Sunday, June 2, 2024

More fungi for the fungi god Myknosis!

BALESPOT TOADSTOOL (#2/30, #154/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a large mushroom-like fungi with a broad reddish cap covered in small white spots.

Distribution: Forests and woods across Allansia.
Effects: Balespot Toadstools are not especially edible, actually causing 1 STAMINA point of damage in vomiting and stomach cramps to those foolish enough to eat them. However, they can be ground down into powder, that when snorted improves one's aim and accuracy, especially with missile weapons. Anyone who snorts the white powder made from a Balespot Toadstool gains a +1 bonus to all missile weapon attacks for 1-6 hours.
Cost: City 10gp, Town 8gp, Village 6gp (per toadstool)
Availability: Uncommon.
Further Notes: Balespot Toadstool is one of many rare types of fungi found in the depths of the Forest of Yore.

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