pockets, but no other treasure. On the table are his Spellbook, and several blank scrolls, a quill and ink-well for writing down secrets of fire powder weapons with Arvakaten.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

The Lost Elves of the Down Below and other Lesser Folk

The Recently Breached Domain of the Cavern Elves (#28/30; #179/365)

In the aftermath of the Grand Rebellion, when the forces of Prince Viridel Kerithrion abandoned their surface bolt-hole for the caverns deep beneath Titan, three types of Elves were spawned in these wars of kindred. The Dark Elves founded the city of Tiranduil Kelthas and have dwelt there ever since, as well as establishing colonies elsewhere. The Black Elves took one look at the Dark Elves' descent into demon-worshipping depravity and fled back to the surface, become nomadic traders and mercenaries. And last were the Cavern Elves, who fled deeper underground, to an isolated cave where they established their own settlement of Karvakon.

Karvakon became cut off from the rest of both the Down Below and the surface world probably around the time of the Splitting of the Lands, and the Cavern Elves lived strange isolated lives worshipping the forgotten deity Vacavon. And so a millenia passed, until a revolutionary called Grondel summoned a planar-travelling adventurer, whose presence reminded the Elves that there was a world outside. Exploring the outer limits of the tunnels around Karvakon they discovered a new cave, opened by rockfall, leading to the rest of the Down Below!
Now, slowly and cautiously, the Cavern Elves are exploring the lands around them, and taking that knowledge back to Karvakon for the priests to compile in the great archives. Easily identifiable by their white skin, long white hair tied into top-knots, and black saucer-shaped eyes, these Elves, armed with spears and bows, wander the Down Below in small groups of 1-3 adventurers, observing all. They ignore the Dark Elves, for the secret records kept by the priests of Vacavon reminded them of the Darkside's treachery. But, weirdly, they have fallen in with the Brain Slayers, who are fascinated by these isolated Elves, their forgotten deity, and what other secrets they may have stashed away in their temples and libraries!

The Barbarian Tribes of the Fungal Forest (#29/30; #180/365)
On the eastern shores of the Sunless Sea, lies the sprawling Fungal Forest, a tangled series of caverns and tunnels completely overgrown with gigantic fungi and certain darkness-tolerant plants. Among the trunks and boughs of enormous toadstools, barbarian tribes of painted Troglodytes fight for primacy; currently in the ascendancy are followers of Scratta Many-Legged. Their main encampment is based around a crude shrine to the Centipede God, and infested with SKOLOTAURS who feast on the sacrificial victims brought to them by their Troglodyte devotees.

The Fungal Forest is split in two by the N'ung River, a slow, murky water way whose headwaters remain uncharted. Partly this is due to the afore-mentioned warlike tribes raiding all boats who raft this way, and partly due to some of the horrors that may found dwelling in the depths of the river or prowling its banks.

A new menace, whose hideout is a mysterious Brain Slayer ruin dating to far older times, are GLEFF outcasts who have migrated through the Down Below from further east. While some Gleff do trade with adventurous merchants who head this way, others follow a renegade Dark Elf called Tselion Garathrim, known locally as "The Shadow", who has a nasty habit of taking the heads of his victims and staking them on poles on the limits of his domain. The Dark Elves of Rokyliarc have offered a decent bounty for his capture, dead or alive.

The Iron Mines of the Dark Goblins (#30/30; #181/365)
There is a small colony of Dark Goblins here in the Down Below, running an iron mine in the caves overlooking the Stinking Delta, and then trading the ingots onwards to the Palace of the Skull, the N'yadach Wolf Kingdom, and others. The Dark Goblins themselves are not particularly imposing compared to some of the neighbouring denizens, but the wealth the mine generates allows them to hire decent mercenary guards from the city of Grx and closer to the surface.
One of the reasons for the success of this venture, and why it hasn't dissolved into the usual mess of Goblin tribal squabbling, is the Mine Overseer, Venktesh of Vogon (fat, intellectual), who is secretly both a Pangarian Technomancer and a member of the Dust Town Guild of Warsmiths. Venktesh makes sure the mines run smoothly, sells the poorer quality iron here in the Down Below, and ships the best material up-surface, for his colleague and Guildmaster Tun-Sha to redistribute.

The Caarth, Dark Elves and even the Brain Slayers suspect something is going on, but have so far failed to discover the shipping route (actually a vent in the cavern ceiling above the Sunless Sea, accessible via modified Pangarian flyer to a series of sinkholes and quicksand pits in the trackless depths of the Desert of Skulls). Unfortunately, it looks like the seam may be about to run dry of ore, based on Venktesh's current projections, and he is getting the miners ready for a quick exit!