Friday, May 12, 2023

Den of the N'yadachs!

Guardpost (#10/31; #130/365)

"This dusty cavern is full of rocks, rubble and smoke. Two grey-furred bestial humanoids who were grilling lizards over a fire, jump up at your approach, reaching for spiked clubs at their sides. 'Whaddya want?' they snarl, their banded iron armour glinting in the firelight."

Contents: These two N'yadachs guard the approach to the main N'yadach den. If attacked and out-numbered, one will howl like a wolf, summoning 2-7 further warriors from the den described below.

They are both voraciously hungry and can be bribed with provisions.


2 N'YADACH guards: SKILL 6, STAMINA 8, Club, Medium Armour (iron bands and scraps)

Both have 1-6GP each and one has a battered tin mug. The roasted lizards will restore 2 STAMINA points if eaten.

N'yadach Den (#11/31; #131/365)

"This large cavern is a living quarters of some sort, and reeks with the musty stench of large hairy animals. Half of the room is given over to numerous pallets and bundles of dried straw, the other half has several small boulders arranged in a circle around a pile of bones."

Roll a die. On a 1-2:

"Sleeping on the straw pallets are a number of grey-furred bestial humanoids, snoring their heads off through fanged mouths. Their weapons and armour, mainly clubs and banded iron armour, are dumped on the floor next to each pallet."

On a 3-6:

"Seated on the boulders are a number of grey-furred bestial humanoids, clad in iron armour, gnawing on various bones with their fanged mouths. They look up hungrily at your approach."

Contents: This is the main den of a band of N'yadach that have come from further below in the underworld, foraging for food and acting as guards for their leaders, Gor-Thak the Smith and Khosh-Gaduja the Priest.

They are very hungry and will attack immediately unless the Heroes are willing to part with a lot of Provisions, 1 for each warrior, to appease them.


2-12 N'YADACH warriors: SKILL 6, STAMINA 8, Club, Medium Armour (iron bands and scraps). 

All have 1-6GP each. 

Smithy (#12/31; #132/365)

"This smokey chamber contains a red-hot iron-smelting forge, where several grey-furred humanoids are hard at work making what looks like some kind of armour. Smoke from the forge wafts up through a hole in the ceiling and the atmosphere is hot and oppressive. Upon you entrance, the biggest creature turns to face you, and you notice a battleaxe strapped to his belt. 'Oh, 'allo! You here to buy some armour?' he says."

Contents: This is the forge of Gor-Thak the Smith, a N'yadach craftsman famed for the banded iron armour that he makes from iron ore traded up from below in the underworld. Banded Armour has the same armour track as Medium monster armour and sells for 50GP per suit. Gor-Thak currently has 3 sets of Banded Armour available for sale.

Gor-Thak is happy to sell armour to the Heroes if they want to purchase it. He is also keen on purchasing any food if they have some. If attacked, Gor-Thak and his two apprentices will defend themselves, as well as howling like wolves to summon 2-7 more reinforcements from the main den.


Gor-Thak, N'YADACH smith: SKILL 10, STAMINA 12, Battleaxe, Medium Armour (iron bands and scraps).

Gor-Thak has 4-24GP in a pouch on his belt. He also has an exquisitely worked silver dagger with an amethyst in the pommel worth 50GP total, and 3 Runestones, which he will use if attacked.

2 N'YADACH apprentices: SKILL 6, STAMINA 8, Club, Medium Armour (iron bands and scraps).

Both have 1-6GP each. 

Shrine to Trabaten (#13/31; #133/365)

"This dank chamber is cloaked in smokey incense fumes of strange odors. It seems to be a temple of some kind, for gore-encrusted pillars line the walls, and at the far end, a robed figured is offering a stone cup of blood to a wolf-headed statue, in front of which is the horrifically-skinned corpse of some other humanoid creature."

Contents: This is the N'yadach shrine to Trabaten the god of torture, depicted as a wolf-headed stone statue in this case, and the recent unfortunate sacrifice is the body of a Skorn, captured in the Fungus Gardens.

The priest is Khosh-Gaduja, who struggles for control of this group of N'yadach against Gor-Thak the Smith. The creatures have been driven up from the underworld and are nearing starvation; the smith prefers to craft armour and trade his way out of trouble; Khosh-Gaduja believes in bloody conquest and sacrifices to Trabaten as the preferred course of action.

Unless propitiated with appropriate gifts (lots of food, a Skorn captive, etc.) Khosh-Gaduja will attack immediately, summoning her acolytes from several side-chambers to aid her in battling the desecrators of Trabaten's shrine.


Khosh-Gaduja, N'YADACH Priest of Trabaten: SKILL 9, STAMINA 14, Devotion 10, Dagger.

Khosh's dagger is covered in poison and does 4 STAMINA points of damage per hit. In her possession is a Potion of STAMINA, a Scroll of Agonizing Doom, magical Prayer Beads, and a Holy Symbol of Trabaten in the form of a golden dagger on a necklace worth 25GP. She also has 2-12GP.

4 N'YADACH Acolytes of Trabaten: SKILL 7, STAMINA 8, Club, Medium Armour (iron bands and scraps).

Each acolyte has 1-6GP.

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