Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Mirrors, shadows and traps...

The Hall of Souls (#7/30, #341/365)

"You have entered some sort of long pillared antechamber, with tall columns of strange glittering black stone, while at the far end, you spy a weird irregular green glow, bobbing up and down on the wall, that appears to be getting larger as you edge towards it."

Contents: This antechamber is the main entrance to the tombs beyond and is heavily trapped with both physical and magical snares:

1. Between each pair of pillars are dart traps triggered by a clay tile being trod upon in the central path through the pillars. It requires a Test for Luck or Skill to avoid, otherwise the victim is hit by a poison dart causing 2-7 STAMINA points of damage.

2. Each pillar is magically enchanted to create a TULPA monster copy of anyone standing too close to the pillar and causing a reflection. The Tulpa will have the same current SKILL and STAMINA as the victim, the same (non-magical) weapons and armour, but no LUCK attribute. They will fight the victim to the death, but if slain both they and the pillar they came from will shatter into shards of black glass, causing 1-6 STAMINA damage to anyone nearby.

3. If all pillars are destroyed, the ceiling will immediately collapse over 2-7 Attack Rounds, causing 1-6 STAMINA damage each Attack Round due to falling masonry to anyone present in the chamber.

4. The far wall is a weird slab of reflective green stone; if the Heroes stand before it with a light source, this will activate a SHADOW FIEND, one for every Hero present, who will then attack. If all the Shadow Fiends are slain, the wall will crumble into chunks of green stone, revealing a dark passageway leading onwards.


TULPA, SKILL as victim STAMINA as victim, Weapon as normal version of the victim's, armour as normal version of the victim's.

SHADOW FIEND, SKILL 11 STAMINA 13, Choking Hands, only harmed by magical weapons.

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