Monday, January 13, 2025



Character Creation Challenge 2025

Well, yes, here we go again. :-)





THE MIGHTY MIGHTOR (1967-1968, Hanna-Barbera, co-presentation with MOBY DICK)


While on a hunting trip, Tor and his faithful companion Tog rescue an ancient hermit from a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Grateful, the old man gives Tor a club which possesses great powers. Tor raises the club and he becomes Mightor, and Tog is transferred into a fire-breathing dragon. Together they become champions of good and the nemesis of evil!”




TOR (#13/31)

Human HUNTER, 26 years old, Male



Magic Points: 0 Social Class: 2

Talents: Hunter (Dinosaurs)

Special Skills: Common Speech 4, Hunting 2, Thrown 2, Animal Lore 2, Acrobatics 1, Assess Enemy 1, Awareness 1, Clubs 1, Navigation 1, Ride 1, Sneaking 1, Swim 1, Strength 1, Wilderness Lore 1

Equipment: Power Club (When held up and the word Mightor is spoken, the bearer of the Power Club is transformed into the hero Mightor, with the following abilities: +2 SKILL, +4 STAMINA, Super Strength (as per double Strength spell), can fly, Power Club does Double Damage and can be thrown, always returns to the hand of its thrower. Power Club can also cast the Force Bolt and Shield spells but not at the same time and transforms Tog from Small Dragon Form to Large Dragon Form.)

Companion: Tog (DRAGON; see below)

Money: 3 GP, Provisions: 2


As Tor: “It is time for Mightor to appear!”


As Mightor: “It is I, Mightor who speaks. Give up your evil plans!”


Tog (#14/31)

Small DRAGON form


SKILL: 7 STAMINA: 9 Attacks: 1, Large Bite. Can fly.


Large DRAGON form


SKILL: 9 STAMINA: 15 Attacks: 2, Large Bite, Light Armour, +1 to Damage Roll. Can fly. Can breathe fire every 3rd Attack Round (victim must Test their Skill or lose 2 STAMINA points).




SHEERA (#15/31)

Human CHIEF’S DAUGHTER, 25 years old, Female



Magic Points: 0 Social Class: 9

Talents: Fleet-Footed

Special Skills: Common Speech 4, Animal Lore 2, Ride 2, Thrown 2, Acrobatics 1, Awareness 1, Crafting 1, Etiquette 1, Healing 1, Herb Lore 1, Navigation 1, Running 1, Swim 1, Wilderness Lore 1

Equipment: Rope (10 metres), Javelin

Steed: Bollo (young MAMMOTH; see below)

Money: 7 GP, Provisions: 2


“Thanks Mightor! I’ll make sure Little Rok doesn’t get into any more trouble!”


Bollo (#16/31)



SKILL: 7 STAMINA: 10 Attacks: 2, Tusks and Trample (as per Large Claw), Light Armour, +1 to Damage Roll. Can be a steed carrying up to 2 passengers.




LITTLE ROK (#17/31)

Human CHILD, 12 years old, Male (Novice)



Magic Points: 0 Social Class: 6

Talents: Evasive

Special Skills: Common Speech 4, Clubs 2, Acrobatics 1, Animal Lore 1, Awareness 1, Dodge 1, Ride 1, Sneaking 1, Swim 1, Wilderness Lore 1

Equipment: Club, Horned Headdress

Pet: “Ork” (GREAT VULTURE; see below)

Money: 0 GP, Provisions: 2


“We make a good team, right Mightor?”


Ork (#18/31)



SKILL: 6 STAMINA: 8 Attacks: 1, Large Bite or Claw. Can fly and can carry one passenger the size of a human child. Average intelligence.




CHIEF PONDO (#19/31)

Human TRIBAL CHIEF, 50 years old, Male



Magic Points: 0 Social Class: 10

Talents: Inspiring Leader

Special Skills: Common Speech 4, Etiquette 2, Law 2, Leadership 2, Assess Enemy 1, Awareness 1, Clubs 1, Navigation 1, Ride 1, Swim 1, Strength 1, Thrown 1, Wilderness Lore 1

Equipment: Tribal Crown (as per Natural Leader Talent), Club, Javelin

Money: 12 GP, Provisions: 2


“Mightor and his dragon have saved us again. Where were you, Tor?”



Thursday, January 9, 2025

Return of the Yellow Mould...

YELLOW PLAGUE MOULD (#22/31, #22/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is an infestation of tiny pale yellow spots that coat every available surface within a room or chamber.

Distribution: Dungeons, ruins and caves across Titan.
Effects: The mould gives off toxic and disease ridden spores, long accumulated through its life cycle in the dungeon. Anyone who spends more than a minute in a chamber with an infestation of Yellow Plague Mould, must Test their Luck or contract the disease. Yellow Plague is an affliction that can be contracted by spending time in cold, dampl places. The plague clogs up the lungs with mucus, making it difficult to breathe. Any physical action a victim undertakes (fighting, swimming, etc.) suffers a -2 penalty. In addition, the plague saps its victim of 3 STAMINA points per day, until a cure is found or they succumb to death. The plague can be cured with the Heal priestly power or by drinking a healing potion (Potion of Stamina, Blimberry Juice, etc.).
Cost: Not available to buy
Availability: Uncommon

Further Notes: The Yellow Plague Mould is related to regular Yellow Mould (see The Titan Herbal, p. 73). It has been recorded from the dungeons beneath the Black Tower (see Citadel of Chaos, p. 19).

