Ebony Staff (#29/31, #29/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item)
This is a quarterstaff typically made from the heartwood of a single aged Ebony tree (see The Titan Herbal, p. 30), topped with a golden or silver headpiece, and enchanted with various eldritch spells to create a potent weapon with a nefarious reputation. Anyone using an Ebony Staff in combat may roll a die when they hit their opponent; on a roll of 1-2 the victim must lose 1 SKILL point as they are drained of energy, on a roll of 3-6 the victim instead suffers regular damage as from a Quarterstaff. If the victim has a LUCK score, the following table can be used;
Roll Damage
1-2 causes STAMINA damage as per a Quarterstaff
3-4 -1 SKILL point
5-6 -1 LUCK point
If a victim's SKILL or LUCK score reaches zero they die as they are literally drained of energy, or suffer some ridiculously fatal stroke of bad fortune. If the victim survives the fight, their LUCK score will gradually be restored as normal, and their SKILL score will restore at the rate of 1 point every hour. Ebony Staves count as enchanted weapons in combat and are typically used as weapons by the weird avian clerics known as Awkmutes (see Beyond the Pit, p, 13). These strange folk construct them from only the best wood found among the various rainforests of the Inland Sea (such as the jungles beyond Shurrupak, the isle of the Roc, or the summit of Mt. Martu-Amurru).
Unavailable to buy
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