Tuesday, October 8, 2024

May you live in Fortuitous Circumstances

Talisman of Fortuitous Circumstance (#8/31, #282/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item) 

This talisman is made from the highest quality jade and carved into the shape of a Tatsu dragon. Indeed, it is gifted by the Tatsu to only the greatest and most deserving of heroes, those who have won through against all odds or bested the Tatsu somehow, such as in a riddling contest or other battle of wits. Anyone wearing the Talisman of Fortuitous Circumstance gains a +2 bonus to their LUCK score. They lose this bonus as soon as they are no longer wearing the talisman. In addition, as long as the talisman has been acquired honestly, those who wear it will be regarded as dragon-friend by any Tatsu encountered, with a Reaction type of Friendly. One such example of this enchanted item was gifted to the current Shogun's champion, Kensei the Sword Saint, who slew Ikiru, Master of Shadows, with the fabled sword Dai-Katana (or 'Singing Death'); by the Tatsu who dwelt within the heart of the Forest of Shadows and fought alongside Kensei at the Tourney of the Planes, against the demonic forces of Ikiru's pet Dai-Oni.

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