Armour of the Legion of the Seventh Seal (#10/28, #41/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item)
This is a magnificent suit of lacquered Samurai armour resplendent in the gold and blue colours of the Legion of the Seventh Seal, who were the honour guard of the first Shogun. Their like as warriors has never been seen again. They were wiped out when they refused to surrender to a force ten times their size five hundred years ago. This armour, once worn by one of the Legionaries, is of archaic design but of the highest quality. It will fit perfectly whoever wears it, and allow the wearer to add 1 to their SKILL score and counts as Plate Armour for Armour Roll purposes.
Unavailable to buy
Arrow of Tsunewara (#11/28, #42/365) [EA:V2] (Trinket)
This is a fine arrow crafted from Bamboo (see The Titan Herbal, p. 21) with flights made from the feathers of a White Eagle. They were made by the legendary Samurai and master-fletcher Tsunewara and are occasionally found as treasured heirlooms or part of a larger hoard. Arrows of Tsunewara count as magic weapons when fired from a long or shortbow, but are especially enchanted against the Undead and other evil spirits. When fired at such a creature, like the Undead Samurai, will destroy it utterly if they hit, reducing the fiend to a pile of stinking ash. The Arrow of Tsunewara is a one-use magic item.
75 GP per arrow
Headband of Shinmen (#12/28, #43/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item)
This is a silken red headband patterned with the image of a black three-spoked wheel. It belonged to the legendary Samurai hero Shinmen. Wearing his headband grants the bearer a +1 LUCK bonus, +1 to their Social Scale, and +1 to all Etiquette and other social Special Skill tests.
Unavailable to buy
Helmet of Befuddlement (#13/28, #44/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item)
This is a shiny silver helmet of ornate workmanship. Unfortunately the Helmet of Befuddlement is cursed with evil magic. When placed upon one's head, the wearer will suffer lancing bolts of pain that feel like they are lacerating the brain, causing the wearer to scream in agony. Even if removed, the wearer's brain will still feel slightly numb, as if they weren't quite themself, and must lose 1 SKILL point. This can only be restored by magical means.
Unavailable to buy
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