Monday, September 30, 2024

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So is a lot.

Potion of the Waters of Knowledge (#30/30, #274/365) [EA:V2] (Artefact) 

This is a silver ewer with a closed lid, that contains a draught of crystal clear sparkling water that has been taken from the Fountain of Knowledge within the Enchanted Garden of the Scarlet Pagoda in the hermit kingdom of Hachiman. Anyone who sips carefully from the ewer and partakes of the Waters of Knowledge will be rewarded with knowledge flooding their being; for a moment it is as if they are a god. The knowledge of the gods grants them +1-6 LUCK points, and +2 to all Lore Special Skill rolls for the next 10-60 minutes. In addition, someone who drinks the Waters of Knowledge will be instantly cured of any kind of insanity, possession, mind erasure or other deleterious psychic or psychological condition.

For instance, the current Shogun's champion, Kensei the Sword Saint, bearer of the fabled sword Dai-Katana (or 'Singing Death'), used a Potion of Waters of Knowledge to restore the memory of Eleanor the Enchantress, who dwelt within the Enchanted Wood. This was en route to defeating Ikiru, Master of Shadows, at the Pit of Demons, where, in winning the Tourney of the Planes, the Shogun's champion also freed Eleanor from her hazy fugue state.

The reclusive hermit Ishi of the Crags witnessed the death of the Ronin-Lord Krasu Blackfeather who won through the Enchanted Garden to gain access to the Fountain of Knowledge, but failed to heed previous warnings encouraging moderation. Instead:

"Thirstily they bent their mouth to the refreshing pool and drank deeply of the Waters of Knowledge. Enlightenment flooded their being. Suddenly they knew the answer to everything: it was as if they were a god. So sublime was the experience that they could not contain themself and drank lustily once more. They were intoxicated with knowledge, the knowledge of the alchemists, the knowledge of the meadow wren, the knowledge of the wisest scholars of the court and much more. Their thirst for knowledge was unquenched and they drank on, but they were still unsated: they threw themself into the pool to immerse themself fully in knowledge and, intoxicated, they drowned."

- Tales from the High Fell, Ishi, Hermit of the Crags

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