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

A devout follower of the god of wind...

PRIEST OF PANGARA (#21/31, #21/365) [POT]




WEAPON: See below

ARMOUR: See below


HABITAT: Towns, Plains, Hills, Mountains, Dungeons


TYPE: Humanoid



As one may expect for a floating sky-realm called Pangaria, PRIESTS of the Wind God are common inhabitants of the archipelago, as each island has at least one temple and many shrines dedicated to Pangara. A Priest of Pangara's appearance can vary somewhat though, from wind-blown and wilderness-loving ascetic hermits to urbane clerics-about-town. Roll on the table below to determine their type and possessions (all have a holy symbol showing a stylized gust of wind):

Roll Type

1-2 Hermit: Club and tattered grey robes. Has Herb Lore 1, Mountain Lore 1, Second Sight 1, Climb 1.

3-4 Adventurer: Mace, Leather Cuirass, Small Shield. Has Law/Herb Lore 1, Climb/Dodge/Swim 1, Sea/Underground Lore 1, Etiquette/Second Sight 1.

5-6 Town Cleric: Staff and fine grey robes. Has Law 1, Etiquette 1, City Lore 1, Dodge 1

(Other Special Skills for all types are Common 4, Magic Priestly 2, Navigation 2, Weapon 2, Awareness 1, Crafting 1, Engineering 1, Healing 1, Pangaria Lore 1, Religion Lore 1)

In addition, roll for their ability:

Roll Priest Ability

1-2 Magic-Priest 1, MAGIC 4, Devotion 5

3-4 Magic-Priest 2, MAGIC 5, Devotion 7

5-6 Magic-Priest 3, MAGIC 6, Devotion 9

There is a High Priest or Priestess of Pangaria, whose cathedral is on Nimbus, attached to the Citadel, and currently the office is held by Ghelfung Stormfist, a retired human adventurer. She sits on the Pangarian Council, and also presides over five Abbots, each of whom maintains the main temple on one of the other five sky islands. Possibly one of the more noted Pangara priests from Titan, is the sufi of the Scythera Desert, Zeriang of the Long Dune (see Heroes of Titan, p. 31).

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Cloaked in armour

Reinforced Cloak (#20/31, #20/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item)

This is a cloak of fine leather, reinforced by light metal wires making it durable and protective, and powered by a single small Technomantic fuel-source. The Reinforced Cloak acts as armour of sorts, protecting its wearer against missile attacks. It has the following Armour Roll track against missile weapons only:

Roll                     1    2    3    4    5    6    7+

Damage Stopped 0    1    1    1    1    1    2

This Armour Roll is in addition to any other armour the wearer may have on at the time, reflecting the independent ability of the Reinforced Cloak to deflect missiles. These cloaks are commonly worn by Sky Watch Officers.

Price 15 GP 

A short bestiary of random denizens from Pangaria and elsewhere... (part four)

OCTOBEAST (#18-19/31, #18-19/365) [OOTP IV]

                   Octobeast Octoman
SKILL:                7            10

STAMINA:          6            10


WEAPON: Tentacles (as per Small Claw)



HABITAT: Sea, Sea-shore



Octobeast - Mollusc

Octoman - Mollusc/Humanoid

REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile


The OCTOBEAST is a horrific oceanic parasite, related to the octopus and the squid, that preys on humanoid creatures such as Merfolk, Sea Elves, Sea Trolls and even some unfortunate human fisherfolk or sailors. In their natural form, the Octobeast appears as a large black octopus with many grasping claw-tipped tentacles. It will propel itself towards its victim's head and attempt to smother them; if it wins an Attack Round, it has wrapped its tentacles around their face and they must deduct 2 STAMINA every Attack Round as they are slowly suffocated! 

If the Octobeast is not removed in time and its victim becomes unconscious, it will revive the body under its complete control as an OCTOMAN! This is the form of the humanoid victim, with the pulsating Octobeast attached to the head, completely obscuring the entire skull. Its body will crackle with elemental energy and its tentacles are wrapped around the victim's torso and arms.

During this time, typically lasting 1-6 hours, an egg will be deposited within the body of the victim, and the Octobeast will slither off, leaving the victim apparently unharmed. Unfortunately they will only have 10-60 minutes to live, before the accelerated growth of the egg causes it to hatch into another Octobeast, devour the victim from within, and then exit, like the blossoming of a terrifying black flower, in search of further prey. If an egg-bearing victim is to survive, great healing magic must be cast on them promptly to remove the Octobeast's egg before it hatches!

