Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Duskflame Trees of Yore

DUSKFLAME TREE (#13/30, #165/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a medium-sized tree with a light brown trunk, famed for its wide branches covered in green fern-like leaves and spectacular orange or violet flowers.

Distribution: Forests and woods across Allansia.
Effects: The flower of the Duskflame Tree is noted for its light-producing properties. As soon as the sun sets, the flower will produce a dim glow, the equivalent of that given out by the embers of a dying fire, and will illuminate an area enough to see large shapes in the gloom. These effects last for 2D6 minutes, and a picked flower will retain these properties for 2D6 days after it has been picked. The flowers of the Duskflame Tree are thus used by Yorefolk and others who dwell within the forest, such as Woodlings and Gnomes, as natural lanterns to use at night when navigating the paths through the woods.
Cost: City 5gp, Town 6gp, Village 7gp (per flower)
Availability: Rare.
Further Notes: The Duskflame Tree is one of many rare types of tree found in the depths of the Forest of Yore. They are rumoured to cluster around the mystic Silver Pool, favoured haunt of the legendary Black Unicorn of Yore, or so it is said.

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