Thursday, October 17, 2024

Casting cantrips for cold cash up front...

SPELL-FOR-HIRE (#17/31, #291/365) [POT]







HABITAT: Towns, Dungeons, Ruins, Caves, Forests, Plains, Wilderness


TYPE: Humanoid



The arcane, magic-using equivalent to a mercenary, the SPELL-FOR-HIRE is motivated by one thing only - gold, and lots of it, in exchange for the power of their magical spells. They wander the land seeking gainful employment as a spellcaster-for-sale, whose costs amount to 16gp a day in wages as a Hireling (see Heroes Companion, p. 32). Spell-For-Hires all have a MAGIC score of 6, but can vary in their eldritch professional knowledge - roll on the below table to establish their particular magical provenance:

Roll Magic Type and Scores

1-3 Wizard: has a Magic-Wizardry Special Skill of 2, with 16 Magic Points of Wizardry spells.

4 Demi-Sorcerer: has a Magic-Demi-Sorcery Special Skill of 2, with 16 Magic Points of Demi-Sorcery spells.

5 Illusionist: has a Magic-Illusionism Special Skill of 2, with 16 Magic Points of Illusionism spells.

6 Warlock: has a Magic-Warlock Magic Special Skill of 2, with 16 Magic Points of Warlock spells.

All Spell-For-Hires also have a Magic-Minor Magic Special Skill of 2 and 6 Cantrips. Spell-For-Hires tend to cultivate something of a flamboyant appearance and reputation in order to attract potential employers. Roll 1-3 times on the following table to determine what makes a particular Spell-For-Hire special:

Roll Flamboyant Accessory


2 a very large and ostentatious Hat!

3 an elaborate set of wizardly Robes

4 a potion rack with 2-4 Potions

5 an exotic Riding Steed

6 a scholarly collection of 2-4 Scrolls

In addition all Spell-For-Hires will have a Staff, a Potion of MAGIC, and their closely-guarded Spellbook.

The Spell-For-Hire lives something of a precarious existence, trying to champion their capable magical potency without being accused of witchcraft, annoying other spellcasters or Wizards' Guilds local to the area, or rousing the ire of the Abolish High Magicks brigade. It is perhaps not surprising that some then rejoin a guild or college to continue their training and studies, while others may become an amanuensis to a successful Battle Mage, as an assistant wizards to help them cast their spells (and hopefully learn some Battle Magic on the side).

Other Spell-For-Hires seem more than happy with the freelance life, whether in a busy cityport or out on the open road. Panesh the Potent (see Heroes of Titan, p. 52), is a Spell-For-Hire from western Khul, who rejected the gaudy showmanship of his master, Agravert Peltophas of Anghelm, for an existence based simply on a decent amount of gold pieces in exchange for spells that work. Others with similarly effective mercenary-like creeds include Prospero Seacharmer of Chalannabrad, hired for their expertise in dealing with the inhabitants of the Eelsea. A recent Spell-For-Hire with a growing reputation is Bhingara the Orc Mage of Port Blacksand, who deals with the jobs that city's Wizards' Guild are too busy for.

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