This room is accessed only by the Silver Key.
Room of Jars (#22/31, #356/365)
"This cramped room contains mouldering wooden shelves covered in clay jars, some of which appear to be slightly bloodstained. From several jars on various shelves, you think to hear weird scrabbling noises..."
Contents: This
is where the canopic jars of the Emperor himself have been hidden, among a score of booby-trapped jars containing a
wide variety of contents. There are 24 jars on the shelves, of which four contain the Emperor's mummified stomach, intestines, lungs, and liver. If these are destroyed by burning the contents with magical flame, the Emperor will loose -1 STAMINA per jar and contents destroyed in such a manner, and -1 SKILL per two jars destroyed. These jars have been stacked at the back of the shelves, two at the far wall, and one each on the side shelves.
Roll a die on the table below to determine the contents of the other twenty canopic jars that the Heroes open:
1. Completely Empty.
2. A Pile of Reddish Dust.
This counts as Tomb Dust for potion-making purposes.
3. A Mummified Cobra. Uncoils from the jar and attacks immediately.
4. A Bone Scorpion. Animates and leaps from the jar.
5. A Mummified Mongoose. Explodes from the jar, will attack any snakes and serpents nearby, including Mummified Cobras, before attacking whoever opened the jar, if not already slain.
6. An Animated Hand, Amputated from a Criminal. The hand (decaying, mummified, covered in dried bandages) wishes to reunite with its previous bearer, whose remains are in the Bone Pit. The Animated Hand will accompany the Heroes, indicating which direction it wishes to travel in to reach the Bone Pit; they may think the hand is guiding them to safety unless one of the Heroes can communicate with the dead (hand). The hand will defend itself if attacked.
These jars can be lobbed as simple thrown grenades that cause improvised damage upon hitting (which then activates their contents). Anything animated by a smashed jar will attack whatever it hit (if living), or whatever is closest to the impact site.
MUMMIFIED COBRA, SKILL 6 STAMINA 4, Poisonous Bite (4 STAMINA damage), Light Armour. Mummified creatures are immune to all attacks, and will reanimate 20 minutes after being 'slain' and hunt their attackers down. It can only be permanently killed by fire, magical weapons or spells.
BONE SCORPION, SKILL 8 STAMINA 3, Poisonous Sting (4 STAMINA damage), Light Armour. Pointed or bladed weapons do only 1 STAMINA damage; blunt and crushing weapons do normal damage.
MUMMIFIED MONGOOSE, SKILL 4 STAMINA 4, Small Bite, 1 Damage. Mummified creatures are immune to all attacks, and will reanimate 20 minutes after being 'slain' and hunt their attackers down. It can only be permanently killed by fire, magical weapons or spells.
ANIMATED (MUMMIFIED) HAND, SKILL 6 STAMINA 2, Damage as per Unarmed Human. Mummified creatures are immune to all attacks, and will reanimate 20 minutes after being 'slain' and hunt their attackers down. It can only be permanently killed by fire, magical weapons or spells.
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