Silver Dragonfly Pendant (#28/31, #28/365) [EA:V2] (Enchanted Item)
This is a silver pendant in the shape of a dragonfly, that hangs around one's neck on a silver chain. On the back of the pendant is the marker's mark - the initials JF. This stands for Jadan Fam, the legendary crafter of these items. The Silver Dragonfly Pendant has been dipped in the juice of the ground-up Manglewort root, a very rare plant found only in springtime in the valleys of the Icefinger Mountains. The tiniest amount acts as a very potent insect repellent. Only Jadan knew where to find the Manglewort, and he never told a soul where they grow to his dying day. The pendant acts as an invisible shield - no
insect will approach the bearer of the herb, effectively creating an
insect-free (Giant or normal-sized) barrier three metres in radius
around the bearer. Any insect that attempts to breach the barrier, will explode, suffering 3-18 STAMINA points of damage. The pendant's effects are permanently 'on' but only apply to actively aggressive insects. Note also, this power only applies to insects, not arachnids, myriapods, crustaceans, worms, etc.
Not available to buy
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