Monday, October 14, 2024

The return of MUNGO!

SAILOR (#13/31, #287/365) [POT]




WEAPON: Dagger or see below

ARMOUR: None or Leather Jack


HABITAT: Towns, Seas/Sea-shore, Rivers, Lakes, Ice

NUMBER ENCOUNTERED: 1-6 or as per boat

TYPE: Humanoid



Across the twelve seas of Titan sails the SAILOR, as well as over lakes and up and down rivers too! Sailors are capable deckhands at using watercraft from a rowboat up to a galleon in size, depending on their location. Their choice of apparel also reflects their domain; sailors on warm, tropical waters typically wear a head-covering and light baggy clothing, while those in colder seas may wear so much padded waterproof hide it counts as a Leather Jack for armour purposes. All Sailors have a dagger stashed upon their person, as well as one other weapon of choice and the appropriate Special Skill(s). Roll on the table below to determine what that weapon is (or assume all Sailors are armed with Cutlasses or Belaying Pins):

Roll Weapon Type

1 Net (and roll again, ignoring any further rolls of 1)

2 Harpoon (as per Trident)

3 Cutlass (as per Scimitar)

4 Belaying Pin (as per Club)

5 Throwing Dagger

6 Pistol (Roll: 1-3 Flintlock, 4-6 Matchlock)

Sailors may be found in towns and cities on shore leave, along the waterfront and in dockside taverns, drinking in small groups, or, when encountered elsewhere, aboard their chosen vessel. To determine what boat is being sailed and how many Sailors are aboard, roll on the table below (reroll any result that does not feel appropriate for the Habitat type):

Roll Boat Type

1 Knarr/Rowboat (Crew: 2-7 Sailors)

2 Longship (Crew: 10 Sailors)

3 Cog (Crew: 10 Sailors)

4 Caravel (Crew: 10 Sailors)

5 Barge (Crew: 20 Sailors)

6 Roll: 1-3 Galley (Crew: 40 Sailors), 4-6 Galleon (Crew: 55 Sailors)

Each boat will also have a CAPTAIN (SKILL 10 STAMINA 10, weapons and armour as per Sailor), and, if there are at least 20 Sailors, a FIRST MATE (SKILL 8 STAMINA 9, weapons and armour as per Sailor). Both the Captain and the First Mate may have a Magical Tattoo on a roll of 6; roll on the table below to determine the type of Magical Tattoo:

Roll Magical Tattoo Type

1-2 Rising Sun

3-4 Dive of the Dolphin

5-6 Eye of the Raptor

The scores above can generate an average profile for the Sailors' Ship Characteristics as follows: CREW SKILL 6 CREW STAMINA 5, Crew Morale 7, Light Weapons, Numbers as per Boat type. To determine different profiles and/or Special Skills for the Sailors' Ship Characteristics, roll on one or both of the following tables:

Roll Sailor Crew Type

1 Novice Crew

2 Normal Crew

3 Veteran Crew

4 Navy Crew (see also the MARINES entry)

5 Pirate Crew (see also the PIRATE entry)

6 Elite Crew

Roll Sailor Crew Special Skill

1 Perception

2 Sea Lore

3 Close Combat

4 Ship Weapons

5 Crafts

6 Carousing

Given the dangers of sailing across any body of water on Titan, including dreadful storms, horrible monsters and bloodthirsty cutthroats, it is perhaps not surprising that some sailors switch professions. More than a few are tempted by illicit gains and become pirates, smugglers or wreckers, while others may go the other way, to become marines and gunners on warships. Still other Sailors become adventurers, merchants and explorers, perhaps dreaming of the day they can captain their own ship, or, better yet, retire to a nice cityport somewhere to run their own tavern! A reverse example was the adventurer Mungo of Oyster Bay, who retired to become a Sailor on the daunting coastline of north-western Allansia, on his small boat, the Blue Marlin

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