Friday, September 20, 2024

A grey and misty land...

SILVERWOOD (#20/30, #264/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a tall, slender type of pine tree with silvery-green needles and fine-grained white wood, that grows right up at the edge of the tree-line in Titan's colder terrain.

Distribution: Mountains and Ice areas across Titan.
Effects: Properly prepared Silverwood timber can be used, along with several other components, to craft a magical Staff of Mist. This can cast the Fog spell three times a day simply by banging it on the ground. Once per day it can summon a monster to attack whoever the staff is pointed at when its bearer wishes to use this power. To determine the type of monster summoned, roll one die:
1-2 Mist Vampire
3-4 Fog Devil
5-6 Cold Spirit
However, if the monster is slain by its opponent then the Staff of Mist loses all of its magical powers immediately.
Cost: City 60gp, Town 70gp, Village 80gp (per staff)
Availability: Rare
Further Notes: Silverwood is also used in magical traps, built into furniture, furnishings and the like, that will summon both fog and a monster if an intruder approaches too closely.

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