Friday, January 13, 2023

Haunted Sidechamber (#12/365)

Haunted Sidechamber (#12/365)

"This small side chamber is stacked with piles of terracotta tiles. Even as you gaze upon their umber ranks, one of the tiles levitates off from the stacks and hurtles through the air towards you, smashing into the wall in a cloud of clay shards and dust, accompanied by an unearthly howling scream!"

Contents: This spiritual manifestation is a POLTERGEIST, which is the ghost of a murdered builder, slain and sealed within the tomb-complex. It will fling terracotta tiles at the Heroes for as long as they remain in this room.

Under the pile of terracotta tiles is the crushed skeleton of the builder. If the Poltergeist is Banished or Warded off by a Priest, or even if a Priest simply says a few short words of peace for the skeleton/victim, the Poltergeist will vanish. Among the bones of the skeleton is a Bronze Key.


1 POLTERGEIST, SKILL 9, STAMINA 0, Attacks: 1 per Hero, Flings terracotta tiles (1 STAMINA damage), does not take damage. Disappears if successfully Warded or Banished  by a Priest.

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