Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Corrosive Grapes of Conformity

Corrosive Grapes (#24/31, #298/365) [EA:V2] (Curiosity)*

This is an unexploded bunch of acidic grapes taken from the carnivorous plant known as the Grapes of Wrath (see The Titan Herbal Addendum, p. XX). They are carefully kept in a leather pouch, and are small spherical fruits that can vary in colour; roll on the following table to determine what the type the bunch of grapes are:

Roll Bunch of Grapes Type and Colour

1 Pinot Noir: Deep purple

2 Merlot: Dark blue

3 Cabernet Sauvignon: Dark red

4 Semillon: Golden

5 Riesling: Yellow-green

6 Chardonnay: Green

When not attached to the vines of the Grapes of Wrath, Corrosive Grapes will be stable, requiring the application of force to activate their acidic properties. They can destroy one metal object they are applied to, such as weapons, armour, manacles, locks, gates, portcullises, and chests. If they are thrown at a creature made of metal, such as a Metal Sentinel, Iron Cyclops or Iron Golem, they will cause 2-12 STAMINA points of damage.

Care must be taken however, for the acidic goo will dissolve flesh as well as metal, which is why the grapes are kept in a pouch. If they are applied or thrown without protective measures, such as leather gloves, they cause 2 STAMINA points of damage to whoever is holding them, as the acid eats their bare skin.

If it is thrown at a more normal adversary, toll one die and consult the table below to see what happens.

Roll Effect of Corrosive Grapes

1-2 Destroys any one piece of metal armour the adversary may be carrying.

3-4 Destroys the adversary's weapon (if metal). They must fight unarmed.

5-6 Destroys both the armour and weapon, if applicable.

If the adversary does not have any metal weapons or armour, they take 2 STAMINA damage, but are allowed an Armour Roll if they have a wooden shield or leather armour. Note that the destructive effects also apply to magical weapons and armour made from metal, but their owner is allowed to Test for Luck to avoid the effects.

Corrosive Grapes are reputed to be harvested on the Pangarian island of Cirrus, in order for the Technomancers of that archipelago to use their acidic properties in magical and alchemical procedures. Vine Wranglers on Cirrus have also reported that Corrosive Grapes are excellent when deployed to control outbreaks of Ironhedge, keeping its invasive branch-growth well in check.

Cost 14gp

* One use only

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