Tuesday, September 26, 2023

A slow convoy of fungus-hawking tapir-nosed merchants...

Qagdin Fungus Caravan (#27/30, #270/365)

This can be used for whatever area or terrain you require, as the Qagdin are found everywhere across the Plane of Rust.

"Up ahead you see a convoy of blue-spotted pack-beasts, yoked together and carrying hide sacks and saddlebags. They are tended to by tall, broadly-built greenish furred humanoids, with tapir-like faces, whose trunk is sheathed in some kind of segmented device. They are armed with axes and wear leather armour, and one of them approaches you with a sack that appears to contain many exotic coloured mushrooms.

'Can I interest you in any fungus to purchase?' it inquires."

Contents: These are Qagdin fungus-merchants and to determine the size of the caravan and who and what it comprises, roll on the following table:

1. Small caravan: 2-7 WUDREFMIK and 2-7 QAGDIN. Roll 3 times on the Fungal Wares table.

2-3. Average caravan: 2-12 WUDREFMIK, 2-12 QAGDIN and 1 QAGDIN UNCINATUM. Roll 4 times on the Fungal Wares table.

4-5. Large caravan: 3-18 WUDREFMIK, 3-18 QAGDIN, 2 QAGDIN UNCINATUM, and 1 QAGIN MAGNATUM. Roll 5 times on the Fungal Wares table.

6. Grand caravan: 4-24 WUDREFMIK, 4-24 QAGDIN, 4 QAGDIN UNCINATUM, 2 QAGIN MAGNATUM and 1 QAGDIN MACROSPORUM. Roll 6 times on the Fungal Wares table.

The Qagdin are happy to sell as much of their wares to the Heroes as they can afford. They enjoy a good bargain however, and all prices will start off at double those listed on the Fungal Wares table below. Qagdin also enjoy a good gossip, and will have reliable scuttlebutt on most major locations in the immediate vicinity. Each piece of information costs 1-6 GP.

To determine the Fungal Wares of the Qagdin caravan, roll two dice on the following table as many times as indicated by the caravan size, rerolling any identical results:

2. 1 small FUNGOID mushroom humanoid in a wicker cage. 50 GP. May become a Familiar if treated nicely. (see Return to the Pit, pp. 83-84)

3. 1-6 Growth Mushrooms. 25 GP each See The Titan Herbal (p. 39).

4. 1-6 Green Mushrooms. 5 GP each. Each one of these smaller mushrooms restores 1-6 STAMINA points in healing.

5. 1-6 Rustbane vials. 5 GP each.

6. 1-6 Green-Topped Fungi. 4 GP each. Each giant mushroom is worth 1 Provision, restoring 4 STAMINA points when eaten.

7. 1-6 Purple Puffballs. 5 GP each. One use - if thrown at an enemy, explodes in a cloud of purple spores causing 1-6 STAMINA points damage.

8. 2-12 Yellow Coral Plumes. 2 GP each. Each piece of this bracket-fungi restores 1-2 STAMINA points when eaten.

9. 3-18 patches of unused Glow-Mould. 1 GP each. One use, will glow as bright as a torch for 1-6 minutes when breathed on.

10. Roll on the Random Fungi Generator!

11. 1-3 Mix-Up Mushrooms. 25 GP. See The Titan Herbal (p. 50).

12. 1-3 Emerald Net Pods. 30 GP each. One use - if thrown each pod explodes in an emerald mist of spores that solidifies into a chitinous net, as per the Web spell.

The Qagdin will defend themselves if attacked, using the full arsenal of their various deterrents as described in the Stats section below. The Wudrefmik will attempt to flee, taking the wares with them, unless restrained.


WUDREFMIK,SKILL 6 STAMINA 10, Hooves (as per Large Claw) or Acid Spit, Light Armour. See the Rough Guide to the Pit, p. 36.

QAGDIN, SKILL 8 STAMINA 6, 2 Attacks, Handaxe or Myriad Device (as per Dagger), Light Armour. Hideous stench: anyone fighting a Qagdin without nose plugs or filters must reduce their SKILL score by 1 for the combat.

Each Qagdin has a Handaxe, a Myriad Device, 2-12 GP, and 2 Purple Puffballs (if thrown, explode in a cloud of spores causing 1-6 STAMINA damage).

QAGDIN UNCINATUM, SKILL 9 STAMINA 7. Other abilities and equipment as per regular Qagdin except also has an Emerald Net Pod (One use - if thrown each pod explodes in an emerald mist of spores that solidifies into a chitinous net, as per the Web spell).

QAGDIN MAGNATUM, SKILL 10 STAMINA 8, Other abilities and equipment as per Qagdin Uncinatum except also has a Thornbeast Potion (when poured on the ground, instantly summons a THORNBEAST).

QAGDIN MACROSPORUM, SKILL 11 STAMINA 9, +1 to Damage Roll, Other abilities and equipment as per Qagdin Magnatum except also has a Scroll of Darkthorn (when read, summons a DARKTHORN).

THORNBEAST, SKILL 8 STAMINA 10, Large Claw, Light Armour. See Return to the Pit, p. 196-197.

DARKTHORN, SKILL 12 STAMINA 18, 3 Attacks, Very Large Claw, Medium Armour. See Return to the Pit, p. 51-52. Shoots 3-8 thorns at start of battle; each causes 1 STAMINA damage. Immune to all attacks while roots in contact with ground; needs to be lifted up. Witherwell Potion and Withering Spell Gem are fatal to it.

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