Monday, May 6, 2024

Return of the (non-Silver) Crusader!

CRUSADER (#4/31, #125/365) [POT]





ARMOUR: Plate Armour and Large Shield


HABITAT: Towns, Plains, Hills, Forests, Dungeons, Ruins, Caves


TYPE: Humanoid

REACTION: Friendly-Neutral-Hostile


On Titan, the CRUSADER is a holy warrior, tasked by the forces and gods of Good with launching all-out assaults on the strongholds of Evil and Chaos. The Blessed Crusade is possibly the most renowned of these attacks, launched by Analand against the Verminpit of Kakhabad in 1688 OT, but more recent campaigns include the Crusade against Chaos a century ago where Ruddlestone Templars fought against the dread lord Belgaroth, and, very recently, the Bathorian Crusade, against the death cults in that cursed province of Mauristatia. Even if there is no current crusade in motion, a Crusader will still be questing, looking to clear dungeons of evil creatures or die gloriously in the attempt. In their constant and often individual activity, Crusaders thus differ from Paladins, who are more generally Good in nature and deeds instead of relentlessly baiting Chaos, or Templars, who are more devoutly religious and tied to central authorities such as temples and rulers.

Nevertheless, the Crusader is almost always drawn from the knights of Goodly realms, and appears similar to them, usually clad in plate armour, with a large shield and wielding a sword. They will also have some special gear acquired on their crusades - roll twice on the table below, ignoring duplicates, to determine what:

Roll Special Item

1 Warhorse with Plate Barding

2 1-6 flasks of Holy Water

3 a Holy Symbol of their God (Roll: 1 Fourga, 2 Libra, 3-4 Telak, 5 Glantanka, 6 Courga)

4 a Magic Sword (roll on the table in Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, pp. 135-136)

5 a Magic Shield (roll on the table in Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, p. 132)

6 Magic Armour (roll on the table in Encyclopedia Arcana: Volume 1, p. 125)

Crusaders will always be friendly towards adventurers and Heroes with Goodly actions and motivations. Those who act furtively and suspiciously may arouse their ire, while any hint of an affiliation or preference for Evil and Chaos will initiate an instantaneous and outright attack by the Crusader. These are not warriors to be trifled with lightly! Given the recent history of the Bathorian Crusade it is perhaps no surprise that most well-known Crusaders currently hail from that conflict and include such mainly Ruddlestonian notables as Anvus Ravalan, Evrain Peredur, Isolde Laodegan, and Marrok of the Eldermark.

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