Saturday, May 25, 2024

Summer misses Widow's Tears.

WIDOW'S TEARS (#27/31, #148/365) [TTHA] 

Appearance: This is a low ground-covering herb, with long thin blade-like green leaves, 2-7 purple three-petalled flowers, and thick hairy stems.

Distribution: Forests and woods across Allansia.
Effects: Also known as Spiderwort, the attractive flowers of Widow's Tears change from purple to blue in the presence of the Undead. They are sometimes grown around tombs and graveyards to indicate if any hauntings are active in the area. Picked flowers maintain this ability for 1-3 days before dying. However, their stems cause irritating and painful skin rashes. Anyone picking or holding Widow's Tears without gloves must lose 1 STAMINA and 1 SKILL point for 2-7 days until the rash dies down or is healed.
Cost: City 3gp, Town 2gp, Village 1gp (per flower)
Availability: Uncommon.
Further Notes: Widow's Tears is one of many rare herbs found in the depths of the Forest of Yore.

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