Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Hidden Temple of the Spider God (Part Two)

Worshippers' Cells (#22/31; #203/365)

"This large smoky cobweb-festooned cavern is roughly round in shape with a central hearth. Along the outer walls are entrances into small cell-like chambers. Several cloaked figures sit around the hearth, prodding the glowing embers with sticks and cooking chunks of meat."

Contents: This is the main dwelling area for the spider cultists, who are currently eating barbecued meat from the roasting carcass of a Cave Vampire bat (restores 4 STAMINA points if eaten).

The cultists will attack instantly if the Heroes are not disguised as cultists (and one will run off to warn the Spider Folk below). If the Heroes are disguised, the cultists will share meat with them and answer questions about the temple, assuming them to be new worshippers.


4-24 SPIDER GOD CULTISTS: SKILL 6 STAMINA 6, Poisoned Dagger (does 4 STAMINA damage)

Each cultist has 1-6GP in addition to their poisoned dagger, their spider-shaped cloak, and various web-like tattoos on their skin.

The Director can assume the cultists all have the same stats; if you want to differentiate more, roll on the table below to determine the race of each cultist:

1 Cavern Elf

2 Human

3 N'yadach

4 Dark Goblin

5 Skeleton Man

6 Dark Elf

Spider Folk Den (#23/31; #204/365)

"You have entered a round chamber, hemispherical in shape, whose curved walls are dotted with large holes and covered in cobwebs. From several holes, weird small man-like faces seem to peer out at you."

Contents: This cavern serves as a communal dwelling spot for 4-24 SPIDER FOLK, large spiders with the heads of men and women, and deadly poisonous bites. They will attack any Heroes if they are not disguised as spider cultists. In the center of the chamber is the dessicated corpse of an Orc, covered in webs and sucked dry of fluid. The Orc has a Sword, and 4GP in a pouch on its belt.


4-24 SPIDER FOLK: SKILL 7 STAMINA 5, 1 Damage. Bite is poisonous - Test for Luck or die! 

The Spider Queen (#24/31; #205/365)

"This cavern is like a hole in the earth, going both straight down and straight up; you stand on a ledge on the edge of a vast drop. There are immense webs spanning the entire chamber, and at their centre, in the middle of the cavern, is a round ball of web, four metres in diameter, inside which you glimpse something large, dark, and many-legged. On the far wall is another ledge, leading to a shallow cave full of bones, but you think to see a chest over there as well."

Contents: This is the lair of THERAPHOSA the SPIDER QUEEN, nominal figure-head of the cultists, creatures and other followers present in this hidden temple complex. Theraphosa takes the form of the upper body of a human female, yet with eight eyes, spider-like fangs, and covered in black bristles, and the lower body of an enormous tarantula.

Theraphosa lurks in the central webbed globe with two Giant Spider guards. The only thing of value in this globe is a small silk purse containing a Silver Key. The Spiders will attack anyone who steps onto the webs; Theraphosa will attack anyone who reaches the globe.

The ledge-cave on the far side of the cavern is full of bones and a single huge iron-bound locked chest. The Silver Key opens the chest but does not disarm the trap, a poison needle covered in Spider Venom. Inside the chest are the treasures of the Spider Queen:

  • 836 GP worth of coins in various formats (old Djaratian coins, emerald chips, obsidian tokens, etc.)
  • An ornate hourglass full of white sand
  • A 10 metre coil of fine spider-silk rope
  • A set of thief's lockpicks
  • A golden sickle
  • A huge Garnet gemstone (40GP)
  • An ornate turquoise scarab in a silver brooch (50GP)
  • A complete set of Hydra teeth in excellent condition in a velvet bag (50GP)
  • A box with 3 green glowing Regeneration Crystals
  • A ceramic bottle containing a Potion of Beauty (for Orcs)
  • A Lucky Charm, in the form of an engraved bone token on a leather cord


2 GIANT SPIDERS: SKILL 7 STAMINA 8, 2 Attacks, Large Bite, Light Armour.

THERAPHOSA THE SPIDER QUEEN: SKILL 10 STAMINA 16, 2 Attacks, Light Armour. When Theraphosa successfully wins an Attack Round, roll or choose on the table below to determine what form it takes:

1-2. Small Claws

3. Leap Attack: knocks one target to the ground (causes 2 STAMINA damage), target spends next Attack Round trapped with -1 to their Attack Strength

4. Web Spit: As per Web Spell on one target.

5. Venomous Bite: as per Large Bite but double damage.

6. Spider Swarm: Costs Theraphosa 2 STAMINA points. 1-3 hordes of SWARM SPIDERS (each horde is SKILL 6 STAMINA 6, Small Bite) erupt from Theraphosa's body and attack all in the vicinity. If a Swarm wins 3 Attack Rounds against an opponent, the victim has so many spiders on them they lose an additional 1 STAMINA per round until the Swarm is defeated.

Theraphosa is also a Priestess of Arhallogen with a Devotion Score of 10, and the following priestly Powers: Shapechange (into a Giant Spider), Weakness, Curse, and never attacked by, and can communicate with, all spiders.

Garbage Pit (#25/31; #206/365)

"This horrible-smelling cavern has a high ceiling, in which you glimpse what look like the entrances to several chutes and crevasses. The floor of the cavern is covered in refuse; bones, skulls, debris, and, everywhere, piles of foul slime and rotting garbage. With a start, one of the biggest heaps raises itself up and shambles towards you, revealing a gigantic staring eye, and an even bigger gaping mouth!"

Contents: This chamber serves as a refuse pit for several communities within the Found Tombs of Arvakaten, and lurking here is an enormous QUAGRANT, a gigantic lump of grey flesh with one eye and a huge mouth, that consumes anything that ends up here.

Among the debris are a few bits and pieces as yet undigested by the Quagrant: 7GP, a Brass Telescope (still works), an iron Breastplate, and a Crystal Statue of a Brain Slayer (worth 12GP).


Large QUAGRANT: SKILL 10 STAMINA 20, Sucking Mouth, Light Armour. When an assailant loses their first Attack Round to the Quagrant, they are sucked into the creature's mouth and lose 2 STAMINA points every round as the flesh is stripped off their body. If a sachet of dust is thrown into the Quagrant's mouth it will collapse in a coughing fit, losing 2 SKILL and 6 STAMINA points.


  1. Totally, and Advanced Fighting Fantasy and Titan have so many good spider adversaries! :-)
