CAULDRONWEED (#22/31, #22/365) [TTHA]
Appearance: This low-lying herb grows near water and has no flowers and ragged, dark green leaves. When picked, the ragged leaves exude a sticky sap that smells like burnt porridge. It really is quite unpleasant!
Distribution: Marshes, swamps and river-banks across northern Allansia.
Effects: Cauldronweed is valued by witches and potion-brewers for its unique properties. It can be used as a like-for-like substitute for a missing ingredient when brewing a potion consisting of two or more herbal components (within reason; the Director is at liberty to decide if Cauldronweed is an acceptable switch or not). In addition, if added to a complete set of ingredients during the brewing stage, Cauldronweed will allow the brewer to deduct one from the dice-roll when determining if the potion has been created successfully. Note that these abilities only apply to potions with purely herbal components.
Cost: City 3gp, Town 4gp, Village 5gp (per bunch)
Availability: Rare
Notes: Cauldronweed is one of the many herbs cultivated by the Toadmen of the Bu Fon Fen in central Allansia. It is also highly sought-after by the witches who dwell within the cursed village of Dree.
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