Onyx Egg (#23/31, #144/365) [EA:V2] (Trinket)
This is a large ovoid stone, made completely from jet-black Onyx. When held up in front of some of the weird spherical floating creatures that infest Titan's murky dungeons, such as the Eye Stinger (Out of the Pit, p. 48) or the Diadrone (Beyond the Pit, pp. 39-40), the Onyx Egg will disrupt their gaze, causing the creature's eye(s) to close in confusion. This will last for 2-12 minutes, hopefully allowing for enough time to Escape. The Onyx Egg has one use only, after which it will revert to a non-magical egg-shaped stone made from Onyx worth 3 Gold Pieces.
This is a small token made from the ivory of an Elephant's tusk or Desert Bison's horn, and carved in the likeness of a beetle with an armoured carapace. Some say they can be used as holy symbols of Khepra Darkshell the Beetle God (see Rough Guide to the Pit, p. 44) and were originally crafted by the inhabitants of the Lost City of Vatos. Certainly, when held up in front of any kind of Giant Beetle or Beetle Swarm (see Return to the Pit, pp. 28-30; p. 190) , it will halt their attack for 2-12 minutes, hopefully allowing for enough time to escape. The Ivory Beetle Charm has one use only, after which it will revert to a non-magical ivory beetle charm with 2 Gold Pieces.
This appears as a long hollow bone with holes pierced at regular intervals, allowing it to be played as a flute or pipe. Anyone who blows on a Bone Flute may animate any one small animal skeleton, no larger than a cat, within three metres. The Animal Skeleton will remain under the full-control of the pipe-player (who can stop playing the Bone Flute once the skeleton has animated), and remain animated until the following dawn. If used in combat the Animal Skeleton has SKILL 3 STAMINA 1, and inflicts 1 point of STAMINA damage on a successful hit. The Animal Skeleton can be used to move or manipulate objects that the player of the Bone Flute cannot otherwise reach. When found, a Bone Flute will have 1-6 uses remaining. Once all the magic has been used up, the Bone Flute will revert to a simple but effective musical instrument worth 2 Gold Pieces.
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