Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Whistling up the Wind God...

Shrine to Pangara (#9/30, #313/365)

"This cave, high on the mountain, has a glorious view, all the way down the valley of the river Murab to the city of Pellod. Wind whistles through holes in the cave walls to create a continuous humming drone, as if the cave was having a low murmured conversation with itself. At the back of the cave is a low stone altar upon which rests a battered brass statue of what looks like the Wind God, with bulging cheeks blowing gouts of wind."

Contents: This is a shrine to Pangara the Wind God. Devotees of this god who pray here get a +1 Devotion bonus to all their Priestly Powers for the rest of the day. In addition, anyone attempting to Commune with Pangara within this shrine gains a +2 Devotion bonus for their attempts.

Damaging or desecrating the shrine in anyway, such as searching the altar for treasure, moving the statue about, and so on, causes the arrival of 2 Whirlwinds from outside, who attack all within the shrine.

Hidden in a hole covered by dried mud in the cave wall is a bottle of Holy Water and a Medicinal Potion (for both see Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, p.105); these will be revealed by a successful Commune Power if the Priest has requested assistance from Pangara. They can also be discovered by a successful Awareness Special Skill test; as they are not an actual part of the shrine but a separate secret cache, retrieving these items will not incur the wrath of the god and the summoning of the Whirlwinds.


2 WHIRLWINDS, SKILL 7 STAMINA 7, Wind Blast (as per Sling), all hits only cause 1 STAMINA damage to the WHIRLWIND. Can execute a charge attack once per battle; opponent must Test for SKILL or be sucked into the whirlwind and get battered about, losing 2 STAMINA and be knocked unconscious for 10-60 minutes.

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