Saturday, October 5, 2024

How many pads could a footpad foot if a footpad could foot pads?

FOOTPAD (#5/31, #279/365) [POT]




WEAPON: See below

ARMOUR: See below


HABITAT: Towns, Towns (sewers), Ruins, Dungeons


TYPE: Humanoid

REACTION: Unfriendly-Hostile


"I drew my sword, and backed against a wall as the FOOTPADS closed around me. One massively built villain stepped forward, armed with a length of heavy chain.

    'Well, well,' he chuckled unpleasantly. 'It's got a sword. Come on, then - let's see how good you are!'."

- Tales of Initiation, an anonymous collection from Port Blacksand.

A Footpad is your classic standover merchant, a troublesome violent presence on lonely city streets, quite happily separating random innocent passersby from their valuables, and worse for working in large intimidating packs. Footpads typically wear ragged but useful clothing, with hoods and padded feet (hence their name!) wrapped with cloth rags that allow them to deduct 1 from any Stealth Special Skill roll. All Footpads carry a Dagger stashed somewhere upon their person, but they can be highly variable otherwise. Roll on the below tables to determine various individual details for each encountered Footpad.

Roll Weapon Type (roll for all Footpads)

1 Armoured Fist

2 Club (typically an old chair leg)

3 Heavy Chain

4 Blackjack

5 Shortsword

6 Handaxe

Roll Extras (roll a die for each Footpad; on a 6 roll two dice on the table below)

2 Fire Dust

3 Hand Crossbow

4 Caltrops

5 Net

6 Shortbow

7 Rope

8 Throwing Dagger

9 Blowpipe

10 Ball Bearings

11 Flintlock Pistol

12 a Grenade

Armour Table (roll for all Footpads)

1-2 None

3 Armoured Fist, if already have, then Breastplate

4 Leather Jack

5 Leather Cuirass

6 Small Shield

If six or more Footpads are encountered, one of them will be a Footpad Leader with SKILL 8 STAMINA 7 and one roll on the Extras table above. Footpads are particularly prevalent in lawless and semi-lawless settlements across Titan such as Port Blacksand, Ashkyos, and Tak. They tend to begin as rabble bands high on aggression and low on sophistication, but the best rise to become some of the most elite professional urban robbers in any tactical street-level environment, separating a chosen wealthy target from their riches with speed, stealth and efficiency. Nevertheless, the occasional Footpad does eventually tire of the grubby violent nature of their work, and give up the putting the frighteners on people in favour of becoming an adventurer instead, questing for wealth and glory.

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