Scroll of Control Creature (#4/31, #63/365) [EA:V2] (Scroll)
This is a rolled up piece of thin parchment. When read, it has the same effect as the Control Creature Spell (see also Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, p. 12) on a designated target. This allows the caster to control the will of any one creature that they face. Rumour has it that a wizard from Lendleland once cast this spell on a recalcitrant Mungie, before both of them went on to enjoy a rather wealthy if predictably short-lived career in thievery. The spell lasts for one day. The target does not receive a Test for Luck to block the spell, but it is otherwise identical to the Command spell (see Advanced Fighting Fantasy, p. 77).
Unavailable to buy
Scroll of Fortune (#5/31, #64/365) [EA:V2] (Scroll)
Reading this has the same effect on the reader as if they had drunk a Potion of Fortune. It will restore their LUCK score to its Initial level. As the letters disappear from the page when read, the Scroll can be used only once.
40 GP
Scroll of the Hamakei (#6/31, #65/365) [EA:V2] (Scroll)
This is an old piece of faded parchment with something written on it in the Hamakeian language, and at the bottom of the parchment is the number 66 (although this number may vary). It is quite a useful item and created by the race of Hamakei who live in the desert wastelands. The scroll provides a magic screen against conjured animals or insects. To activate the spell, the reader just has to say Hamakei and call out the number on the bottom of the parchment. It will create a magical barrier that is impervious to the attacks of any summoned animal or swarm, no matter their size or number. The scroll will also work against normal animals or insects, but provides no protection against humanoids, monsters, undead, demons, Elementals and so on. Its effects last up to one hour, and the barrier is centred around the reader of the scroll and is up to two metres in diameter. The barrier is dispelled if the reader moves however; it is not mobile.
Unavailable to buy
Scroll of Riddles (#7/31, #66/365) [EA:V2] (Scroll)
These Scrolls were favoured by that meddling servant of the Trickster Gods of Luck and Chance, the Riddling Reaver, and often found aboard his various conveyances, such as the floating ship The Twice Shy or his airborne dirigible, and at his mansion-lair in the Arantian highlands. They contain a riddle, which can be found by rolling on the Riddle Table below.
First Roll Second Roll Riddle and Answer
1-3 1 What has a face, but no mouth? (A: a clock)
1-3 2 What has a neck, but no head? (A: a bottle)
1-3 3 What has four fingers and one thumb, and is neither fish, flesh, fowl or bone? (A: a glove)
1-3 4 What is it that has four legs, one head, and a foot? (A: a bed)
1-3 5 What runs all day and all night, and never stops? (A: a river)
1-3 6 What is it that goes uphill and downhill, yet never moves? (a road or path)
4-6 1 If you feed it, it will live; if you give it water, it will die. What is it? (A: fire)
4-6 2 What kind of ear cannot hear? (A: an ear of corn)
4-6 3 What has four legs and a back, but cannot walk? (A: a chair)
4-6 4 What gets wet as it dries? (A: a towel)
4-6 5 The more you take away, the larger it becomes. What is it? (A: a hole)
4-6 6 What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but not once in a thousand years? (A: the letter M)
Anyone reading a Scroll of Riddles must solve the riddle within one minute (the Director can time this from the moment the Hero reads the riddle), making as many guesses as they want, otherwise the scroll will explode! The reader and anyone standing next to them, must Test their Luck. If they are Lucky they will lose only 1 point of STAMINA. However, if they are Unlucky, they will lose 3 points of STAMINA. If a riddle is solved correctly, then the words of the riddle will fade from the page, to be replaced by magical lettering. This will be titled, making clear its magical powers. Roll a die on the table below to determine what type of magical scroll the Scroll of Riddles has turned into:
Roll Scroll Type
1-2 Scroll of Skill
3-4 Scroll of Strength
5-6 Scroll of Fortune
45 GP
Scroll of Skill (#8/31, #67/365) [EA:V2] (Scroll)
Similar to a Scroll of Fortune, this scroll will be titled, making clear its magical powers, and covered in magical lettering. Reading this has the same effect on the reader as if they had drunk a Potion of SKILL. It will restore their SKILL score to its Initial level. It is good for one use only, as the magical lettering fades away as it is read.
75 GP
Scroll of Strength (#9/31, #68/365) [EA:V2] (Scroll)
Similar to a Scroll of Fortune, this scroll will be titled, making clear its magical powers, and covered in magical lettering. Reading this has the same effect on the reader as if they had drunk a Potion of STAMINA. It will restore their STAMINA score to its Initial level. It is good for one use only, as the magical lettering fades away as it is read.
30 GP
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