The Lost City of Vardoc (#17/30; #260/365)
"A once teeming city that has been abandoned to the wilderness, its buildings overgrown with creepers and fungi and now home only to beasts, its roads and avenues empty save for ghosts, shades and solitary wanderers."
Vade Mecum Infernum by Aughm Lightchaser (p. 33)
Vardoc was an earlier settlement in this stretch of the Carnelian Desert, until sacked and razed by the combined might of Qag and Kor, its inhabitants scattered to the far corners of this Demonic Plane. Located in a valley on the edgelands between desert and hills, the broken walls and buildings of Vardoc sprawl over the boulder-strewn slopes. Many of the central areas, close to the original oasis, are crawling with various strains of predatory fungi, including aggressive clans of Fungoids, rampaging Vampyric Slime Moulds and seething colonies of Lavender Dream-Shrooms.
Elsewhere the roads of the city are patrolled by Spectres and Shades in ghastly imitations of lives they previously led, prior to the city's destruction. These ghostly inhabitants of Vardoc all pay tribute to their undead liege lord, the King of Shades, a feral tattered malign intelligence, a powerful Greater Spectre, who holds court in the ruins of the city's guardkeep. Elsewhere, lurk exiles and renegades. In the former foundries can be found Thyros the Flame-Restorer, a Greater Fire Demon war-smith, banished from the Plane of Obsidian by rivals jealous of his unparalleled forge-craft. Now Thyros sits and seethes in a dank corner of crumbling Vardoc, aided by a cohort of loyal Gargantus sentinels, planning a bloody and vengeance-seeking triumphant return to his home Plane.
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