Gargoyle Hive (#28/30, #271/365)
"Rising above the mushroom trees is an immense dome of grey stone. There appears to be a hole at the top, and another entrance at ground level, through a low portal. Even from here you detect a rancid stench emanating from the dome, and the sounds of something flapping from within."
Contents: This is a hive-lair for a colony of GARGOYLES, who, during the day will fly out in search of meat and travellers to harass, returning at dusk to pick over the scraps of any victims, and sleep, perched in nooks on the inside wall of the hive-dome. During the day there may be 1-6 creatures present; at night all will be here.
Halfway up the dome's inner curving wall, is a small stone platform containing a Shrine to the Gargoyle God. This is tended to at all times by Gula-Grote, a Gargoyle priest and unofficial leader of the Hive. The priest will accept donations to the shrine as an incentive not to attack (assuming the Heroes look capable enough to defend themselves); anyone donating 25GP to the shrine will be Blessed by the Gargoyle God, which may cause problems if they are a devotee of another deity.
Beneath the hive, and accessible via several small hidden entrances are a series of small cramped tunnels around a metre to a metre and a half in diameter, all converging on a round central chamber around three meters across. These tunnels are infested with CASTLE IMPS; half will be patrolling the tunnels, the rest will be in the central chamber sleeping. During the day, when the Gargoyles fly out, the Imps will pick over the remains of any victims from the night before.
8-48 GARGOYLES, SKILL 9 STAMINA 10, 2 Attacks, Large Claw, Heavy Armour. Only harmed by magical weapons and also afraid of fire. A normal weapon will break after hitting a Gargoyle twice. Can fly.
On the altar to the Gargoyle God, among piles of stinking guano and bones, can be found 3-36 GP, three Red Jewels worth 25gp, two glass vials of silvery Rustbane, and a length of Demonhair Rope (see Demons of Doom, p. 54).
Gula-Grote, GARGOYLE PRIEST, SKILL 10 STAMINA 12, 2 Attacks, Large Claw, Heavy Armour. Only harmed by magical weapons and also afraid of fire. A normal weapon will break after hitting a Gargoyle twice. Can fly.
The Gargoyle Priest has the following priestly abilities: DEVOTION 9, Special Power: Stonemeld (can move through stone like it is water), General Powers: Bravery, Smite vs non-flyers, Weakness.
The priest also has a Holy Symbol of the Gargoyle (vulture's head), 2-12 GP and a Red Jewel (30GP) in a leather pouch, and an Ebon Wand (see Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, p. 136), which it will use in combat if attacked.
3-36 CASTLE IMPS, SKILL 5 STAMINA 4, Bone needle (1 Damage). Fighting Castle Imps in the tunnels is at a -3 penalty to the assailant's Attack Strength.
In their main den is a large clay pot containing 2-12 GP, 1-6 Obsidian Chips (worth 1GP each), and a Red Jewel (10GP).
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