Gadget (#19-24/31, #352-357/365) [EA:V2] (Trinket)
Technomancy Devices are put together using a variety of bewildering components known collectively as Gadgets. These are intricate and finely crafted objects in their own right, made from metal, glass and other substances, and take a wide variety of forms. Rather than waste time describing differences between myriad Gadgets, Technomancy has evolved a useful shorthand of names for each piece. To randomly determine a type of Gadget, roll on the table below:
Roll Gadget Type
1 Doobry
2 Thingie
3 Wotsit
4 Bits'n'bobs
5 Thingamajig
6 Whatchamacallit
The recipes used for creating Technomancy Devices are called 'Techniques' and describe the type and number of Gadgets required for successful Device construction.
10-60 GP
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