Saturday, May 25, 2024

Charioteers of Titan!

CHARIOTEER (#26/30, #147/365) [POT]




WEAPON: Whip or Sword

ARMOUR: Small Shield and Leather Hauberk


HABITAT: Towns, Plains, Wilderness, Desert


TYPE: Humanoid



The CHARIOTEER is a vehicle specialist, typically originally a soldier of some sort who travels across the land in a speedy two-wheeled vehicle drawn by a team of 2-4 fast horses. They may be a messenger, but are more usually a type of mobile cavalryman, where their vehicle is a weapon in and of itself, with wheel-blades and spiked armour, and also an attacking platform - if a second Charioteer is present they will be armed with a longbow, several javelins and a spear with which to deal death to any hostile forces. All Charioteers are typically equipped with a whip and a sword, and use lightweight armour such as small shields and leather hauberks. Known lands that employ charioteers include Arantis, Shabak (who host epic chariot races at the Circus Mirabilis in opulent Bakulan), Zamarra, some of the city-states of the Glimmering Sea, and Lendleland. 

Additional rules for Charioteers are presented below:

New Special Skill

Handle Vehicle (Movement)

This Special Skill bestows the ability to handle - ride, steer and maintain - a particular class of vehicle, whether on land or sea or in the air. The classes are as follows:

  • Small Boat (e.g. rowing boat).
  • Large Boat (e.g. fishing boat, barge)
  • Ship (e.g. galleon)
  • Cart/Coach/Wagon
  • Chariot
  • Balloon/Airship
Each must be possessed separately before a Hero can fully control the whole range of vehicles, but the Director may allow a modified chance of, say, a Hero skilled in handling a coach being able to handle a chariot in a race or in battle.

New Rules

Vehicles in Advanced Fighting Fantasy

Blacksand provided comprehensive details on different kinds of boats and ships for your Advanced Fighting Fantasy game, and more information is presented below about the chariot as a vehicle. 



VEHICLE WEAPONS: Wheel-blades (as per Sword)

VEHICLE ARMOUR: Varies, works as per Barding (see Return to the Pit, p. 10). Roll for type:

Roll Armour Type

1-2 Light

3-4 Medium (-1 Movement)

5 Heavy (-2 Movement)

6 Spiked (-3 Movement)

Base Movement: 8 (2 horses), 9 (3 horses), or 10 (4 horses)

Encumbrance: 10 items or 1 passenger if only 1 crew

CREW: 1-2 (STAMINA X 1/4)

This is a fast, lightweight vehicle with spoked wheels, drawn behind 2-4 horses. Other types of draught animals are known, including Desert Bison, Giant Lizards, and so on, but even more exotic creatures may be used. For example, the Doom Demon (see Return to the Pit, pp. 60-61). travelled in a flaming iron chariot drawn by an enormous Xlaia or Devil Dog, while one warlock memorably used four Wheelies, until suffering an unfortunate puncture - to themselves, courtesy of a thrown knife hurled by one of their Wheelie chariot-bearers.

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