Monday, January 15, 2024

Warrior women of the wilderness, living their best life without men...

AMAZON (#16/31, #16/365) [POT]




WEAPON: Spear, Javelin, Short Sword or Longbow

ARMOUR: Leather Cuirass and Small Shield


HABITAT: Hills, Mountains, Wilderness

NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-6 or 3-18 (see below)


REACTION: Unfriendly


Once thought to be little more than a myth, it is now known that the race of AMAZONS are a clan of fearsome warrior-women who dwell in the rugged wilds east of the city-state of Kalamdar and other lonely places across Khul. Some are also known from the uplands of High Arantis and the Mountains of Grief in Allansia, and they are likely to be found elsewhere in similar terrain. Amazons believe that Logaan created Women first, rather than Men, and have structured their entire society around this religious concept, codified in a series of holy scrolls written by their greatest sage, Demeter Zen the Lore-Mistress.


Small bands of one to six Amazons, armed and armoured as above and riding mountain ponies or more exotic steeds, such as the dreaded Phororhacos or Fangtiger, conduct raids down into the lowlands, seeking to acquire captives and booty. All captured loot is then taken back via hidden passes, to isolated fortified villages of three to eighteen inhabitants. Each village is led by an older Amazon known as a Captive-Keeper, who is almost always a witch or sorceress of some power. The Captive-Keeper ensures the village is protected by magical and non-magical traps, and safe from the prying eyes of the outside world.


Every Amazon village pays fealty and tribute (usually the pick of the male captives) to a mysterious and widely feared Queen. All other captives are sold to unscrupulous captive-traders, including unwanted male children. Female children are brought up as Amazons; likewise, female captives whose combat prowess is good enough may be invited to join the Amazon clan providing they pass several arduous tests of loyalty. The identity and location of the Amazon Queen is a closely guarded secret, though there is a price on her head across the northern kingdoms of Kalamdar, Arion, and Peleus. Despite this, of all the bounty hunters who have set out to track down the Queen of Amazons, not one has returned alive.

The stats above are for typical Amazon warrior-scouts; for other types of Amazon, roll on the table below. In a small group, all Amazons will be of this type, except for the Witch, who will be encountered either alone, or with bodyguards of a second type (i.e. roll again on the table to determine what):

1 Beast Rider: Spear, Scimitar, Leather Hauberk: Roll for steed: 1-2 Mountain Pony, 3 Phororhacos, 4 Fangtigers (2), 5 Giant Lizard, 6 Griffin.

2 Witch: Dagger, No Armour. Has Magic-Sorcery 3, STAMINA 12, and 2-12 Components (of which one is an Orb of Crystal).

3 Blade Mistress: Greatsword (two-handed), Leather Hauberk.

4 Lady-Knight: Sword, Large Shield, Chainmail Hauberk, Great Helm.

5 Trapper: Handaxe, Small Shield, Leather Cuirass, Rope (10 metres).

6 Beast Mistress: Whip, Short Sword, Leather Hauberk. Roll for companion: 1 Night Hawk, 2 Serpent, 3 Giant Spider, 4 Puma, 5 Death Dog, 6 Forest Panther

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