Friday, September 20, 2024

Cold(er) Skin

COLD SPIRIT (#21/30, #265/365) [OOTP IV]




WEAPON: Large Claw

ARMOUR: Medium


HABITAT: Ice, Mountains, Hills, Forest, Sea


TYPE: Magical

REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile


Out there, in the centre of a raging snowstorm or the depths of a pine forest in the middle of winter, lurks the COLD SPIRIT, a hostile elemental creature that seeks to extinguish life and warmth. It appears as a vaguely humanoid figure made from pure frost, with claws of ice, and glittery crystalline armour that swirls and coalesces to ward off the blows of opponents. If the Cold Spirit can be placated with an appropriate gift, such as an Ice Jewel or something similar, it will leave well alone, or even offer advice, but more usually will simply attack any intruders to its domain, either with its icy talons or its freezing breath.

One enemy within sight can be breathed upon by the Cold Spirit each round. This character must Test their Luck or be frozen solid for one Attack Round. They will be immune to damage while frozen, but will be unable to take any action at all. As one would expect, Cold Spirits are immune to all damage from cold or frost-based attacks, but they do take double damage from all heat or fire attacks. When not haunting wintry wildernesses across Titan, the Cold Spirit makes their home in the Realm of Ice, a strange regional conjunction of elemental powers that can be found between the Magical Planes of Air and Water. They can be summoned by practitioners of Ice Magic and other Elementalists, and one was even imprisoned as a guardian in the lair of a mysterious Archmage known only as the Dragonlord.

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