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Dawn of the Golden Oak

GOLDEN OAK (#17/31, #17/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a huge many-branched tree with lobed golden-green leaves and nut-like fruit known as acorns

Distribution: Woods and forests across Titan.
Effects: Golden Oak trees grow only in the deepest of Elven glades and their leaves are considered holy by Wood Elves, and others, including Yorefolk. A Golden Oak Leaf can be used to make the magical brooch of the same name. This Golden Oak Leaf Brooch gains safe passage through Elf-controlled tracts of woodland, and is even recognised as a symbol of peace by the ghosts and spirits of long-deceased Elves that still remain upon Titan. It also grants the powers of the Oak-Leaf Amulet (see The Titan Herbal, p. 10).
Cost: City 75gp, Town 80gp, Village 85gp (per brooch)
Availability: Rare

Further Notes: The Golden Oak is related to the various other kinds of Oak tree (see The Titan Herbal, p. 51), as well as the truly weird (and dangerous!) Gnarled or Carnivorous Oak of Khul (see Beyond the Pit, pp. 59-60).

Saturday, January 4, 2025


Character Creation Challenge 2025

Well, yes, here we go again. :-)



THE HERCULOIDS (1967-69, 1981-82, Hanna-Barbera, Alex Toth)


“Somewhere out in space live the Herculoids!”


“Zok, the laser ray dragon; Igoo the giant rock ape; Tundro the tremendous; Gloop and Gleep, the formless, fearless wonders; with Zandor, their leader, and his wife Tara and son Dorno. They team up to defend their planet from sinister invaders. All strong, all brave, all heroes. They’re.. THE HERCULOIDS!”


ZANDOR (#5/31)

Human WARRIOR-KING, 36 years old, Male



Magic Points: 0 Social Class: 10

Talents: Inspiring Leader

Special Skills: Common Speech 4, Armour Training 2, Thrown 2, Animal Lore 2, Acrobatics 1, Assess Enemy 1, Awareness 1, Leadership 1, Navigation 1, Ride 1, Sneaking 1, Swim 1, Strength 1, Wilderness Lore 1

Equipment: Crown of Quasar (allows communication with all Herculoid creatures), Shield of Amzot (Armour Roll as Tower Shield, can be thrown as per Chakram), Sling and 2-12 Fire Capsules

Money: 2 GP, Provisions: 2


“I am Zandor. Who are you? What do you want here?”


TARA (#6/31)

Human WARRIOR-QUEEN, 35 years old, Female



Magic Points: 0 Social Class: 10

Talents: Natural Physician

Special Skills: Common Speech 4, Animal Lore 2, Ride 2, Thrown 2, Acrobatics 1, Awareness 1, Crafting 1, Etiquette 1, Healing 1, Herb Lore 1, Navigation 1, Running 1, Swim 1, Wilderness Lore 1

Equipment: Sling and 2-12 Fire Capsules

Money: 7 GP, Provisions: 2


“Zandor! The space pirates took Dorno!”


DORNO (#7/31)

Human WARRIOR-PRINCE, 13 years old, Male (Novice)



Magic Points: 0 Social Class: 9

Talents: Evasive

Special Skills: Common Speech 4, Thrown 2, Acrobatics 1, Animal Lore 1, Awareness 1, Dodge 1, Ride 1, Sneaking 1, Swim 1, Wilderness Lore 1

Equipment: Sling and 2-12 Fire Capsules

Money: 1 GP, Provisions: 2


“Being thirteen years old is real boring. Zandor has all the fun.”


Igoo (#8/31)



SKILL: 9 STAMINA: 13 Attacks: 2, Large Claw and Bite, Heavy Armour, +1 to Damage Roll. Bladed and pointed weapons do half damage. Can throw boulders (hit on 1-3 on one die, cause 2-7 STAMINA damage). Can cause Earthquake once per day (as per the spell). Immune to damage from elemental attacks, such as earth, fire, air and water.




Zok (#9/31)



SKILL: 10 STAMINA: 14 Attacks: 3, Large Claws and Bite, Medium Armour, +1 to Damage Roll. Can fly. Can breathe fire every 3rd Attack Round (victim must Test their Skill or lose 2 STAMINA points). Shoots laser beams from eyes and tail (as per Force Bolt spell). Can also shoot a Nega-Beam from their eyes that acts as a Counterspell on all energy-based attacks.




Tundro (#10/31)



SKILL: 7 STAMINA: 13 Attacks: 1, Very Large Horn, Heavy Armour, +2 to Damage Roll. Can shoot Fire Capsules from nose-horn, one per Attack Round. Can extend legs up to four times their length and can Jump as per the spell. Can dig a tunnel as per the Walk Through Walls spell, though the tunnel remains excavated.




Gloop (#11/31)



SKILL: 9 STAMINA: 8 Attacks: 2, Large Fist. Gloop can transform into any shape or form within reason, such as a shield or parachute with a diameter of up to 5 metres, or a length of rope up to 10 metres long. Gloop is immune to damage from fire and energy weapons.




Gleep (#12/31)



SKILL: 4 STAMINA: 5 Attacks: 1, Small Fist. Gleep has identical abilities to Gloop, though being smaller means all effects are half-sized.



