Monday, December 4, 2023

Ups and downs...

Bone Chute (#3/31, #337/365)

"The corridor ends at a large hole in the ground. Two red-skinned Fiends are busy stuffing bundles of bones into the pit but look up at your approach.

'Ere,' says one of them. 'This is a restricted area. What are you lot up to then, hey?'"

Contents: The hole allows access for the Fiends to deposit the bones and carcasses of victims and refuse from the creatures inhabiting the chambers of the Road to Bisu down to the Bone Pit. The chute is around three metres long and tilts at a 45 degree angle; it is big enough for a Halfling or Gnome to fit normally. Dwarfs will be at a -1 penalty to skill tests, while Humans, Elves and Man-Orcs will be at a -3 penalty due to the cramped conditions forcing them to crouch. Anything larger cannot fit at all.

The Maintenance Workers have a small bloodstained wooden cart, which was carrying the sacks of bones they are emptying down the chute. They are happy to allow adventurers access to the chute in exchange for a bribe of 4-24GP each. This may seem high, but the Maintenance Workers point out they are breaking the tenets of the Road to Bisu, and as such require compensation to assuage their conscience. The Maintenance Workers will also point out that access is one way only, and they are not responsible for anything that may happen.


2 FIEND Maintenance Workers: SKILL 6, STAMINA 8, Spear or Small Claw, Light Armour. Breathes Fire: hits on a 1-2 on one die for 1 STAMINA damage. The Beastkeepers have 1-6 GP, ear plugs, and a Potion of Noise each. One of them has keys to all the grilles on their maintenance rotation.

Personal Effects Dumbwaiter (#4/31, #338/365)

"The corridor finishes at a dead end. There is a hole in the wall, containing a wicker platform of some sort, attached to a winch and ropes. There appears to be a chute upwards of some sort, which the platform can be winched up from."

Contents: This is where Fiend Mantainence Workers send the gear of fallen heroes who have died along the Road to Bisu, in the dumbwaiter, up to the Guardian of the Ritual Chosen's Possessions, for storage.

The dumbwaiter is big enough for a Halfling or Gnome to fit normally. Dwarfs will be at a -1 penalty to skill tests, while Humans, Elves and Man-Orcs will be at a -3 penalty due to the cramped conditions forcing them to crouch. Anything larger cannot fit at all.

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