Monday, September 23, 2024

Mull(weed) of Slammer Kyntire

MULLWEED (#24/30, #268/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a tall herb with long pale green leaves and clumps of small umbrella-shaped pink-purple flowers. Its thick stem produces a yellowish sap.

Distribution: Forests, plains, hills and wilderness across Titan.
Effects: The sap of the Mullweed can be distilled into Mullweed Oil, enough to fill one small bottle. If Mullweed Oil is applied to insect bites and stings, immediately after being bitten, it negates any effects caused by the bite or sting, such as toxic poisons or transmissible diseases, apart from actual physical STAMINA damage.
Cost: City 15gp, Town 12gp, Village 10gp (per bottle of oil)
Availability: Common
Further Notes: Anyone foolish enough to drink a bottle of Mullweed Oil will be immediately sick, retching themselves hoarse for 1-3 STAMINA damage as Mullweed Oil is toxic if consumed.

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