Saturday, December 2, 2023

Month #12: A Random Grab-Bag of extra Locations

(For December we'll do a random grab bag, dealing with odds and ends, hopefully tying all these #dungeon23 strands together into a coherent whole sandbox campaign setting for Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2nd Edition.)

The Found Tombs of Arvakaten, Level Six

This lower level lies beneath the Road to Bisu, and contains various ancillary chambers largely concerned with maintaining upper levels and preserving lower level security integrity.

Maintenance Corridors (#1/31, #335/365) <All the same>

"This long dank corridor finishes at a dead end. On the ceiling is a large locked grille, above which is a darkened chamber. From the chamber above comes a rank stench of a large animal, offal, and decay."

Contents: The iron grille allow access for the Fiends to remove carcasses of victims and refuse from the creatures inhabiting the chambers of the Road to Bisu. The grille is locked - regular patrols of Fiend Maintenance Workers have keys to all the grilles on their cleaning rotation. The grille opens up into a short one metre shaft which opens into another grille in the floor in each of these chambers in the Road to Bisu, the inhabitants above will also be alerted.

There is a 2 in 6 chance that a given corridor has a team of two Fiend Maintenance Workers. These Maintenance Workers will be pushing a small bloodstained wooden cart, and depending on the stage of their rotation, the cart may be empty, half-full, or full of sacks of monster faeces, half-devoured carcasses, and piles of bones.

Maintenance Workers are happy to allow adventurers access to the chambers via unlocking the grille in exchange for a bribe of 4-24GP each. This may seem high, but the Maintenance Workers point out they are breaking the tenets of the Road to Bisu, and as such require compensation to assuage their conscience. The Maintenance Workers will also point out that access is one way only, and they are not responsible for anything that may happen.


2 FIEND Maintenance Workers: SKILL 6, STAMINA 8, Spear or Small Claw, Light Armour. Breathes Fire: hits on a 1-2 on one die for 1 STAMINA damage. The Beastkeepers have 1-6 GP, ear plugs, and a Potion of Noise each. One of them has keys to all the grilles on their maintenance rotation.

Tomb Entrance (#2/31, #336/365)

"This bare stone chamber is a square room with no other exits. Each wall is comprised of blocks of sandstone, carefully layered together and covered in dust and cobwebs."

Contents: Hidden on the far wall, requiring an Awareness Special Skill test to find, is a a key hole, cunningly hidden between the join of several bricks. This can only be opened by a Bronze Key, leading deeper into the secret tombs beneath the Road to Bisu.

If anything else is placed within the keyhole, the floor will slide across, dumping anyone in the room into a four metre deep pit full of rusted iron spikes. Heroes must successfully Test their Luck or lose regular falling damage STAMINA, plus 1D6 STAMINA from the spikes. The trap will reset within 1-6 hours, or if visited by a Fiend Maintenance Team (above).

There is nothing in the pit other than a few old bones, a rusted dagger, and an old leather boot with a hole in it.

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